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New Block Infinite in MKX?

Should this be banned at TFC?

  • Yes.

  • No. Let it rock.

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This was around before the buffs by the way
No it wasn't. They made his b+2 faster by 3 frames otherwise he never had a block infinite on anyone before the 8/31 patch because there was always a 10 frame gap to poke out after b+2,1,1+4~blade drop, f+1,2+4~quick call.

Edit: I mean the backdashing and trying to jump out after when he does b+2 isn't really good anymore do to the 3 frame start up increase so you're forced to take guaranteed damage.
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So apparently from another source, Takeda has another block infinite by doing f+1,2+4~blade summon, f+1,2+4~quick call, rinse repeat. If this is done down to the frame, it's supposed to be a block infinite on slower characters.

Can anyone confirm? I can't check until tomorrow.
why is hsit like this so common. weeks before almsot every tournament - dating back to injustice days as far as i rememeber (dont remember any op findings back in during the days of mk9) - is there some iutright retarded tech found for a character. its so damn aggravating because now nrs is going to have to ho back AGAIN and do more nerfs. sick an tired of it. just nerf this game to its grave so we can get on to their next underdeveloped fighting game


This is really dumb but banning this is just as dumb imo. Most of the time you'll have meter or a decent backdash to get out of it. Jason's backdash is trash.

This community is too quick to ban shit imo. What buff made this possible, anyways? I remember a local player here doing something similar but i wasn't sure if it was a "block infinite" before this last patch.