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General/Other Looking for a Sub teacher


hey guys, I main sub and I want to level up! I am looking for someone to help me with his mixups and other high level tactics. I have a copy on both systems and I have a mic so we can talk during the matches. let me know if you are willing to help me out and i hope i can learn as much as i can from you guys.


Crazy 88 king
hey guys, I main sub and I want to level up! I am looking for someone to help me with his mixups and other high level tactics. I have a copy on both systems and I have a mic so we can talk during the matches. let me know if you are willing to help me out and i hope i can learn as much as i can from you guys.
Im down to help you out online but if you ever wanna come by and play for a bit that would be easier.Im no expert with him yet but Im down to share what I know with him.


Venom Addict/Space Pope
hey guys, I main sub and I want to level up! I am looking for someone to help me with his mixups and other high level tactics. I have a copy on both systems and I have a mic so we can talk during the matches. let me know if you are willing to help me out and i hope i can learn as much as i can from you guys.
I'd say I have good enough knowledge with him to be able to teach you a few things. I have a Kung Lao mentor thread too so I'll be busy with that for a while, which is the only reason i didnt start a Sub0 mentor thread as well. If I find time I can teach you as sort of a side student. Just know I have to work with my Lao students first. Until then, I'm sure Farmer can get you started. Cheers :cheers:


thanks for the replies guys. ill add you all when i get home. looking forward to the matches.


hey guys, I main sub and I want to level up! I am looking for someone to help me with his mixups and other high level tactics. I have a copy on both systems and I have a mic so we can talk during the matches. let me know if you are willing to help me out and i hope i can learn as much as i can from you guys.
Ninjay! Sabin is a great Sub-player.

Emulate his Clone-usage in the Match around 5:25 and you will go far! :)


I am the salt
Is it just my perverted mind or does reptiles loincloth look like a giant dong when he's frozen?

If you don't see what I mean- look at 6:34 in the first vid posted

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Reptile is confirmed to be a horse and not a lizard.
Can't see the video Tamana?

Then use this link :)

Watch the Clone-Usage in the Match that starts 5:25
Thanks for that - not sure why I could not see it? I like his corner pressure and and aggressive play to dash block and eat all the space left by his opponent - very intelligent stuff. Ice clone baits are good also. In terms of learning Sub though, don't use meter like that - too many random EN slides imo. I only use that move when I hit confirm into ice and can reverse being in the corner from a guaranteed combo or to get a little extra zest in my combo to kill. Other thing I would add is there are more damaging combos available to Sub from freeze and ice clone that would have netted anything from 2-4 % more damage in every combo. Uppercut in the corner is also a move, that unless it kills, means you lose your positional advantage because you hook them out of the corner. I might sound overaly critical and maybe I am, but if you want to get good, it's important to point out the good and bad in what you see to help you learn!
I totally agree, Tamanapants. Not only that, but there were a lot of times when he could have switched sides after a freeze to maintain corner pressure, but didn't. Especially at the end of rounds, as well. And the fact that he used 2,2,2 was very bad. But as far as I'm aware he just picked up Sub recently, and he did seem to come into his stride in the later matches. I look forward to seeing what Sabin can do down the line.
My post was not intended to rag on Arturo (and I know you were not suggesting that either). At the end of the day Reptile is his #1 and he has already got some very good fundamentals with SZ at an early stage - I imagine it would take him no time to iron out the bits I mentioned. Posting that video was very worthwhile for the clone spacing and corner pressure, as well as the way he owned the screen and got the Reptile player to be scared of pressing buttons. I pointed out the stuff I did because someone learning SZ should be aware of the things not to pick up from those matches.

Frankly, I would advise any aspiring SZ to watch Tom Brady videos - still have not seen anyone better than him with Jack Frost - spacing, clone use, ice ball pressure, spacial awareness, positioning, 22 mix ups, resets. Definately the benchmark if you want an idea of what "good" looks like.
Looking for a sub master too!
On xbox gamertag xREDHEATx

Have a mic and live in AZ-usually on in the evenings.

Need help with some combos---not getting the njp B12-212 slide, juggles, corners and teleporters.



i am watching this and whatever i can find from tom brady at power up. are there any videos of sub zero players from the PDP tourney?


i am watching this and whatever i can find from tom brady at power up. are there any videos of sub zero players from the PDP tourney?
Did you check how Sabin used SubZero in the earlier vid i posted as well?

Here is some Sub-play from The Master himself, Tom Brady. The best Sub-Zero out there atm!

Ninjay! Sabin is a great Sub-player.

Emulate his Clone-usage in the Match around 5:25 and you will go far! :)
Guess he knows his basics, but he needs to get the right combos figured out. Someone pointed this out already, saying hes missing out on 2-4%... its rather 6-7% on each punish.

Occational 2,2,2 can just be a mispress, I get a few of them when I am to eager...
Also capitalize when he trades with EX Freeze, they are frozen for ages.


Did you check how Sabin used SubZero in the earlier vid i posted as well?

Here is some Sub-play from The Master himself, Tom Brady. The best Sub-Zero out there atm!
yea i watched all of them. i have learned alot from the videos. the b12, 214 slide when the opponent is frozen in the air is awesome and i need to get the timing down on the 214 xray. i definately need to work on dashblocking and 224 ice clone.


Elder God
Thanks for the critical breakdown much appreciated. If someone could tell me the correct combos I should be doing that would help too. I'm still learning and trying to improve

I also never mean to do 222 obviously I mess up inputs

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After 22~Freeze, I would say JPS 214 ~ Slide is the best combo on a grounded frozen opponent (same goes for someone walking into clone). Also good to do the JPS as a cross up if you know the resulting combo will give you positional advantage and get you out of a corner/near corner situation - flip sides basically.

For people jumping into clones in mid air B+1 2, 212 ~ Slide is probably best. In the corner you can change 212 for 214. Just be careful fo height of your opponent when frozen. Anything below waist high mid air feeze there is a good chance the B+1 might whiff (especially if they are frozen horizontal) - in this case try whiffing the B+1 or just got for 212~ Slide.


What's a Smarrgasm?
I know this thread has been dead for a while but hopefully some people will see this when coming by. Im looking for not just a sub teacher but an overall mortal kombat mentor. Looking for ways to improve my game. Yomi, mixups, and in general fighting strategy. My main problem is going toe to toe with people which is mainly why i use sub zero and hide behind clones. i want to learn to be able to use more characters than ones that my combos rely on stunning characters with freezes as they chase. Add me or pm me on xbox live. GT-Smarrgasm.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
I know this thread has been dead for a while but hopefully some people will see this when coming by. Im looking for not just a sub teacher but an overall mortal kombat mentor. Looking for ways to improve my game. Yomi, mixups, and in general fighting strategy. My main problem is going toe to toe with people which is mainly why i use sub zero and hide behind clones. i want to learn to be able to use more characters than ones that my combos rely on stunning characters with freezes as they chase. Add me or pm me on xbox live. GT-Smarrgasm.
Have you tried Noob? Noob relies on his keepaway game. He isn't the best character in the game, but he is a mystery in the right hands. It's not so much Noob's proijectiles that make him good, but his options from about half-screen distance. You never want to go toe to toe against somebody with Noob, so he might be a good character for your style. (I really have to stop repping Noob so much, lol).

Have you read the guide for Sub-Zero? Also, watch as much of Tom Brady's Sub-Zero as you can and pay careful attention to his spacing and ice clone useage... he's not hiding behind the clone. Learn Sub-Zero's mixup game which all stems from 22, and learn the ranges you want to fight at with him depending on matchups. You'll be dictating the pace of a match a lot more that way. A lot of these problems can be solved in practise by yourself if you know what you're looking for. I am learning too, and what I am finding is that Sub is a character with amazing fundamentals but one who takes a long time to learn just because he's not really a character with a strategy you can simply rinse and repeat. At his best, Sub is all about reads and mindgames. That makes him "potentially" the best character in a thinking player's hands, in my opinion.

I am sure somebody like Dark_Rob (who has a great Sub-Zero from what I've seen), can you help you with setups and execution, but you really have to figure a lot of it out in your own time. This is why you have practise mode; it's not there primarily for combos, it's there for your setups and is a dumping ground for all those different scenarios you have in your head against different characters. Ideally, you want somebody to practise with offline because you can only manipulate the training bot to do so much. Unfortunately, I don't have anybody to practise with offline so my game is very limited as a result. You'll find few people online who are willing to try and optimise strats with you, and even then online just plays differently to offline because of lag, so it can be tough to learn the ins and outs of the game this way. For example, how can I punish Raiden's teleport? The answers for offline and online are quite different.
Thanks for the critical breakdown much appreciated. If someone could tell me the correct combos I should be doing that would help too. I'm still learning and trying to improve

I also never mean to do 222 obviously I mess up inputs

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Sorry, didn't see this until now.

All of the ones Tamanapants mentioned are solid. Surprised he didn't mention JIP b+1,2,1, though, seen as it was him that brought it to peoples' attention. It's been serving me well so far, especially in the corner.

For a bit more dmg than you get from JIP 2,1,4 xx Slide you can do NJP dash 1, dash b+1,2, 2,1,2 xx Slide.

In the corner, don't end with Slide, because you can't set up Clones properly. End with either 2,2,2 or 2,1,4 depending on your opp's wake-up options.

But the main thing (in my opinion) is that whenever you have a combo opportunity, be aware of your placing on the stage, and always make sure to push the opp into the corner with whatever combo you choose.