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Miley Cyrax®

I guess if you catch someone with an ex-dust as your final hit, the stun animation doesn't happen and it just goes to FINISH HIM. Had me scratchin my head for a moment lol


Miley Cyrax®
surprising end:DOGE
This is really cool. I tested it on a bunch of opponents. This works against most characters, but not all. It loses to Cassie's ex-rising kick, Sonya's ex-db4 (i forget the name of the special), Sonya's X-Ray, three specials from Predator, KL ex-spin..
Yes, nice fight. Yesterday I also played a couple of games in Tru Koth
I know I saw them, your good but everyone on his stream chat kept calling Jacqui only a spammer and say that she isn't good......smh. So Tru tries to tell them that Jacqui isn't bad and a strong character in the right hands. He also stated that she's isn't the worst in the game because folks in his stream chat kept downplaying her. I wish folks would understand this girl style of play. But it's alright though, people are gonna believe what they want. I think people are just frustrated with her and don't know how to face her in a match. Also check out Rizzy's FA Jacqui I posted here. It's kinda long but worth watching.
I saw part of the video. He uses only 1 way to offence - jip. this will only work in online, Good opponents will be punished. I do not recommend to abuse this tactics
Well he still a decent Jacqui FA player. Most folks only see the FA variation of hers as a spam one. Now I'm not saying that he's the best in the world or anything to but to me he's pretty damn good especially since he's not heavily relying on her guns to do all the work. Not only that he sometimes utilizes Jacqui's corner game too. No ones gameplay is perfect however, out of all of the Jacqui FA online game play I seen on YT he's one of the best ones I saw. That's all I'm saying , no disrespect to other good Jacqui players.
Its not spaming, its zoning, man :DOGE
Zoning or not well tbh most people who don't understand Jacqui's zoning tactics only still see that as spamming. Don't believe me then watch some of the TrU3ta1ent stream that you were on it's on his channel title "Jacqui is underrated". Tru likes Jacqui too and watch how many times Tru has to explain to people that Jacqui isn't bad. The hole point is that Yes Jacqui is a zone type of character but most will never understand that. Her guns is an effective tool but it's shouldn't be heavily rely relied on if you don't want spammer as word to describe the way you play. It is fools like Negotir and other spammers who gave Jacqui a bad rep. That alone got folks paranoid to only believing that people spam her gun rather using it as an effective zoning tool during Kombat. BTW folks forget that Jacqui is NOT the only character with projectiles that can spam. But still she gets single out for it.


Miley Cyrax®
I participate in offline tournaments and I do not care how to win.
how to relate to this majority, we should not worry, right?
b2~db2 all day in the corner
Agreed! It's their own fault for losing to spam. Losing to something predictable and repetitive is still a win.
Ya'll are right but I rather her players and future players not be misunderstood because of how she's played. I want to see more people use her. Jacqui has potential. So yes her status to some degree matters. Sure it don't matter how other feel but her status do. Her status alone might determine if she'll stay or not in future games. I honestly want to see Jacqui and the rest of the younger generation back in the next installment. Feel free to disagree. I'm not trying to argue with anyone here, I just only have some concerns for her as a fan that all. Does that make me a bad person? With that said enough of this sad talk lets keep uploading awesome video of Jacqui. That's what this thread is about isn't it?