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[Aug 16, 2013] Galloping Ghost Arcade - MK9 Low Tier Tournament 8/15/2013 (Brookfield, IL)


Was very fun to watch. I personally couldn't care less about all that recent Injustice-related crap,
but I'm happy someone still remembers what "Test Your Might" was really attached to once.
Yet another reason for me to love and respect GGA guys.
It's stuff like this, what makes me still checking TYM every once in a while
(even though I was a regular here, before Injustice came out) Keep it up folks!

P.S.:Huge props to 16-bit and Slips for amusing(if not hillarious at times) commentary
P.P.S.: Once again disappointed with Sindel being underplayed tbh...oh well.... one day, I hope


I liked this tournament a lot too!
Slips and 16bit commentary is too funny (only a real master would allow his friend to film a birth).

I think Rain does a little too much damage to be in this tournament though.
16bit proved that he isn't just a Kitana-only master, but can be good with different characters too.
These kind of tournaments really show the skill-level of the player (and not the character).
I wonder if Reo would have won if he entered (and who he would have played).
I bet REO would have played CSZ

Highlights for me were around 44:00 - Baraka Xray and 1hour3oish was Jade vs Quan Chi

Did this contain the first Sindel mirror ever streamed (or played)?

Should be a special rule for Sub mirrors - if streamed they have to use the unlimited meter code


Again, I really liked these matches. They are unique (you normally don't see these characters) and exciting. Any chance for a second low tier tournament (without Rain)?
A second running would be even better now the players have somewhat trained with their new charactes