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A thank you request


Hello all. I have terrible and wonderful news all around. I've been an absolute wreck the past two days now, but that's not important.

Yesterday, my dog dug a hole under my backyard fence and ran away. Which, I admit, the wood is becoming weak and he is a strong dog, so it was probably not so difficult for him. It must have happened so quickly. I was letting him run around outside while I showered. I should have been watching him, I should have had the fence in better condition... I'll stop. I want to blame myself (which I deserve) but that does not help me now. I'll have a contractor out shortly to build a new fence - tall and metal.

At any rate, I drove around the neighborhood crying his name "Leon!" like a Resident Evil sidekick or a crazy ex girlfriend looking for him. But the worst had happened. My four legged BFF of 7 years was hit by a car.

But, some beautiful, hero of a man saw him get hit and actually stopped, and took my poor, severly injured dog to the vet. I was later told they would have euthanized him on the spot if it were not for his micro chip. His entire chest cavity was exposed. Lungs, ribs, all of it visible. And this man still had the courage and compassion to help Leon.

What he doesn't know (yet), is that not only did he save a life, he pretty much restored my faith in humanity that day. There are still kind, wonderful people in this world.

Leon made it through surgery like a champ. I mentioned earlier, he is a strong dog. :) The vet said he would not recognize me due to being heavily sedated, but he was surprised because when I held him he started to wag his tail.

Today, there are x rays and blood work. I'm not allowed to be there because the vet thinks it will upset him. I am having some trouble keeping back tears. But I left my shirt with him, and I am going to do the absolutely nicest thing I can think of for his rescuer. Suggestions are welcome. Which, is a part of the point of this thread.

I would like to print this along with my own novel of a thank you and give it to the hero that saved my dog's life. Hug your pets tight, friends. And remember that there are still some amazing people in this world.



Online Punching Bag
Sometimes people can surprise you amongst all the douchebags and egocentric people in this world there are still good people. Hope Leon makes a speedy recovery. Foxy is right, delicious food is always appreciated by men.
I think a hand written note would be nice--you could try to keep it short and express how important Leon is to you and how much it means that someone was there to help him.

Anytime I received a hand written note, it felt very personal and special compared to an email or something in type. That note may very well be something this person reads when they are having a rough time and wonder if what they do matters. I wish Leon a speedy recovery.


Nightwolf of the galaxy
Protip- chip your dogs.

Cake is good. Gift cards for gas are enjoyed by many. A T-shirt that says "I save lives, No questions asked" on the back or something along thise lines. He would probably be thrilled to see the dog again too.

Probably terrible ideas, But I am very glad your dog is alright!


Salt Proprietor of TYM
GIVE ME BACK JESTER! WHY WOULD YOU TAKE MY DOG?!?! Seriously I'm going to have to show you a pic of my hound, our dogs look a lot alike.


Remember, representing ermac is illmatic.
Leon is so adorable, he reminds of my friends dog harley. when i used to live at my friends house, me and harley were always chillin!
Well seriously im glad people in the world have empathy and humility, this story really warmed my heart.


Odds are, he was not looking for anything in return. This person sounds like a truly good person.

My personal thought? Locate your nearest no-kill animal shelter and make a donation in his name and then contact him and tell him you did this as a thank you for what he did for you. Since he cared enough to stop for a helpless injured animal, I'm sure he'll truly appreciate the gesture.


Vet update: Leon has been walking a bit and breathing very well and his blood is good. Not out of the woods they said, but he's healing nicely after something so traumatic. They are mostly concerned for potential after surgery blood clots. He is eating and drinking on his own, and the nurses say he's very sweet (knew that :)) and tough (knew that too :)) But I cannot visit. They said sometimes the depression when the owner leaves is too much and they may not do so well after.

They did show me photos last night, I wish they hadn't. I majored in biology, but when you see someone you love injured like that... I lost my composure and broke down sobbing. His face is still beautiful. At least it was until I got it all covered in tears and snot lol.

I like the human society idea. That is where I got Leon from all those years ago. We've been through everything together... And he's never leaving my side again. I'm going all Paris Hilton on his ass from now on :)
"Leon" is a nice name for your companion. Yay for having nerves of steel and recovering from a highly-dangerous collision!

The restoration of faith in humanity is a great feeling.

I agree, personalized letters are amazing.

Also, a nice big hug goes a long way.

If he is cute, don the costume...
Hugs are always appreciated.


Cold day in hell...
Odds are, he was not looking for anything in return. This person sounds like a truly good person.

My personal thought? Locate your nearest no-kill animal shelter and make a donation in his name and then contact him and tell him you did this as a thank you for what he did for you. Since he cared enough to stop for a helpless injured animal, I'm sure he'll truly appreciate the gesture.
Pretty much this and I'm sure he would like to see Leon so he gets to see how much he really did help.


Was it good for you?
This hit close to home for me (I'm a veterinary technician :p) and reading it made me tear up. It's amazing to know that there are genuine people out there that would go out of their way for an animal. It's not something I see that often at work tbh. Animal's are treated as "second class citizens" and their lives aren't of much value to many people. It gives me a little more faith in humanity to know that there are people out there like that though.

As for a "thank you" gesture, I think a hand written note would be a good idea. I also agree that a donation to a shelter or humane society in his name would also be amazing. There are also local rescues to donate too, which would probably be the best in my opinion. I'd be weary of donating to a shelter though and if you do just be sure it's a No-Kill Shelter!

I hope Leon makes a full and speedy recovery :)

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk ;_;


I like the donations and hand-written sentiments and cake (who does't like cake? ;)) but I'm also thinking like a picture of Leon included with the letter and "Thank you" on the picture. Kinda like it's actually coming from Leon ya know? Might be a little much but I like it :D


Protip- chip your dogs.
This is true. If it wasnt for the chip theydve put him down to end the suffering instead of fixing him. Really glad everything worked out and was in place for Leon to be able recover. Defnitely write the hero something nice, and definitely let him see Leon again when hes better. Hed appreciate that. Tell him about your faith being restored...and also your love for your best firend being restored. Best wishes Goldy...hes gonna be ok = ). (and id still get him dinner at least =p)