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if there was a zombie apocalypse which 5 MK players would you want in your survival group and why?


Just a slightly above average player.....
Noobe Lbsh Look at the size of this man he will rail road any horde of zombies.
Pig Of The Hut I think he would be a serious survivor and have great ideas on what to do.
@CDjr Manny's clutch and has alot of heart he's all about family.
J360 good friend and always seams down to help people out and would never leave someone behind.
the last spot not sure I would leave it up to these four to pick.


Online Punching Bag
i'd take all the slow ones, they would be a good distraction, and cardio is important according to the movie Zombieland. Oh yeah and STB Goldfish cause I think she's hot.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
Reo- He could throw or sweep one of them and then teabag them thus resulting in him having no hitbox vs the zombies :REO
16 Bit - he can spam them with instant air controllers to the face :16Bit

Pig of the hut~ they won't even be able to get within 5 miles of him :p

Tom Brady - its all over 4 them once he corrals them all to a corner

Maxter- he'll be able to immobilize them with a net or get them to walk into a bomb trap ;)

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
GamerBlake - Reminds me of Pip from that dodgeball episode of South Park, where if you piss him off (in this case, zombies), he will go insane and kill everything in sight.

Tyrant - Watch the movies. Black guys are the first to go in these situations, but always do something that allows others to get out unharmed.

Pig of the Hut - Organizes events, helps everyone in need of going to events, and constantly tells you all to get your plane tickets on time. With his leadership skills, I won't have to use my brain at all.

m2dave - In the case of intelligent zombies, a sacrifice will need to be given. None better than a coward who would probably run away from the team, and try to zone zombies with his shoes or some shit.

Goldfish - We need a girl.


Waiting for Havik
dude, its a damn duck. Ducks run away from you when you get like 10 ft close to them.
But imagine having to fight 100 of these

Screw That.
I would use the damn horses as sled dogs while trying to escape from the big scary duck.
None of them, because they have been too busy playing mortal kombat and a zombie would give no fucks about how sick your NDC mix up's are offline.....


GamerBlake - Reminds me of Pip from that dodgeball episode of South Park, where if you piss him off (in this case, zombies), he will go insane and kill everything in sight.

Tyrant - Watch the movies. Black guys are the first to go in these situations, but always do something that allows others to get out unharmed.

Pig of the Hut - Organizes events, helps everyone in need of going to events, and constantly tells you all to get your plane tickets on time. With his leadership skills, I won't have to use my brain at all.

m2dave - In the case of intelligent zombies, a sacrifice will need to be given. None better than a coward who would probably run away from the team, and try to zone zombies with his shoes or some shit.

Goldfish - We need a girl.
this list would be mine aswell. Just replace Gamerblake with another Female cause LBSH, noone likes sharing


Getting better with age
looking at the answers if zday ever happens it'll be a good day to be goldfish... i guess

My Choices:
- Slips - likely one of the closest in location to me, and seems like a guy who'd be comfortable given the situation. Reminds me of Tallahasse from Zombieland sans the Twinkies

- 16bit - likely located at Slips' anyway if zday falls on a game night. Slips and 16bit is a good combination to have for entertainment reasons, and no offense meant but I need someone I may or may not be able to trip and outrun given things go to hell :D

- Espio - in the new world we'll need someone to keep it classy

- BeefSupreme - We'd take a road trip down to texas to pick him up, but when we'd get there it'd just be beefy chillin' still practicing sub zero setups with a pile of zombies burning outside, oblivious to the situation

- Gonna take the high road and not say goldfish since she's apparently the only tym member guaranteed to survive this shit, but if any lady tym members would like to reserve their spot on the awesome bus. We're now taking applications :) *crickets*

Mothman... id save you... but you play rain. armor that. :D

I hate to say this but we may lose Dizzy in the process.
In this new land of zombieland we cant have people that can't eat their rations if cheese got on it.
But who knows, maybe he can frame trap zombies for reals


King of the Jobbers 2015
CDjr for obvious reasons.
Guamo because he's like a housemaid and he would make me sandwiches and stuff.
Pig, he's a natural born leader and I'm to lazy to do anything.
Quantumphysics because he has half a million dollars, he sleeps with beautiful women and rolls in 50k cars. Also guns.
And revolver because satan and stuff.

Honorofic mention: Insuperable because he's white. Amd LBSH the white guy always survives, minorities go out first.


Show me what you can do
STB Espio - For moral support, sanity, and trust. He seems like the person who'd be able to think straight, and not to panic when things get messy.

Lt. Box - Again, for sanity and trust. I figure he'd keep the group from turning into a zombie mentally (mental breakdown). With stories and what-not.

Sage Leviathan - For the same two above, only combined. Switch stories with poetry.

Cossner - Bait and potential re-population.

Pig Of The Hut - Leadership.

I feel I can trust these people, which is probably the best feeling to have when it comes down to survival.