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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread


Mexican street vendor
f4~SoulBall, SoulRelease, SoulBurst up, ex tkl, Soul Ball = 33% 1 Bar, does 1% more damage than ending it with soul blast.


Hi guys and girls, I've been working on a combo video for quite some time. I'm nowhere near to being finished with it, but I'm unable to find the time and motivation to complete it now. There's a lot of editing I intended to do, getting rid of the repetitiveness, as well as extend some of the combos I put in it, and add some more, but like I said, it was too big an undertaking on my part. Anyways, hope you like it and can learn from it. Some of these combos were a pain in the butt to do.



Mexican street vendor
Hi guys and girls, I've been working on a combo video for quite some time. I'm nowhere near to being finished with it, but I'm unable to find the time and motivation to complete it now. There's a lot of editing I intended to do, getting rid of the repetitiveness, as well as extend some of the combos I put in it, and add some more, but like I said, it was too big an undertaking on my part. Anyways, hope you like it and can learn from it. Some of these combos were a pain in the butt to do.

I'm not a huge fan of combo videos but I appreciate the time and effort you put into it. Some of those combos are hard as fuck to land.
I can't connect F3 Soul Ball after F21D2. Can someone give me some advice on how to effectively land it? I'm sure it's simple but I just can't do it.


I can't connect F3 Soul Ball after F21D2. Can someone give me some advice on how to effectively land it? I'm sure it's simple but I just can't do it.
If you are missing the F3 hit, then try run cancelling it after you land F21D2.
SO F21D2 hits, you enter a run and then immediately do the F3.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Hi guys and girls, I've been working on a combo video for quite some time. I'm nowhere near to being finished with it, but I'm unable to find the time and motivation to complete it now. There's a lot of editing I intended to do, getting rid of the repetitiveness, as well as extend some of the combos I put in it, and add some more, but like I said, it was too big an undertaking on my part. Anyways, hope you like it and can learn from it. Some of these combos were a pain in the butt to do.

That was just fun to watch. Ermac combos are so sexy, and I love just watching their lifebar disappear. Ermac is such a well designed character, in terms of aesthetics & gameplay. I was going to go with him this game, but the lack of the klassic skin on release made me pick Sub. I almost kinda regret it now, I love how this character is in this game. I know @14K was an ex-Noob main who had to make the same decision on release, go Sub or Ermac, I really should jump in as well.


Bum Kitana Main
That was just fun to watch. Ermac combos are so sexy, and I love just watching their lifebar disappear. Ermac is such a well designed character, in terms of aesthetics & gameplay. I was going to go with him this game, but the lack of the klassic skin on release made me pick Sub. I almost kinda regret it now, I love how this character is in this game. I know @14K was an ex-Noob main who had to make the same decision on release, go Sub or Ermac, I really should jump in as well.
That was me too. I always knew Noob wasn't going to be introduced to this roster after how MK9 ended, but a part of me held out hope. Upon release I picked up Sub and dabbled a little with Mac, and since learning more about the game and both characters, I decided to main Mac full-time. People better hope they don't give him more/better wake-ups, otherwise that might put him in most tier list top 5s.
It's probably just a bug, .
But I'm thinking of picking up Ermac as my main. I'll be uploading videos sharing every thing I know if I don't already see it in a thread


guyz is it just me or after latest big patch i hardly can do soul ball after tp d1?
i can do it, but inputs have to be absolutely precise. shortcuts are on.
I can still do it just fine but it feels different then before. Had a few times SoulBall whiff after d1 connected which never happened to me before.

Deadly Torcher

King Dingaling
It's probably just a bug, .
But I'm thinking of picking up Ermac as my main. I'll be uploading videos sharing every thing I know if I don't already see it in a thread
Every1 should play as him! 40%+ from a 50\50 & 1 bar should not be ignored.

Although I think he's cheap as fuck I still learnt him just in case I wanted to annoy some1 with my non stop 50\50's.

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
can we start a support group for MoS players trying to d1 into soul ball mid combo they have gimped me utterly and completely :eek:
also do d4 instead of d1 for that extra 1% -- pro tip

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
also this meterless punish f4 tele, d4 soul ball, dash, soul release, NJP, jik tele, f21d2, run cancel, f4 soul blast
for maximum swag f21d2, run cancel, b12, NJP, jik tele, b12 soul ball, ji2 b12 does 36% i believe.
can i squeeze more damage meterless??


EX Ovi should launch
also this meterless punish f4 tele, d4 soul ball, dash, soul release, NJP, jik tele, f21d2, run cancel, f4 soul blast
for maximum swag f21d2, run cancel, b12, NJP, jik tele, b12 soul ball, ji2 b12 does 36% i believe.
can i squeeze more damage meterless??
f4 or b12~ soul ball, jip f21d2, jk~tele, b12, f4~soul blast should be 42 or 41.


also this meterless punish f4 tele, d4 soul ball, dash, soul release, NJP, jik tele, f21d2, run cancel, f4 soul blast
for maximum swag f21d2, run cancel, b12, NJP, jik tele, b12 soul ball, ji2 b12 does 36% i believe.
can i squeeze more damage meterless??
If you wanna go with f~tele use this:
f4~tele, d1~SoulBall, jip f21d2, RC b12, b12, f4~Burst 41%
You can add a third b12 but it shouldnt give you more damage.

For f4~Soulball you can go with the one smokey posted or this one if you dont like jik~tele combos:
f4~Soulball, jip f21d2, f3~tele, b12, f4~Burst - its 42%

Most meterless damage out of f4 i know of is this for 43%:
f4~teleport, d1, f4~SoulBall, jip f21d2, RC b12, uppercut (or f4~Burst instead of uppercut)


MK Philippines / Injustice Philippines
Hey guys posted this concern into the general ermac thread, but has anyone of you noticed that even though mystic push and levitate got damage buffs, (they were really shitty esp that 1% push buff) but yeah ill take whatever, but the problem ive noticed is that, my staple bnb that has 1 lev, 1 ex lev, and ends with a push that is 38% is still 38% post patch, like why the hell would you scale the damage buffs in combo's?? no one would ever do naked levitates in front of an opponent, Please guys help me bring this issue to nrs, otherwise itll be like that forever haha


bad at things
what max dmg off EX lift for MoS? i find myself using that as a reversal against a lot of kotal wargods specials due to pushback. currently doing:

EX lift, jip, b12 b12 b12xSoulball, jip f21u2 b12xSoulblast for 33%


what max dmg off EX lift for MoS? i find myself using that as a reversal against a lot of kotal wargods specials due to pushback. currently doing:

EX lift, jip, b12 b12 b12xSoulball, jip f21u2 b12xSoulblast for 33%
Not sure about max damage but these are the ones i use

ex lift, f3~teleport, S4~soulball, jip f21d2, RC b12, f4~burst 40%
ex lift, f3~teleport, b12, f4~SoulBall, jip f21d2, RC f4~burst 39%