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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread

Deadly Torcher

King Dingaling

I think my problem is that I'm all out attack, I use some of the FBC characters ie, Lui Kang, D'Vorrah, Predator, so I'm normally just pressuring & now I'm using Ermac I'm using him the same way. I need to calm down a bit & pick my opportunities more carefully.



I think my problem is that I'm all out attack, I use some of the FBC characters ie, Lui Kang, D'Vorrah, Predator, so I'm normally just pressuring & now I'm using Ermac I'm using him the same way. I need to calm down a bit & pick my opportunities more carefully.
Well yeah, Ermac is not a character that you just go wild pressing buttons and hoping, doesnt work like that, he is methodical and you have to pick your fights very well

EDIT: Request sent

Deadly Torcher

King Dingaling
Well yeah, Ermac is not a character that you just go wild pressing buttons and hoping, doesnt work like that, he is methodical and you have to pick your fights very well

EDIT: Request sent
I'm not saying I just hit buttons, I just attack alot, I pressure with b12 d3 then 50\50. What do you make of that? Don't be afraid to be critical, I'm a big boy & it will only make me better.

Cheers again for the help, appreciate it.


I'm not saying I just hit buttons, I just attack alot, I pressure with b12 d3 then 50\50. What do you make of that? Don't be afraid to be critical, I'm a big boy & it will only make me better.

Cheers again for the help, appreciate it.
really need to play you first to see whats wrong =S


You will BOW to me!
Dunno if this is know, i have found a 28 or 29% dmg IIRC, 1 bar unbreakable combo with MoS.

F4, soul ball, soul release, ex lift, walk forward, upward force blast.

Deadly Torcher

King Dingaling
really need to play you first to see whats wrong =S
I no his 40% combos & can do them all but when it comes to defending, I turn to mush. I look forward to the games, I'm on most nights & don't mind taking a few beatings to get better.


I no his 40% combos & can do them all but when it comes to defending, I turn to mush. I look forward to the games, I'm on most nights & don't mind taking a few beatings to get better.
Hmmm its not so much about the damage but knowing when you should go in or run away. Most ppl in MK dont do well with Ermac against good players cause they just want to teleport and play like Scorpion does but thats never gonna work with ermac, you gotta be patiente, gotta wait for your moment to attack, and thats something a lot of ppl just cant do, its not like its a flau, but more like a play style. some ppl just arent cut out for methodical characters, not saying its your case but, i would have to play against to see exacly whats happening and why your losing

EDIT: ok lets do something lets move this discussion to the appropriate thread otherwise Zaf will yell at me XDDDD jk Zaf.
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Dunno if this is know, i have found a 28 or 29% dmg IIRC, 1 bar unbreakable combo with MoS.

F4, soul ball, soul release, ex lift, walk forward, upward force blast.
There are some unbreakable combos in the OP. 28% can be done without any meter pretty easy too.
f4~SoulBall, SoulRelease, SoulBurst Up, xray = 47% 3Bars
f4~SoulBall, SoulRelease, ex SoulBurst up, ex TKL, ex Burst = 37% 3 Bars (i know... you can just xray for more damage... but swag :D)
f4~SoulBall, SoulRelease, ex SoulBurst up, ex TKL, SoulBurst = 35% 2 Bars
f4~SoulBall, SoulRelease, ex SoulBurst up, SoulBurst = 33% 1 Bar (only in corner)
f4~SoulBall, SoulRelease, SoulBurst up, ex tkl, SoulBurst = 32% 1 Bar
f4~SoulBall, SoulRelease, ex SoulBurst up, lift = 31% 1 Bar
f4~SoulBall, SoulRelease, SoulBurst Up, Soulburst = 31% no Bar (only in corner)
f4~SoulBall, SoulRelease, SoulBurst Up, lift = 28% no Bars


Mexican street vendor
I believe 36% or 38%

SoulBall, jip f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, 222 burst (36%)

I feel like this one may be 38%

Soulball, jip F21d2 jump kick teleport B12 F4~burst
Cool thanks, I'll have to practice that. I was only getting 34%. I'm trying to make sure I get max damage on all my bnb's now.


If you do figure it out, let me know! I'm trying to compile a list of his max damage bnb's.
to be able to do all of his max dmg bnbs, you need to be able to do this"

starter~ teleport ~ d1 timed into F4 soulball

so something like F4~teleport D1 F4~soulball

Not sure if you seen those combos. The links are pretty tight


Mexican street vendor
to be able to do all of his max dmg bnbs, you need to be able to do this"

starter~ teleport ~ d1 timed into F4 soulball

so something like F4~teleport D1 F4~soulball

Not sure if you seen those combos. The links are pretty tight
I'll have to try practicing that. I can get the tele, D1xx Soul Ball easy enough. Wasn't aware you could land a F4 in between


@TurboTaco @zaf
here the one i use:
SoulBall, jip f21d2, f3 teleport, b12 f4~burst (37%)

On a different matter... can someone do me a favor and try out this combo & tell me that i am just too drunk to pull it off today... thanks.
Havent used 222~ to end strings in a long time... but i know it was possible and that it wasnt a problem lol

f21d2, jik~teleport, b12, 222~lift


Mexican street vendor
On a different matter... can someone do me a favor and try out this combo & tell me that i am just too drunk to pull it off today... thanks.
Havent used 222~ to end strings in a long time... but i know it was possible and that it wasnt a problem lol

f21d2, jik~teleport, b12, 222~lift
I don't think that works, tried it there and they drop before lift comes out.

EDIT: Never mind it does work!!


I don't think that works, tried it there and they drop before lift comes out.

EDIT: Never mind it does work!!
Thanks. Just re-tested it myself after your msg & i was just a bit late on b12 so the lift didnt connect after the 222.
Puh... glad it was me messing up :D


Mexican street vendor
So I'm getting 43% off a f4. Is that the most damage you can get meterless?
Here is the combo: f4xxTeleport, d1, f4xxSoul Ball, JIP, f21d2, b12, f4xxsSoul Blast (43%)


So I'm getting 43% off a f4. Is that the most damage you can get meterless?
Here is the combo: f4xxTeleport, d1, f4xxSoul Ball, JIP, f21d2, b12, f4xxsSoul Blast (43%)
I use a 42% one myself cuz my "f4~tp, d1,f4" is too inconsistent :D but that string is the highest i know of as well.

Although its possible to add an extra b12 at the end before the f4~burst. Pre-burstbuff it didnt affect the damage though. Will test it later when i get home.