What's new


Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
B2 deals 5% damage, but still scales the rest when used.

Hellfire and Inferno:
Damage protection from B2 removed, and now has 4 active frames up from 2.

Can avoid projectiles as he turns invisible

Universal change
F412 BF2, NJP is now a true combo

DB4 now launches for a juggle on the first hit
BD1 juggle restriction relaxed

Special Forces
B332~ now is a 3 frame link on the first hit for 11 string, and a 2 frame link for on the second hit for standing 2
B2 launches at correct heights when the opponent is juggled for the first time after being hit by anything, or low kamikaze.
According to this thread, every character is getting buffed except maybe Kung Jin. My bet is they'll make a couple minor tweaks to weaker characters like Kenshi and Takeda and leave the rest alone. Honestly, as fighting games go, this roster is pretty well balanced.


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
Sub-zero's slide normalized. Or if not, Reptile's slide made identical to the current Sub-zero slide.


undefeated online evo champion
Lol what a coincidence. But I'm not saying this just because you bodied me 10-0. It's a regular thing when fighting Cassie's in general. I'm sure any smart Cassie player would abuse that.
well, i think a big part of cassie's playstyle has to do with being super patient and capitalizing on your opponent's mistake. she needs her b1 whiff punishing tool and also needs a way to get in that isn't running in and doing a hella unsafe 50/50s. the point of b1's good range is so you respect her options up close. i don't think it's broken enough to nerf its just really, really good. and there's nothing wrong with that.

i feel like over time as we both level up you'll see what i mean.


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
I love your suggestions @R.E.O. especially the Kitana ones. Here are my additions: I would love to see MB sun ray in sun god TRACK as in slowly follow the opponent and Kotal in SUN god. Also a duckable ice dagger projectile or hammer toss in Cryomancer would be nice because he needs a way to build meter. linking after DB1 in Kenjutsu is made wwaaayyy easier by less recovery. Demon port and DB4 in possessed are drastically more safer and faster. Kenshi gains an overhead normal. Displacer Raiden's teleport recovers quicker allowing for better meterless damage and master of storms has less scaling on traps. Unbreakable Sub Zero's shield now parrys interactables, jump attacks, recovers faster, and when shielding against a projectile, automatically activates ice aura.


Sun god : b2 launches or stuns
Sun/god ray increased radius/recovery or make lvl 3 sun choke leave a sunray on top of kotal after the 3rd hit burns.
Sun choke does a few % more dmg on each level and has better recovery on wiff.
Consuming sun choke levels returns a bit more HP per level.
Normal sun disk recovers a bit faster when you have lvl 3 tattoo.

Blood god: b2 launches or stuns
EX defense totem gives 1 hit of armor
EX damage totem makes blood offering only consume charges on hit , doesn't consume charges on block.
EX blood totem doesn't disappear when you're hit and also soaks blood from taking damage as well as dealing damage.

War god: Take armor away from EX df2 EX db2 and add something else to the EX versions (fuck if i know)

Wait is this a buff dream thread or balance prediction thread??
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40 Percent Punish
Displacer Raiden- Improved teleport buff. Or at least improve the frames on the teleports that cost stamina.
Blood God Kotal- needs vampire totem fixed, either needs an added normal or stun properties to reward player for correct read of that booty mace parry.
Sun God Kotal- better sun ray, improved command grab.
Demolition Sonya- I think she should be able to set grenades up like mines. One at a time obviously and can choose behind, close, mid, or full. Ex maybe have juggle properties
Kenshi- mostly what pig said but I always thought EX telepush should have juggle props (kind of just looks like you should be able to run to combo)
Takeda- definitely at the most could use true block strings. I also would like to see Ronin with combo potential out of blade call back
Mileena- overhead should be 20-22 frames
Kitana- staff njp for mournful, either give her an abusable normal (something mid with range and safe or an overhead worth using) or improve her zoning. Also reflect should not be so poop. Everyone deserves a good footsie game
Unbreakable SZ - should probably get more mileage off of aura since his variation is built around it.
Necromancer Shinnok- improved skeleton hand move tracking or be able to control distance
Jacqui- improve her bugs. The weird whiffing on moves and combos as well as the 29% x-ray.


Scrubby nice guy
Would be great if Unbreakable got less startup on parry and ANYTHING else (don't really know what, but I feel like this variation seriously lacks something)


Scrubby nice guy
Wishlist: (yeah they're kind of buffs but I think they're reasonable)

Scorpion's leg trip neutral on hit instead of negative.

Hellfire Scorpion's regular hellfire still hits if the opponent stands without blocking or moving instead of whiffing through them.

B32F2 change to -5 on block from -9.

Ex teleport has armor from standing.

Ok that last one was a joke
Lol, looks like most of those were a joke. Last thing this character needs are buffs. He is perfectly ok atm.


Kuff Bano
I predict changes to Mileena's Etherial variation making the tele useful somehow. Maybe make it fast to be able to end block string with, creating a mixup if you're gonna teleport back or stay on top of them to continue pressure. Something like that.

I also predict changes to Sonya's demolition variation. Either making the grenade reload safe/faster or more grenades per reload (or 3 stun 3 frag). Also frag grenades should be + on block even when detonated prematurely. Or make them hit low. Something like that.

I smell changes to Outlaw Erron Black. Make money shot OH and make it so it actually combos when used in a string. Remove gap in SoS3. That way he could apply pressure from his strings and end in OH/low mixup.

I sense Quan Chi will be further worked on. I feel the spell circles are slightly overpowered atm, staying out for a very long time as well as the armor glitch with it. Puggles might get longer cooldown as the last changes didn't really affect Quan Chi players. Warlock might be getting another buff atm all his zoning tools are mega negative and have shit tracking.

Commando Kano could use better tick setups. Giving him a neutral choke would be nice but that would mean he could pressure you like crazy. Which might be overdoing it.

Shinnok is fine atm but his restand in Bone Shaper could be +2 or something. Atm you're running risk of getting punished badly for using it.

Other than that, general fixes: Jacqui to hit consistently, Sonya's b332 not to whiff, Mileena's d1 to not miss at point blank range, etc.


"I wore those colors before you"
Kotal kahn sun god variation:

- variation exclusive: sun ray has faster recovery and does slightly more damage per time

- sun choke does more damage at level 3 something around 18-20%

- remove the gap in b122

- parry stuns opponent when successful

- faster start up for b2

- soul scorch rewards more meter or health in case of EX.


Fabulous Goofball
Probably going to get some hate or something for these but oh well. This is more of a wish list type of thing anyways.


  • 2 now hits Overhead
  • Air Ball can be enhanced on block.
  • Choke -7 on block
  • Strangle -5 on block
  • Choke has advantage on hit
Erron Black:

  • Money Shot and Barrage hit overhead
Kotal Kahn:

  • f1b2 safe on block
  • b13 safe on block
  • b12 safe on block
  • Sun Ray and God Ray recover MUCH faster
  • Air Takedown has advantage on hit
  • Mace Parry and Master Mace Parry briefly stun the opponent
Outside of War God, Kotal Kahn has no safe pressure and no reversal in Blood God. It only makes sense to make some strings safe and to buff his parry so Kotal isn't completely free on knockdown.
Sun God:
  • Sun God Choke level one does 10% total damage
  • Sun God Choke level two does 14% total damage
  • Moon God Choke does increased damage (13%/18%/21%)
  • Soul Scorch grants considerably more meter per Sun God level
  • +2% health increase on Soul Burn (7%/10%/14%)
Kotal Kahn should get something nice for spending meter. There should also be a reason to use Sun Choke since currently it doesn't do much damage until level 3 and Soul Scorch give you virtually nothing for Sun God levels. Also it's a complete waste of meter for Moon God Choke if the minimum damage is going to be 7%.

Blood God:
  • Blood Totem doesn't go away when Kotal Kahn is hit.
  • Blood Totem completely stops the opponent from gaining meter when hit.
  • Blood Totem Depletes more meter on connected attacks
The problem with Blood Totem is the fact that opponents in general gain meter when hit and that completely nullifies one of Blood Totem's effects which is to deplete opponent's super meter on connected attacks.


@R.E.O. That Sharpen buff would be amazing and completely fair. Fans hitting mid during its duration would be a welcome change in my book and is a great suggestion.

I never thought of that before and would be far more balanced than her fans hitting mid overall.