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PLAY(N)TRADE MKvsDC Tournament - El Monte, CA - 11/01/2009


This game has gone long enough without a worthy tournament. Well, today I am proud to present to you, our very first MKvsDC tournament! Not only will this tournament have known MKU members in it, but it will feature some of the greatest players we know. All I can say is, its been a long run. Thank you all, for those who will participate, spectate or watch from the comfort of their own home, as we bring to you, a nice competitive MKvsDC stream!

High level competition has never looked so real, until now!

Sunday, November, 1 - 2009

Sign ups start @ 11:00am - 12:00pm
Tournament starts @ 12:30pm

3703 Peck Rd.
El Monte, Ca. 91731

http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=3703+Peck+Rd.++El+Monte,+Ca.+91731&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=24.455808,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=3703+Peck+Rd,+El+Monte,+California+91731&ll=34.077901,-118.023849&spn=0.012441,0.038581&z=15&iwloc=A"]google maps[/URL]

2/3 Rounds, 2/3 Games, Double Elimination, 99 Seconds
Best out of 5 for Winners Finals, Losers Finals, and Grand Finals
Entry Fee: $10
Prize Money will be decided, depending on the number of contestants.
Please show up, if the number of contestants is less than 20 people, the prize will be store credit, if there is 20 contestants or more, it will be depending on what the pot generates.

I am pushing for this, hopefully we can work something out, I will update this tomorrow and let everybody know if it will be possible. As of right now, its only singles.


1. Flash and Superman infinite BANNED. using those infinites will result in a forfeit for that round.
2. Superman gets 1 free move after dd4*1+2 but it cannot be another promove ground pound.
3. Flash reset is LEGAL but only 1 reset in the combo is allowed. if 2 resets are done then its considered a semi-infinite and you forfeit the round.
4. Breaker combos are legal.
5. Guaranteed hits/combos off of the unblockable rage activation are legal.
6. Instant kill glitch BANNED. using it results in a forfeit for that MATCH.
7. ALL characters are legal.
8. Random stage.
9. Winner must keep the character they won with. you can change characters after a loss.
10. Default button config.

DTIEHfCvCzY"]YouTube - PLAY(N)TRADE MKvsDC Tournament - El Monte, CA - 11/01/2009[/media]


PLAY(N)TRADE MKvsDC Tournament - El Monte, CA - TBA/TBA/TBA

You would come on this site to talk about Em Gay Dee Cee.


PLAY(N)TRADE MKvsDC Tournament - El Monte, CA - TBA/TBA/TBA

Shaney said:
You would come on this site to talk about Em Gay Dee Cee.
You know you want to come and cheer for me.

Watch me pull the cord, LIVE!


PLAY(N)TRADE MKvsDC Tournament - El Monte, CA - TBA/TBA/TBA

Dreamcatcher said:
No. I'm pretty sure no one here likes you, Tom Brady, or really MKU for that matter. So yeah. Cheers.
I don't even know who you are, so I will just guess MKU is popular and you seem to love me. I had no idea I was an idol here.

Anyway, Shaney and Scheiss are my best friends in the whole wide world! I love you guys!


PLAY(N)TRADE MKvsDC Tournament - El Monte, CA - TBA/TBA/TBA

Dreamcatcher said:
Actually, I just know who you are because you are a massive queer and a tad bit creepy. I wouldn't doubt that you love Shane and Zaq, you probably want to suck shit out their asses while they praise you for being a condescending [ban incoming].
You seem to have issues, but I cannot deem you of such title since like I said on my post above, "I do not know who you are". You sound like an internet warrior and I don't wish to have an awkward conversation with someone as yourself, a seemingly angry forum troll who's only purpose is to infiltrate foreign threads with ironically condescending tones without a cause to the matter. And just to be a bit more informative, I am as straight as a wooden ruler. If the only reason you think you know me is for queer characteristics, then you must be mistaken, you can have your queer dreams elsewhere.

The So-Cal street fighter community knows who I am, I take your insulting, pathetically written comments like a grain of salt. Have a nice day, Queer Eye.


PLAY(N)TRADE MKvsDC Tournament - El Monte, CA - TBA/TBA/TBA

Dreamcatcher said:
Don't give a shit who you know, obviously an issue I have is idiots like you parade through this forum. Otherwise, I wouldn't have responded.
I posted a thread promoting an offline tournament, so I have no idea what you want. All I know is you are showing true characteristics of a forum troll, if you want to talk about parading through a forum with nonsensical garbage, then you my friend should look deep inside yourself. Maybe somewhere in that thick head of yours, a brain exists. Although, obviously not pundit enough, yet so delusional to think for a second you are getting something out of this, besides a hard pee pee, you might realize how ridiculously dumb your purpose, in my thread, is. With that said, and with my discreet way of describing the way you present yourself to me, utterly foolish and senseless. Your turnabout says "you're an idiot".

Dreamcatcher said:
Really? So why respond in the first place? I'm not the one at a foreign forum with ironically condescending attitude in hopes of recruiting [ban incoming] nutpuppies to go down on you and Big Mouth Brady.
I said "I don't wish to have an awkward conversation with someone as yourself, a seemingly angry forum troll who's only purpose is to infiltrate foreign threads with ironically condescending tones without a cause to the matter.", I never said I wouldn't, because in my defense, I would me more than happy to make you look doltish.

Now, to elaborate over why I didn't; I never replied to any of your posts, I never sent you any messages, so to be one, to form assumptions about someone, is really pathetic and sad. I had no real reason to come here and respond to you, but I should have expected idiocy on a forum, most of them have people with brain sizes like you.

Before I finish responding to this quote, I do have a question. I noticed you mentioned "Tom Brady" twice. Do you have a thing for this person? you know, a man crush of some sort. I honestly don't know why you are bringing him up. I am happy he is willing to fly down to California for this tournament, but other than that, I can make no sense out of you bringing him up, besides that "man crush" I mentioned. I don't think anybody will go down on him, not that its any of my business, but I just thought you might want to know that, okay, queer eye?

Dreamcatcher said:
Good for you, to go ahead and post this indicates your blatent insecurity along with silly paranoia.
Well, first of all, I said "And just to be a bit more informative, I am as straight as a wooden ruler.", to set up this quote here; "If the only reason you think you know me is for queer characteristics, then you must be mistaken, you can have your queer dreams elsewhere.", but I wouldn't expect someone as brilliant as you to understand.

Second of all, if a single quote on an internet forum confirms "insecurity and paranoia", then I must say, you have to be one of the greatest psychologists I have ever had a conversation with. That, or you are just dim-witted.

Dreamcatcher said:
Lol! I could give two shits who knows you! That's exactly the substance which makes you an arrogant ass, believing your self-valued reputation actually signifies your meaningless forum existence. Look, I have a vocabulary too. :D
So, I am arrogant because I said "The So-Cal street fighter community knows who I am", in response to you saying "I just know who you are because you are a massive queer and a tad bit creepy."? I don't understand. How does me claiming "these people know me in real life, and you don't" make for a condescending argument? Are you that feeble-minded? Before you write down vocabulary words, you might want to figure out what they mean. Okay, professor?

Dreamcatcher said:
So take my insults with a few last things: Um...fuck you, but have a nice day getting crazy boned by Tom Brady and the make believe friends you share. :)
There you go again, mentioning "Tom Brady", what the hell does he have to do with anything? do you want me to give you his number or something? I don't know it, but I can try and get you an autograph. What should I make it out to? queer eye? professor? wet dream? any of these will do.

And if you mean the people who post on MKU, who I have met, then sure. They are all make believe. In fact, the entire MKU community is make believe, if it makes you feel any better. Have another nice day, troll.

Someone should seriously either ban this loser, or get him out of my thread. He has no real purpose here.


I Pikachu while you shower.
PLAY(N)TRADE MKvsDC Tournament - El Monte, CA - TBA/TBA/TBA

Girls, girls youre both pretty.
PLAY(N)TRADE MKvsDC Tournament - El Monte, CA - TBA/TBA/TBA

Krayzie Bone said:
In fact, the entire MKU community is make believe
i wouldnt say make believe, i would say that MKU is for:

1. beginners
2. noobs
3. beginners
4. noobs
5. beginners
6. noobs.


PLAY(N)TRADE MKvsDC Tournament - El Monte, CA - TBA/TBA/TBA

lol I love how krazie bone swears he is some sf guru ever since sf4 came out.. now he is all about that srk offline play.. before it was *MK DC KICKS ASS FUCK 2D MK 3d FIGHTERS ARE BOMB!*


PLAY(N)TRADE MKvsDC Tournament - El Monte, CA - TBA/TBA/TBA

T1xNeo said:
lol I love how krazie bone swears he is some sf guru ever since sf4 came out.. now he is all about that srk offline play.. before it was *MK DC KICKS ASS FUCK 2D MK 3d FIGHTERS ARE BOMB!*
Nearly all my earlier of posts consisted of me saying "I am not good at this game, but i am willing to get better and learn". Your problem is, I told you "You suck". As I stand today, I have gotten way better, I have sessions with Alex Valle on Monday and casuals and ranbats with good players on Friday. If you are still butt hurt over me telling you the truth, I apologize, maybe you have gotten better?


^ And I guess this guy here is considered a newb, right? lol

@ WetDream - I don't like online and if you are challenging me to UMK3, I don't play that game, yet. How about you come down to California and we can have some Street Fighter money match games, since apparently we are challenging each other to foreign games.

Your arguments are stupid considering the fact that you came in here trolling, thank you for letting yourself out, cause you are so damn annoying.

Much respect to Stone and ScheissNussen for keeping the peace. Its funny, i had this same exact argument with TruKing on TekkenZaibatzu, all it took was for him to know me to figure out I was chill. The only difference was, he didn't sound like an ass, nor did he troll.

Hey! look, I just upgraded to member! ;)


PLAY(N)TRADE MKvsDC Tournament - El Monte, CA - TBA/TBA/TBA

KB, shut up dude... "OOOOH NIGGA JUST GOT RICK ROLLED!" "I have 3sums with this and this blah blah bull shit" yeah casuals and ranbats congrats you finally left your basement.

C'mon I don't want to see a profile of some SRK'er signing up on mku. post a video of you MM'ing some one already and stfu.

You telling me I suck? I totally forgot about this. hey maybe at seasons beating (if you go, which i doubt) We can do a MM. at sf4, a game I don't even play on a daily basis.


PLAY(N)TRADE MKvsDC Tournament - El Monte, CA - TBA/TBA/TBA

I live in California, stupid.

How about you go to Evolution next year, and I will money match you there, dumb scrub. And just FYI, that guy isn't just "some SRK'er" its, Alex Valle. If you don't know who he is, then you must be a bigger scrub then I thought.

*Back on topic

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