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my experience playing Joker

hello fellow jokers im new here and im here to learn aswell so be free to share youre experience =o)

ok so like probably all of you i main the joker!!So much fun =o) i have put my time in practise mode and lots of online play and ill share some tips i discovered playing him.. and also against different kinds of matchups.

Joker to me is a powerhouse the strongest in the game pure rushdown control and attack percent wise which id say at inbetween close/midrange he is at his best and he simply just owns almost all sky battles with his j 3 move.. that move has ridiculous hitbox and it gives 11% damage.well i gotta mention i think he has the best jump 2 overhead in the game for creating combos.. you can combo the jump 3 with acid flower for an easy 20 %
When you use the jump 3 move without the acid flower they will fall to the floor and then you throw a teethsetup..jumpagain with jump 3 before the teeth expires.. if you did it correctly he will launch in the sky and you can get a easy 35/40% meterless combo at the start of the match following up with a back 3, jump 2, 3,3..

First hit at the start of the match!!
try to switch them up..especially if your playing the same guy/girl or in a koth where people can observe your moves!!!
jump in 3
acid flower
down 3
jump in 2 ..after you hit it you can follow that up with a 1 meter ex lowgasbomb combo .. or if its a stage where you can smack them in the background you wont even need the meter you can use that instead of the bomb

Getting stuck in the corner or just really pressured!!
down 1 ,back 1 , 3 is a life saver. combining down 1in that combo is the most important escape part because it comes out really fast .. its important to mixups lows and highs at defending and also at attacking
this trick saves me alot of times from pressure and it gives you the control back since you can immediately take the pressure back to them.
also learn every other character theyre strings so you know when to block high low etc.. it all comes down to experience basically

Meterless combos ranging 20 to 30 %!!..these are pretty much the combos excluding a wall bounce
:jump 3,, acid flower
:back 3, back2
:3,2,3 when they lie on the floor you can if you are quick enough combo that with back forward 3
:2,1,2 acid flower or gun( you can if you like improve the combo when you start with a jump 2)
:forward 3, down 2, jump 3 acid flower

you can combo his super after

Rolling ex gas!!!
1 of the 2 tools of Joker for getting 30 to 40% combos you can use this right after!
back 3
forward 2 ,3
down 2
jump 2, 3
down ,back3
easy high combo involving 1 ex bomb is jump 2, 3 ,rolling ex gas,back 3,jump 2, 3,3 (41%)

Since joker aint a superstrength character that picks and throws those things away..you can press down while you use an interactable to leave a dynamite to blow it up which does damage up close..

In my opinion his Teethsetups makes him the most fun to play as.Its plays a huge part in the mindgames,pressure,rushdown style of play and its also his second tool for reaching the higher combos!there are 3 versions..close,mid and far..(practise on the input of the far one because you will gonna use that the most and its kinda tricky to get that down at first.(.there were lots of times i did the crowbar move instead)

Always keep the pressure on them with these babies!!!The most important thing is that you can create unblockable traps with these teeths since they have to block low to avoid getting launched..so lets say you combine a overhead when they are in a teeth there is no way to avoid damage for the opponent since you will hit both low and high

Teethsetups combo(Unblockables)
These tricks are the more advanced combos of the joker..so i advise you to practise alot on this..eventually it will be become second nature.. ill show the most easy one to do which is far teeth jump in 3, far teeth 3,3 hes getting launched and 3,3 which is 43% once you have that down to the core you can pretty much extend the combo yourself in your own way..it can go to like 53% which is really hard to do consistently

Close range play!!
When you know its safe always throw a teeth out near them...when they lie on the floor i strongly suggest throwing one out becuase if you combine an overhead of lets say jump in 3 right before the teeth expires they will get launched..

His jump 2 is one of the best crossups in the game so mix your close range play up using low pokes, overheads and jump in 2, forward 2 ,3..when you connect jump2 and forward 2,3 punish them with a big 40%+ combo using ex low gas bomb.
His sweep move down 3 is his longest ranged low attack..second after that comes back 1 which i explained in the being pressured part but its both good attack and defend wise
You can also cancel out of a combo string creating setups by throwing a teeth.. one example the 3,2,3 move after 3, 2 you can throw one out. then acid flower or gun and you will stagger him in the teeth or you can throw a far teeth and 3,3 them in the teeth for launching them and making a higher combo
You can play mindgames with your opponent after a back 3 move doing a teeth..
Also his acid flower is really good dont forget that move..it's also his best wake up move

Midrange play!!
Use the Gun alot.. and cancel it sometimes by dashing forward to suprise your opponent and getting in quickly.. Also
after throwing a teeth use the gun or low gas bomb high gas bomb..if they are rushing you there is a chance you will hit them and they end up getting launched in the air by the teeth..either way you wont lose the control like that..while jumping combine it with jump 3

Far range play??
Well not much efficient far range play with the joker unless you wanna spam the gun all out.

Cornercombo easy stage transition setup!!
When they are stuck in the corner low sweep them then throw a teeth in immediately when you throw the teeth use 3,3.. they are stuck and they will get launched ..so use a wallbounce to smash them through a stage transition..

Some good tips against specific characters!!
Vs:Grundy:always throw a close toothpick infront you so when he grabs you he will get hit so he cant combochain you
Vs: Batman: when you are fullscreen away chuck a rolling gas when he does the spear..it will end it and he will come closer to you..the gun also beat his grapling spear but will bounce him back
Vs Catwoman, Harley, Nightwing: jumping in with 3 is key for victory since they are kinda rushdown so you control the sky up close(which you do against like 90% of the roster but those 3 can't outzone you)
Vs: Shazam: rolling gas will hit him when he teleports.
Vs Bane: probably his easiest/funniest matchup since you can trait his charge attack very easily.. also when its MB(when they notice it wont work on the joker...they dont know what to do anymore so just laugh at his attempts of getting closer)
Vs Wonderwoman/ Hawkgirl: they mostly do air dash moves so throwing gas bomb far/midrange seems really good against them..but dont make it too predictable
Vs Superman: When he does the super you can use your super aswell ..it will beat his
haha yeah that would be awesome..although i do admit i never read the comics or watched the animes..beforehand i knew like 7 chracters lol my background is just mk.. but joker throwing real babies hell yeah that adds so much to being a pschycopath..