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how to beat Mileena with Raiden?


hi all

i have much trouble in this fight

mileena have such small size that it very difficult for me to fight her

d4 is big problem as i cannot hit her most times

how do i combat a mileena with raiden?



Raiden Practitioner
Mileena gives me a lot of problems as well. The only thing I've figured out against her so far is that if you block Telekick in crouch block you can punish with Uppercut. What frustrates me more than anything is her 50/50 mix-ups up close. She can do either u+4 or d+4 into a Rollball (or whatever that move is called) and both of them lead to full combo and both of them are safe on block. If you block low you eat u+4 into a full combo, if you block high you eat d+4 into a full combo.

So, I just stay away from her and if she gets close I hope I guess right.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Mileena gives me a lot of problems as well. The only thing I've figured out against her so far is that if you block Telekick in crouch block you can punish with Uppercut. What frustrates me more than anything is her 50/50 mix-ups up close. She can do either u+4 or d+4 into a Rollball (or whatever that move is called) and both of them lead to full combo and both of them are safe on block. If you block low you eat u+4 into a full combo, if you block high you eat d+4 into a full combo.

So, I just stay away from her and if she gets close I hope I guess right.
The u4 and b34 are both very hit confirmable, b34 is just used more commonly than it used to be. Used to just be d4, u4 and blocked rolls. Now it's strategically placed telekicks, b34~rolls, safe block strings into throws/b34~rolls/telekicks and u4s. She's an offensive monster.


Raiden Practitioner
Block the tele keick, then punish with shocker before she lands, then into combo of choice for 26-31%.
I don't know that you can catch her into a Shocker if she cancels blocked Telekick into Sai blast, which is what all high-level Mileena players do.

B W1zZ

D4 tends to give Raiden problems getting his offense started, so it's really about being unpredictable with your offense. Telekicks can be blocked and punished with a stand 1 VB combo or shocker combo starter, rolls can be punished the same way. Don't rely on JIP too much to get a combo started since she will most likely be lowering her hitbox with D4. Work on your spacing and making reads on telekick/roll, also don't be predictable with tele as mileena can roll it on reaction.

This is another one of Raiden's 5-5 matchups.

B W1zZ

what if mileena do not go for ball or teleport?

mileena just spams d4 through out fight

what do i do then?
Mileena's are going to spam D4 throughout a fight. Jump kick into superman is one option, or you can back away/dash block away to bait her into a blocked roll or telekick. It's really all about making reads on what your opponent is going to do, and punishing accordingly, all the while staying unpredictable yourself.
mileenas pressure game is very easy to reversal so long as u dont become predictable, space with back 3(beware dat roll) and when u find a strong opportunity to tele annoy her with d3 f24 and grabs. grab that bitch

mileenas tp punishment isnt as good as others so if u cant land some well timed teles to counter her offense u can find openings for atleast decent pressure into grabs. granted you cant be predictable. Plus ur taking away that bitches space control implementation and u can whiff punish that hoe's slow ass strings, u give her plenty of difficulty too it definitely isnt bad for raiden imo.

it helps to land superman and corner her, its good to superman


Former Divine Power Abuser
Mileena gives me a lot of problems as well. The only thing I've figured out against her so far is that if you block Telekick in crouch block you can punish with Uppercut. What frustrates me more than anything is her 50/50 mix-ups up close. She can do either u+4 or d+4 into a Rollball (or whatever that move is called) and both of them lead to full combo and both of them are safe on block. If you block low you eat u+4 into a full combo, if you block high you eat d+4 into a full combo.

So, I just stay away from her and if she gets close I hope I guess right.
You can punish tp sais by blocking low into d1 shocker combo everytime. Enhanced teleport is the same thing. As far as d4/u4 goes I would always block low first in this matchup and react to her u4 overhead, which makes her less troublesome to deal with.


Raiden Practitioner
You can punish tp sais by blocking low into d1 shocker combo everytime. Enhanced teleport is the same thing. As far as d4/u4 goes I would always block low first in this matchup and react to her u4 overhead, which makes her less troublesome to deal with.
wow, that should definitely make the match-up easier if I can consistently punish blocked Telekick into Sais. Thanks.