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How long do you guys practice each day and how do you practice?


Do you guys set any goals for yourselves like getting a certain amount of practice each day, and do you prefer to spend that time in practice mode or actually fighting? Are you guys always practicing new matchups or just the ones you feel like you need work on? I feel like I need to spend more time playing the game and less in the practice mode doing crazy 1 frame link combos I'll never manage in an online match.


D'Vorah for KP2 copium
Outside of learning a character, it's rare I spend time in the lab on a routine basis. My main source of labbing is ad hoc frustration with a certain character / move that I just had problems with online.


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I usually only "practice" if I feel like playing and none of my friends are on. I don't usually play randoms.

When I practice, it's usually just practicing hit-confirms by setting the ai to random block. I can then try to react to whether or not they block or get hit by my attacks. I also practice flawless blocks on occasion.


★ 19 Years of Jade ★
For me, it really depends on what era.

During MK9 I was playing from 4PM when I got home from school to 3AM when I went to bed then slept for 3 hours before I had to get up for school.

In IGAU, I didn’t practice or lab as much because I played Deathstroke who I loved from the beginning to the end. I just needed to get my combos down, adapt to patches & lab MUs. It was secondary game at the time too.

In MKX, I labbed a lot because I couldn’t find a character I liked & stay with until I settled with Mileena until I picked up Takeda & Scorpion (I didn’t lab with the latter at all). When I started playing Takeda, I suddenly loved the game & could play for hours.

I2, I didn’t play a lot cause I hated it after Deadshot was nerfed. I labbed a lot just to find a character I liked or find one to settle on after each DLC release (I liked Enchantress & Donatello) but it didn’t help, I still really didn’t like the game.

MK11 didn’t take much Jade wasn’t hard to learn or master just really really boring to play so I picked up Skarlet who was easy to master. Mechanics & certain bullshit made me drop the game: I still play it every so often, playing Sonya but it’s a hard game to play even with friends who actually like the game.


Pretty much what Arqwart said. Also I don't have a main, I play a lot of characters. When it's been a while with some I go into practice for some muscle memory and to try main combos again like S1 punishes, D2 KBs and such. Doesn't take more than 5min.


Death Before Dishonor
I spend quite some time in training mostly to figure out what works with what for combos. I usually play online opponents to get a acquainted with advantages and disadvantages and how opponents use other characters. Frame data is nice but its not needed to figure out what works or not. Figuring things out that a character can do is brain food. It helps my mentality.