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EANIX Biohazard vs DF GRR, Bane Mirror FT3 from Absolute Battle 8


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Two players known for being character loyalists, especially Biohazard, took on GRR in a first to 3 set at Absolute Battle 8. This set was strictly casual, so it meant nothing as far as a tournament setting goes. Sets like these rarely happen in a tournament setting, because having players like this meet each other in the bracket is rare, plus when it's tournament... you end up going with your very best character. These two players have become known for being Bane players, so it's awesome when they decide to throw down.

In this set, Biohazard and GRR go at it in a Bane mirror to flex their muscles and see who can beat who. It doesn't necessarily mean one is better than the other, but it is certainly entertaining to watch.

Credit: @REO for recording this match footage at Absolute Battle 8
