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DC's video game legacy?


Some of the worst games ever created were DC games. And I know there are all sorts of bad games by all sorts of people, but over the past few generations of systems, DC IP has been responsible for the worst gaming experiences for some of the consoles out there.

Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis and Batman: Dark Tomorrow defined bad gaming for the Xbox and the GameCube. Aquaman may have been the worst game out for either of those systems.

Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker was among the worst games for the PSX and N64.

And, of course, the infamous Superman 64 which is so bad it's only rivals for worst game ever are Atari E.T. and Big Rigs: Over the Road Trucker. But E.T. was one dude with like 2 weeks to make it, and Big Rigs is a no-name piece of shit PC game. So the fact that the gameplay quality of SUPERMAN, a game based on DC's most well known hero is on par with them is even more disgusting.

And that doesn't mention the Movie games which are invariably bad, but they are movie games, so that doesn't necessarily reflect DC so much as the putrid results of movie games.

What has MK gotten itself into considering the lineage that DC games has created for itself? MK is obviously not without it's lowpoints as well. MK:A was arguably one of the worst games for GBA and MK:SF is probably one of the top 10 worst PSX games ever made.

All this actually makes me interested in how the game turns out. Will DC's inclusion in this fighting game set it up to be the worst game for the Xbox 360? Or could this be a turning point to drag the DC name out of the gutter?


I think....

He knew he needed to make a change. What else would pressure him into basically choosing the WORST franchise to make a collaboration with? He was desperate, and he is foolish. Why else would Ed Boon or anyone make a game that milds down everything their game is about? Defaces everything their game stands for? He is sweatin. He is sweatin that under the mist of all these better fighting games coming out (Virtua Fighter 5, Tekken 6, Soul Calibur 4, Street Fighter 4, Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix, Super Smash Bros. Brawl) Mortal Kombat isnt gonna be seen with all of these games coming out... So he had to do something new.

Ed Boon is a fuckin idiot. He cares more about payin his bills and makin money and makin a game for his own sick, twisted, idiotic pleasure rather than pleasing the fans.

MK vs. DC could very well be the end of Mortal Kombat...

Hope for the best, expect for the worst.

Tim Static

I think....

He knew he needed to make a change. What else would pressure him into basically choosing the WORST franchise to make a collaboration with? He was desperate, and he is foolish. Why else would Ed Boon or anyone make a game that milds down everything their game is about? Defaces everything their game stands for? He is sweatin. He is sweatin that under the mist of all these better fighting games coming out (Virtua Fighter 5, Tekken 6, Soul Calibur 4, Street Fighter 4, Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix, Super Smash Bros. Brawl)

Mortal Kombat isnt gonna be seen with all of these games coming out... So he had to do something new.

Ed Boon is a fuckin idiot. He cares more about payin his bills and makin money and makin a game for his own sick, twisted, idiotic pleasure rather than pleasing the fans.

MK vs. DC could very well be the end of Mortal Kombat...

Hope for the best, expect for the worst.
I totally agree with you Dubs, and you as well Dreemer, but lets face it: in the fandom of MK, were a minority. Kids and basically the younger gaming population eats up that 3-D MK garbage like Kobiashi at a hot dog eating contest. Look at the forums at TRMK.org, MKO, Midways & Gamefags forums. MK fanboys all over the fuckin place.

Its sad too that there eating that shit up, thus keeping Team MK from going back to their roots, so to say.

No matter how bad this game is, its gonna sell a fuck retarded amount of copies, and we'll be stuck with a MKvDC2. :sad:

PS- and the worst thing is you cant talk any sense into these fanboys. Gameplay matters NOT to these dumb fucks.
I agree he has messed things up, but maybe the feedback he reads and hears are a lot better than what you guys are saying and so he keeps going towards change and innovation rather than creating games that feel like the previous games, but only tweaked or slightly expanded upon, MK 1-4.
I do feel they should have stuck to MK 4's design and kept doing what they did previously with the 2D MK's, but maybe figures were showing a decrease in MK popularity and sales, so they started to try and make themselves stand out from the crowd.

MKvsDC is such a bad idea on paper, they should have released a next gen MK first and if the fighting engine was a success, then start improving that engine and make a superhero spin-off.

My worst fear is MKvsDC 2.

Tim Static

I agree he has messed things up, but maybe the feedback he reads and hears are a lot better than what you guys are saying and so he keeps going towards change and innovation rather than creating games that feel like the previous games, but only tweaked or slightly expanded upon, MK 1-4.
I do feel they should have stuck to MK 4's design and kept doing what they did previously with the 2D MK's, but maybe figures were showing a decrease in MK popularity and sales, so they started to try and make themselves stand out from the crowd.

MKvsDC is such a bad idea on paper, they should have released a next gen MK first and if the fighting engine was a success, then start improving that engine and make a superhero spin-off.

My worst fear is MKvsDC 2.
DC is signed on for 2 games. Lets hope they make a DC only game next time.

But isnt there supposed to be a "new" MK game every year?
DC is signed on for 2 games. Lets hope they make a DC only game next time.

But isnt there supposed to be a "new" MK game every year?
What makes you think there should be a new MK each year? Are you being sarcastic? Boon probably classes MKvsDC as a new MK game...

Tim Static

It was a contract Team MK did with Midway a couple years back.

Think about it......Deception, Monks, Armageddon, UMK DS, and now MKvDC.
People nowadays don't give a shit about most of the superheroes of DC except those that are well known (Superman, Batman), and when you think about it, the "entire world" used to be Mortal Kombat fanatics, but now, many of its' fans disappeared leaving behind those with a keen sense of confidence in Mortal Kombat (us...in this forum) which was not too long ago, not alot of people, but enough to keep hope alive. Now for Boon to pull such a stunt as to work with DC on a fighting game, all I can think about was the fact I cannot name one DC videogame that was good, and Lord forbid me to think about my hatred for Batman Forever (both game and movie). If Boon thinks that working on a game with a company that couldn't even make one good game for their characters that most of the world don't even give a shit about is somehow gonna make business better for him, he's gonna be in deep shit. We wanted a NEW MK and we're gonna get THIS SHIT?! Boon just up and went "FUCK YOU, FANS!!! I make MK games for you guys for fifteen years, what about what I WANT?!! I want to see Sub - Zero get owned by Batman, and that's what I'm gonna make happen." They better hope that there are enough MK and DC fans combined to sell a million copies for a greatest hit, otherwise the future of MK will be in peril...

This is definitely the dumbest idea ANYONE could think of.
Why don't you phone Van Damme while you're at it so you can make a new Van Damme the Game, I'm sure THE FANS would LOVE that...fucker.
Flawed Victory

MK (right now) is basically just a sick stupid joke, and this new idea is so far off from what I expected. Most certainly the dumbest idea ever made since Batman & Robin (the movie, I'm starting to think the movie is almost better than this idea, and that is beyond sad). This brings nothing pure to the MK franchise. It won't blow the audience's mind like the very first MK did. And really after something like this, my money will not go towards this trash.

I believe it is safe to say that everyone here wants a new 2D MK, its a sick fight we'll most likely never win unless someone out there actually LISTENS to (or rather CARE about) the fans. And it is without a doubt that I will wait one more full year for a supremely fantastic 2(.5)D MK. I have hope. With the new consoles out now, I will see the day when I say, "This MK destroys all MKs ever made!" Hell, if there can't be anymore storyline involved, redo the old ones! I don't give the slightest shit if there's the; HD Remix Volume 2.237868654 blu-ray super infinite brutality, what the fuck ever. That will be something my money will be well spent, shit, I'd buy one for each of my friends just for the experience.

But first, I'll laugh at this garbage as it gets horrendous reviews, for I do not give one single OUNCE of care for the DC universe, especially in video games.

Then, once the creators/makers/Boon/whoever get their head out of their asses and raise the bar and recreate the MK boom as it did in the 90's. I will be one (as of many on this forum) satisfied MK fan.

All in all, MK vs. DC Universe IS really a shitty idea. Screw this generation of gaming, "3D or Die" quota. Give the TRUE MK fans (who were there from the start) what they truly deserve and quit dancing around the fire. I want to see the creators absolutely shock the world again, as it were and should always be. One realistic fatality/ brutality/ animality/ friendship at a time.

If not, after one more full year, its done and I'm done with MK... goodbye, adios, REST IN F***ING PEACE, FATALITY, flush it all down the toilet and forget it all.

now... DO AS YOUR GOD COMMANDS!! <--- had to add that cuz I was bored hehe

/rant, but goddamn you know?!! And I couldn't agree with you more, RagingStorm

--in addition, I can think of one the best DC games ever made, and that was Batman on the NES. Go figure, the old school reigns supreme. Always. :lol:
I've kind of lost hope for a 2D MK. I was REALLY hoping Boon would see what was going on with the new Street Fighter, see how siked people were because it was still 2D, and maybe try to imitate it. Oh how wrong of me.

Seriously, honestly, I'll settle for a GOOD 3D fighting game. I'm beyond hoping for a new 2Der, and I'll settle for a GOOD(not decent, GOOD) 3D MK. I hate 3D fighting games, but if it's good then to hell with it, bring it on.
We all want a New 2D MK. If not with Live action actors, then at least animate it or do the SF4 thing.

I knew when Boon said he was making a new "Darker, and Grittier MK", it was like falling for the Rick Roll.

Tim Static

Oh well. At least we'll have SF2 HDR, SF4 and the new Cap VS game to play. We'll always have our MK1-Gold to play. Just nothing new (and no, Mugen doesnt count for shit)