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Arcade UMK3 +1 hour long Torny Video from Chile


A living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat
The folks at www.fighterchile.cl had released a huge umk3 video for the last national tournament in Santiago de Chile.
It contains some hot action, fast playing, cool combos and strats as well as the premiation and animation! lol
Dwld it HERE
If you have troubles dwlding it, there's a Direct Dwld link, but you have to be a member on their forum.
Size: 471mb
Duration: 1:25:45
Format: .wmv

Enjoy (those of you lucky to have a fast connection)


A living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat
there are some more cool combos on that vid. on the finals there are shits like sonya up combo, jk, SWP (twice I believe), nightwolf combo with straight triple axe (several times), ermac knee combo, jk,tlpt, slm, knee combo, jk, lp, fireball and some more cool stuff
give it a watch people :wink:


Premium Supporter
OK I watched the whole tournament. I love the atmosphere and respect that UMK3 has in other countries, something that is sorely missing from the scene here in the US. Even though there are pound for pound more players it seems that the likelihood of getting people together in a stable environment is very rare here, and there a variety of factors involved I will not get into.

Matches I enjoyed:

Nightwolf/Kung vs Sub-zero/Nightwolf

Human Smoke/Ermac vs Sonya/Ermac

Kabal/Robot Smoke vs Human Smoke/Ermac

Kabal/Ermac vs Kung/Liu

H Smoke/Kabal vs NW/Jax is

and all the finals were great.

One day, if and when I become insanely rich, I will fly people out to play in quarterly tournaments.

On a side note, there will be a UMK3 tournament coming up at 8 on the Break in February, I'll post info when I get the exact date.

Thanks Ninja Grinder for posting this.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
That was a great watch! Wish I could understand what they were saying...I'd catch the occasional word like "Gracias" etc, but I just let the gameplay do the talking. Good shit, thanks for posting this.
WHen i saw this very awesome video i remember that old times when i meet Hanzo and then fight every saturday and sunday :( but now it´s just a remember:( we fight, but not like before... maybe someday i´ll traduce something of this video:p but will be hard cus there are some words that have no words in english:p