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52% combo that cant be breakered!


Mad scientist
LOL This isnt very practical, but id thought id share it anyway.

Its a damage reset with an OTG bomb. Ill explain..

EXbomb x 2, ff+4, bb+4, bf+2, EXbomb, bf+2... 52%

This works similar to the b+2 OTG bomb trap, only you use an EXbomb to start it off.
You must be atleast at a jumps distance away when you throw out the ff+4 (midbomb) otherwise the bomb wont catch them.

After the midbomb , you need to throw out the bb+4 (short bomb) about a second after it. then just use bf+2 to make them reset on the bb+4. when they are in the air again, throw out another EXbomb followed by another bf+2.

This cannot be breakered as EXbombs, normal bombs and bf+2 cannot be broken.

obviously they can escape the OTG bomb with a wakeup attack, but its very hard to do.

Anyway, just thought id share :)