
  1. Roy Arkon

    Raphael's Damage Output is Outrageous!

    I think people already know that Raphael's damage output in IJ2 is huge, but this video that I made here is gonna show how insane his damage output can truly be! This combo does require four super meter bars, and it dose require 11/10 level for Raph's Trait, but just in case you do manage to...
  2. D

    Need Raphael Turtle Cancel help

    So I decided to try learning how to play Raphael today and I need help with his turtle cancels. I get that you can use it to combo after b12 hits, and I was able to do that. I aslo know that he can use it to be plus when restanding the opponent after b123. But people keep saying he can use it...
  3. Darth Mao

    Raphael General Discussion: "Getting Hype!"

    Usually depicted wearing a red eye mask, Raphael wields twin sai as his primary weapon. He is generally the most likely to experience extremes of anger or rage, and is usually depicted as being aggressive, sullen, maddened, and rebellious. The origin of Raphael's anger is not always fully...
  4. Roy Arkon

    Who is Your Favorite Ninja Turtle?

    Here is something for fun. Now that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are officially in IJ2, I think it will be nice to see among TYM members which Turtle is their favorite Turtle. This has nothing to do with gameplay in IJ2 that each Turtle might have. This is based about your favorite Turtle in...