
  1. B

    Does anyone know of some online tournament events? (NA)

    Does anyone know of some online tournament events? PS4 (NA) I would really appreciate if you guys let me know of some online tournaments :)
  2. leoj89

    PS4 Pro / TCL Technical Issues

    I recently purchased a new console and tv a few months ago. Long story short is that even in game mode I'm randomly dropping combos during gameplay and noticing weird lag spikes in game menus with different controllers. I have the TV in game mode and I followed this guide...
  3. D

    Remote Play

    How many of you here have ever tried playing on remote play? The lag is obviously insane. As an above average player, it's unpleasantly humbling to get your ass handed to you by the scrubbiest of folks this way. Has anyone improved the responsiveness of remote play on the ps4 at all or is this...
  4. tcharb

    My guild just completed GMV 4!!!

    My guild just completed GMV 4 with over 30 hours to spare. I'm extremely proud of them and wanted to share this accomplishment.
  5. xxsledgrenxx

    Match Footage - D'Vorah Brood Mother - Online Comp

    Came close to top 16 with brood mother last week in Kombat Cup heres a few clips of gameplay seems like play her different every week
  6. xxsledgrenxx

    Match Footage - Relentless Relentless Jason Online Games (Death Sequence Montage)

    any relentless mains? tag the others please lol #DeathSequence
  7. xxsledgrenxx

    Video/Tutorial - Relentless Relentless Jason - Sledgren Ranked Matches

    Having fun with Ex redscreen setups Any Relentless Mains ?
  8. UGL Preon

    United Gaming League Alpha #1: MKX Tournament RESULTS & (Archive)

    Mortal Kombat XL Online Tournament (PS4) MARQUEE MATCHES & Results First and foremost shout outs to the players, viewers, & fellow streamers who made this event a lot of fun to host. Stream capped at over 100 viewers during the inaugural Stream and what a Stream it was. Featuring players from...
  9. ThaShiveGeek

    Match Footage I never left

    Decided to upload some footage from a casual set I played last night. I really love playing with Joker, and I wish the Online wasn't as dead as it is.