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What GoT/Asoiaf character would you like in MK?


All hail emperor Liucifer Kang!
No matter how you feel about the franchise , book or show enthusiast, one thing is certain, It has amazing characters. Characters that actually can fight, and there is a plethora of them.

I personaly really don't care about guest characters, but I also don't mind the ones that fit (Kratos, Predator, Spawn)

Khal Drogo would be an easy pick, he even has a proper fatality in season 1.

Another one that would be amazing is one of the Clegane brothers. Sandor The Hound has lots of personality, but I could imagine Gregor The Mountain being such a unique grapler with a greatsword that would match Abigail from SFV in terms of size and damage he would deal.

Oberyn Martell, Jaimee Lannister, Ramsey Snow would all be a great choice too.

Now that I think of It, I kind of want a fighting game with these characters.
Well, anyhow.. if you had your way, which GoT/ Asoiaf character would you want in MK?


All hail emperor Liucifer Kang!
Definitely Oberyn Martell, my favorite character of the series. Probably because Pedro Pascal portrayed him so well. That fight against The Mountain was amazing.
Man, just imagine how smooth he would look. He could maybe have different poisons to his spear that would do different things.

Afk Skinny

3D Krusader
I haven't read the books, but when I was watching videos on how Season 8 shit the bed, it sounds like Euron would be a cool ass character in a game


All hail emperor Liucifer Kang!
I haven't read the books, but when I was watching videos on how Season 8 shit the bed, it sounds like Euron would be a cool ass character in a game
Its an atrocity what they did with Crow's Eye. His character would arguably shine in intros way better than in the show thats for sure.


★ 19 Years of Jade ★
The Mountain

It would be awesome as Hafthor Júlíus Björnsson is fighting Eddie Hall this September in a boxing match. He would do it as it would be great for promotion. Hafthor even has t-shirts that say "Training to fight The Mountain" on it, it would be an awesome skin to have for Johnny Cage.

The Hound

He's just awesome.

WarnerMedia does own HBO, not sure if they have the rights to okay it without George R.R. Martin's approval though.


All hail emperor Liucifer Kang!
The Mountain

It would be awesome as Hafthor Júlíus Björnsson is fighting Eddie Hall this September in a boxing match. He would do it as it would be great for promotion. Hafthor even has t-shirts that say "Training to fight The Mountain" on it, it would be an awesome skin to have for Johnny Cage.

The Hound

He's just awesome.

WarnerMedia does own HBO, not sure if they have the rights to okay it without George R.R. Martin's approval though.
So its not so far off to hope it actually happens! I don't think George would mind have one of his characters being represented in a game like MK, or a game about his characters. Real question would be, would they even bother to get the actors to do the lines for just a fighting game? How profitabile would a fighting game be? Best hope is just one guest in MK. If Tekken can have Negan, we can get a GoT character :D

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Though I don't want any because I abhor guest characters, if I HAD to pick one, I guess Melisandre. I can imagine her using some pretty nifty fire/shadow magic. I guess Victarion "Volcano Arm" Greyjoy would be pretty cool too.

Also, by the laws of gods and men, Stannis is the rightful heir to the throne and all others are pretenders and traitors who deserve execution.


★ 19 Years of Jade ★
So its not so far off to hope it actually happens! I don't think George would mind have one of his characters being represented in a game like MK, or a game about his characters. Real question would be, would they even bother to get the actors to do the lines for just a fighting game? How profitabile would a fighting game be? Best hope is just one guest in MK. If Tekken can have Negan, we can get a GoT character :D
Well with Hafthor, he wasn’t an actor before GoT, he was a strongman first at an elite level to the point he was 2018 World’s Strongest Man & Arnold Strongman Classic winner, he even broke the deadlift world record during with 501kg last year (which broke his rival Eddie Hall’s 500kg record).

Now he’s temporarily retired from strongman to concentrate on boxing & his fight in September so who knows! With most of the world on lockdown, if they can’t get him to do it right away, luckily The Mountain became a mute after he was saved by Qyburn after he was poisoned by Oberyn Martell!


Positive Poster!
None. I want variations and guests to be of the past.
We need a game like MK9 was, with complete characters, a roster of all the favourites and then potential new ones once everyone's in.
If MK9 got new netcode and got patched we'd have a game for the ages.


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I feel like for a good MK guest, they either need to be really distinctive (like Rambo), or have some element of supernatural or sci fi ability to them.

Night King would be good. Maybe one of the wargs/skin-changers or something. I like characters like Jaimie, Bronn, Mountain, Hound, etc but most of them fall into the same Hack & Slash bucket. Maybe Arya if she can do some cool assassin magic or something.


The future of law enforcement.
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I always loved Cersei's little necromancer guy; the one who resurrected the Mountain. Dude was probably the most loyal character in all of the show lol. Just let him keep his little homeless kids and experiment on corpses and you've made a friend for life! He could be a summoner, like Alien Queen or TMNT, with poisons and chemicals like Kollector's zoning variation.


Premium Supporter
Premium Supporter
I always loved Cersei's little necromancer guy; the one who resurrected the Mountain. Dude was probably the most loyal character in all of the show lol. Just let him keep his little homeless kids and experiment on corpses and you've made a friend for life! He could be a summoner, like Alien Queen or TMNT, with poisons and chemicals like Kollector's zoning variation.
I always got the sense he was old and frail looking though, or at least not imposing. It'd be hard to take him seriously as a fighter outside of being able to summon someone else to fight. Maybe he could be like Carl Clover from BlazBlue?


All hail emperor Liucifer Kang!
None. I want variations and guests to be of the past.
We need a game like MK9 was, with complete characters, a roster of all the favourites and then potential new ones once everyone's in.
If MK9 got new netcode and got patched we'd have a game for the ages.
I do share your opinion, buuuut, we all know an MK without guest is never going to exist again, so we might as well give NRS an idea where should they go next :p


All hail emperor Liucifer Kang!
I always loved Cersei's little necromancer guy; the one who resurrected the Mountain. Dude was probably the most loyal character in all of the show lol. Just let him keep his little homeless kids and experiment on corpses and you've made a friend for life! He could be a summoner, like Alien Queen or TMNT, with poisons and chemicals like Kollector's zoning variation.
Qyburn is definitely interesting enough, Melisandre on the other hand makes much more sense in that regard. Also she is a wild card when it comes to her powers/sorcery, they could go wild with her abilities!


Fuck guests. The MK universe has plenty of characters, just focus on MK and MK only

But that ain’t happening, we will always see guests which is stupid because whoever owns the rights for those characters make money out of MK.