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This gem from the Mary Sue about Sonya Blade 'Fanboys'


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
To be fair, it's not feminism that's the problem. It's people who think feminism means something it's not, on both sides.

The main pillar feminism was built on was that women should have equal rights to men. Not that women should be treated better and men should be squashed into the ground. That's, sadly, what people have associate it with now though, because there are some "feminists" who have muddied what the ideology is all about, which in turn has turned people against it.

I don't mean to turn this into a political discussion (too late, I know, sorry), I just think don't like what people have turned this term into. Because in its core, it has nothing to do with what people associate it with today.
Exactly, feminism today has been taken over by the most vocal, far-left and hateful people I've ever seen. They are vocal about their hatred for men, I've seen people openly say they would kill a white man and that it wouldn't matter because they're somehow privileged. What the heck happened? Men and women should fight together, not each other, and sadly political parties have facilitated that war. Feminism today isn't about equality as you said, it's about women having supremacy over men completely and it's not a good look.


Remember the satanic panic for DnD in the 80's and early 90's?
To this day, this is the reason I have real trouble admitting to people that I like D&D, lol. I know it's different now, especially with Critical Role being so popular, but growing up with that shit left some scars lmao.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
she has a sarah conners - ripley kinda vibe in that pic... I dig it..
Boon said the faces are 1:1 with the actors they scanned, it would be funny if they are 50 & look just like that & people just hating like its a 3d model they made.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
To this day, this is the reason I have real trouble admitting to people that I like D&D, lol. I know it's different now, especially with Critical Role being so popular, but growing up with that shit left some scars lmao.
bruh, I have PTSD from telling people I play DnD. You used to get weird looks like they're trying to figure out if you RP with robes and light up the room with candles (let's be honest we all did at some point), and now today people have little to no reaction.

Critical Role is awesome, people used to laugh at us now they see that creativity isn't weird or geeky, it's artistic.


Official Merlin of TYM
Yep, but they cited ONE comment that blamed feminism but for a journalist...did they even bother coming here to see people's opinions? Youtube comments are a gold mine for idiots and trolls the fact that they based their argument on that is ridiculous.

I agree, some people are dumb, but they don't make up the majority of players and fans of the franchise. This article makes it seem that way.
One of the opening statements is this, as quoted:

"The impulse of some to blame “feminists” for ruining Sonya is really laughable because all it does is prove something that these same people want so desperately to disprove: They’re just sexist and don’t care about the actual characters."

Keyword, "some." She wasn't talking about every male gamer. Just "some."


For me it hasn't been about her looking sexy or not, her features just seem weird for a human faxe, there is something weird about the width of her face over her skull, not sure what it is but looks off. It's more a "doesn't look like a polished 3D model like the rest of the cast" that about her being sexy or not. I know for many this has been the case though.


but The Mary Sue is infamous for always showing one side of the story
It's a feminist journalism website. The whole point is to provide opinions from a femenist point of view. It's not different than if read the opinion section of the WSJ, or Reason.com, or The Heritage Foundation, or The Economic Policy Institute, or The Tax Foundation, or The Tax Policy Center.

In this case the author was responding to several specific comments she saw. She wasn't singling out the entire MK fanbase, just those specific thoughts. And those thoughts are hardly isolated to just a few dumb YouTube comments. There have been twitter threads and even threads on TYM that said basically the same thing as the comments she was responding to.


bruh, I have PTSD from telling people I play DnD. You used to get weird looks like they're trying to figure out if you RP with robes and light up the room with candles (let's be honest we all did at some point), and now today people have little to no reaction.

Critical Role is awesome, people used to laugh at us now they see that creativity isn't weird or geeky, it's artistic.
There's a pretty cool podcast called The Adventure Zone where they play a really good D&D campaign. It's really good. Starts out with just 3 brothers and their dad goofing around, but it turns into some pretty great storytelling.


Critical Role is awesome
I love these guys! They greatly helped making sure people knew that roleplaying and DnD isn't something evil. It really helps when people like these do what they can to crush silly stereotypes and instead help normalise it so others won't feel like they're "freaks" for liking and playing DnD.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
It's a feminist journalism website. The whole point is to provide opinions from a femenist point of view. It's not different than if read the opinion section of the WSJ, or Reason.com, or The Heritage Foundation, or The Economic Policy Institute, or The Tax Foundation, or The Tax Policy Center.

In this case the author was responding to several specific comments she saw. She wasn't singling out the entire MK fanbase, just those specific thoughts. And those thoughts are hardly isolated to just a few dumb YouTube comments. There have been twitter threads and even threads on TYM that said basically the same thing as the comments she was responding to.
Yeah, you're right, what really irks me is the idea that we want to fap to them that's why we want them to be hot as if there is no other conceivable reason. It's always the same issue with every game, and it's starting to get old. Their good points are overshadowed by something dumb. Even if it's a feminist website, they should still look at both sides of the coin or they'll never be able to make a really good argument.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
There's a pretty cool podcast called The Adventure Zone where they play a really good D&D campaign. It's really good. Starts out with just 3 brothers and their dad goofing around, but it turns into some pretty great storytelling.
Sweet I'll check it out, I love listening to DnD games while I work. That's the best part of the game, creating something interesting together. I've had the best times with my friends just messing around in a bar, getting into a wrestling match and getting my ass kicked.

I love these guys! They greatly helped making sure people knew that roleplaying and DnD isn't something evil. It really helps when people like these do what they can to crush silly stereotypes and instead help normalise it so others won't feel like they're "freaks" for liking and playing DnD.
Yup, as a Christian myself I think most of the panic came from people not understanding the game and we've seen how ignorance creates fear time and time again. The CR crew shows everyone, even if they aren't familiar with the game, how fun it can be.


Positive Poster!
To be fair, it's not feminism that's the problem. It's people who think feminism means something it's not, on both sides.

The main pillar feminism was built on was that women should have equal rights to men. Not that women should be treated better and men should be squashed into the ground. That's, sadly, what people have associated it with now though, because there are some "feminists" who have muddied what the ideology is all about, which in turn has turned people against it.

I don't mean to turn this into a political discussion (too late, I know, sorry), I just think don't like what people have turned this term into. Because in its core, it has nothing to do with what people associate it with today.
I know that there are a lot of countries in which women do not have equal rights yet but I don't know what equal rights have to do with characters in computer games.
Especially in America where being equal before the law is damn strict.


Positive Poster!
Remember the satanic panic for DnD in the 80's and early 90's?
I do not. I live in Eastern Europe and we always had satanists here, people who openly admit to it and nobody gave a fuck mainly because we kind of accept gods satans and other religious stuff as mankind's childhood imaginary friends, and as far as anyone I know is concerned, mankind is an adult by now.

In 2019 it's the feminist panic and they blame everything on that, even when it's not the case.
They are like 50 years too late, aren't they? Or was there something about women no longer being equal before the law that I missed?

I get it, feminism ruined a lot of things and made us jittery like Krav Maga black belts,
I know several people, women and men alike who do krav maga and I never felt jittery. It's a pretty good system and I love to spar them, they don't wave their hands around just go for the gut or the jaw.

but ignoring the trolls is probably for the best.
I love trolls, I love to take away their ammo. Haters I'll tell to hate me harder because it hurts so good, whiners I'll ask if they need cheese with it, etc.

The Mary Sue though, they never ignore them and then they blow an idiot's comment way out of proportion and generalizes it to the entire community and it's just as dumb as the ignorant person's comment.
Why do you read that website I personally haven't heard of until you posted it here, if you dislike what they say?

I'm probably missing the note about how women are feeling that they aren't equal in America somehow but it's a bit of a shocking surprise to me because back when I lived in LA I remember how liberal and open most women were, even got catcalled which is literally unheard of where I am from.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
I do not. I live in Eastern Europe and we always had satanists here, people who openly admit to it and nobody gave a fuck mainly because we kind of accept gods satans and other religious stuff as mankind's childhood imaginary friends, and as far as anyone I know is concerned, mankind is an adult by now.

Why do you read that website I personally haven't heard of until you posted it here, if you dislike what they say?
Well, that's concerning lmao, but I guess family gatherings are really interesting XD

Mostly because I like to laugh at their ignorance, probably not the best idea but you know.


She doesn't look old because 50 is not that old. In the 21 century you can be 50 and not look like a granny. She looks mature and badass.
There's some issues with her facial expression and lighting in the intro, but she looks much better in her victory outro. They still polishing


Soul Stealing Loyalist
The problem is a real journalist would do actual research, not write a whole article based on one YouTube comment. if they want the real scoop, they should come here not freaking YT comments.
Oh yeah, because we are oh-so-smart.

We TYM users have a tendency to be better MK players and more loyal to the franchise than our YT counterpart, but we aren't any smarter.
Last edited:


Positive Poster!
Well, that's concerning lmao, but I guess family gatherings are really interesting XD

Mostly because I like to laugh at their ignorance, probably not the best idea but you know.
Consider this: if you think you are somehow intellectually superior to those people, why should you need to observe their inferiority in order to reinforce that feeling of superiority in yourself? You just are.

On the other hand if you do need that feeling, you likely aren't.

It's a pretty stubborn cognitive bias to perceive someone, whom you disagree with fundamentally, as in some capacity lesser than you are.

I personally think you should stop behaving like that but it's just my personal opinion.
Hate how politics and games go hand in hand this days. Everyone chasing some agenda, but twitter comments are still not news worthy.
Sonya`s fine. Her younger self is looking better, just how it`s supposed to be. Scarlet is fine as well.
Cassie`s in trouble, though. They did her dirty. I know they scanned real people for in-game models, and i don`t want to be rude to that one person, but she looks rough. Good thing about mocap is they can actually change models if they don`t look good and i think they should, because not always someones likeness transfers well into videogame graphics.


Soul Stealing Loyalist
Hate how politics and games go hand in hand this days. Everyone chasing some agenda, but twitter comments are still not news worthy.
Sonya`s fine. Her younger self is looking better, just how it`s supposed to be. Scarlet is fine as well.
Cassie`s in trouble, though. They did her dirty. I know they scanned real people for in-game models, and i don`t want to be rude to that one person, but she looks rough. Good thing about mocap is they can actually change models if they don`t look good and i think they should, because not always someones likeness transfers well into videogame graphics.
Nice name.