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Help me understand this mentality


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
Yes, of course hayatei is the robin god. It wasn't really about finding the best robin to play against, it was more about me trying to say something nice to him to get him to calm down lol
Trust me, bro. He will never calm the fuck down. He's like that for a long time like some other people. Unless you do harsh words and he faces the reality, he'll stay the same forever and will never improve himself. For people like this, you need offensive psychology.


Retired forever; don’t ask for games.

Well, that took longer than I wanted it to. I'm going to keep it real with you @Ram, at one point I tried reasoning with psn garbage back in our days of IGAU (which I can't find the conversation for the life of me). Like, legitimately attempt common sense on them. I won't address them by name, but they pretty much convinced me not to care.

However, as the years went on, PSN people have consistently proven to me they are the lowest common denominator of player. I understand that not all of them are like that but a vast majority of them are. What more though is that some of them gloat after winning, which just left me jaded and uncaring of any hatemail whatsoever. Arguing with them is meaningless, and I'll admit I wasn't the most professional in that conversation above which happened during I2 last year but thats how I changed, but eventually it got to a point where I turned my psn msg settings off. I'll admit I don't have thick skin but some of the people go overboard.

TL;DR - Part me of dislikes these kinds of players. Part of me feels a degree of sympathy for them for whatever reason they find it okay to just kick someone down after you already beat them. All in all, its best never to converse or entertain these kinds of people; its a waste of time and energy.

Just play, and go on your way; if they get butthurt, then let them. If they sulk, let them. It's up to them on how they want to handle the pain of losing, not me.


Noob Saibot
I don't waste my time with people online anymore. I have two people who I play with and we all level up together. When Injustoce 2 first came out I was mopping my friends, but guess what? After about three weeks they were hanging with me, and now we have very competitive sets.

Anytime I play someone online and get hate mail, I dont even respond back anymore for two reasons.

1. They're a nobody
2. Xbox is a piece of shit anymore about bans

I'd rather teach friends who want to learn and don't make my life hell instead of randoms who will just go back to complaining.


PSN: MaxKayX3
I don't waste my time with people online anymore. I have two people who I play with and we all level up together. When Injustoce 2 first came out I was mopping my friends, but guess what? After about three weeks they were hanging with me, and now we have very competitive sets.

Anytime I play someone online and get hate mail, I dont even respond back anymore for two reasons.

1. They're a nobody
2. Xbox is a piece of shit anymore about bans

I'd rather teach friends who want to learn and don't make my life hell instead of randoms who will just go back to complaining.
Same with me in injustice 2, I got so many hate in this game that I eventually got tired of playing with random people and moved to private sets with Friends entirely. Even When I messaged the better players for ggs Most of them replied pretty shitty and I don‘t even Main a character with a projectile.
I don‘t know Why but injustice 2 always felt way more toxic than mkx for me.


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Question is, how do you turn a random into a friend? Or is it not even possible?
At one point or another, we were all scrubs (especially when starting out).
That's the thing though, we were not all scrubs even starting out.

Noob === New to the game
Scrub === Blames the game rather than themselves

Plenty of us sucked at first but knew that was on us, not because our opponents refused to hold themselves to some non-existent moral ruleset pulled directly out of our ass.

You can't really deal with these people like you would with people who genuinely want to get better. They don't genuinely want to get better, because they think they're already amazing at the game and only losing because the game is being unfair to them or the opponent isn't adhering to their made-up ruleset of how to play. They're not noobs but they're still scrubs.

Question is, how do you turn a random into a friend? Or is it not even possible?
My method is to just send a simple "GGs" message to everyone who I play a good long set with after, and sometimes I get a "GGs lets do another set sometime" kind of message back

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
I mean tbh having to literally just dodge projectiles and chase someone down the entire time is pretty counterintuitive to the general perception of what a “fighting” game means. You have to expect that the vast majority of people who buy these things are looking for some Freddy vs Jason levels of action, not some Jason chasing a teenage girl around a lake while she runs away and throws things at him shit. And most of those people can’t fathom the fun you’re able to find in actively choosing to be that girl, so they just figure you’re looking for cheap W’s against unskilled players rather than actually looking to learn and improve at the game.


The future of law enforcement.
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Getting called a [ban incoming] on ranked is actually really enjoyable for me, I can just picture the person on the other side of the mic, it fuels me lol
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, their salty tears sustain me, I just don't want to waste anymore of my time on them. That's not a mentality that will allow help from anyone.


The future of law enforcement.
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Question is, how do you turn a random into a friend? Or is it not even possible?
Whenever I play a rando and they seem to know what they're doing, whether I win or lose, I'll send them a friend request. Always looking for decent players, and have made a few great long-term friends that way.

NaCl man

Welcome to Akihabara
I love getting hate mail. You lost but i suck ok bro stay free lol

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk


Come Thunder! Come Lightning!
If you think this is about zoning, it's not. These type of players will send you toxic msgs about anything they can't deal with. I get those msgs almost regularly and my play style is rush down pressure.

So far i've been called "vortex noob" " bitch grabber" "combo spammer" "poke moron" you name it, And everytime i brush it off and just try to help them understand the matchup so they don't struggle that hard. But when they're over the top toxic like your dude there i just give'em the good ol' "cry moar scrub" and move on to the next player.


Come Thunder! Come Lightning!
So while I appreciate replies along the lines of "don't waste your time with idiots like this, they can't be helped" etc etc, I guess what I want to also ask you guys is what CAN WE DO to actually HELP and MAKE A DIFFERENCE for these kinds of players? Again, this guy had a pretty good robin, but a crappy attitude. Can we, as a community, do something to help people like this (especially in a online, messaging setting)?
To answer your edit, Am sorry i know how you feel but ppl like him are beyond saving for several reasons

-He lacks the mental strength to deal with defeat

-His ego is much bigger than his skill

-His hating on you for using something that the game provides as an option for everyone, instead of questioning his skill, his mistakes, his mind set or even the game balance, he instead choose to vent his frustration on you as an inferior who only won because of using cheap tactics.

-He's obviously not a tournament player, He doesn't have to deal with zoners if he doesn't want to, Simply ending the game with a "ggs" or w/o and moving on to find another players with a more suitable playstyle for him would solve all his issues. But he didn't, He choose to be salty when you offered him another set and he accepted. Everything was his choice and that's why it's difficult to look at him as someone who needs help.

Finally these type of players are oozing with negative energy, you'll get into the lab with them and i'll they'll do while you try to tutor is continue complaining in your ears about how this "x" special is dump op and this "y" normal shouldn't even be in the game, as they continue gnawing on your mental strength you will regret your decision and will feel way less motivated helping anyone ever again, many of which are actually worth helping.

That's why everyone is telling you to stay away from players like him,out of experience, they ain't worth a second of your time.

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
If you think this is about zoning, it's not. These type of players will send you toxic msgs about anything they can't deal with. I get those msgs almost regularly and my play style is rush down pressure.

So far i've been called "vortex noob" " bitch grabber" "combo spammer" "poke moron" you name it, And everytime i brush it off and just try to help them understand the matchup so they don't struggle that hard. But when they're over the top toxic like your dude there i just give'em the good ol' "cry moar scrub" and move on to the next player.
Block Spammer. I was called a block spammer and that will now and forever be the height of my FGC career. I only hope everyone else has achieved such a prestigious accolade.

Also once got called a repeater, because I did optimal combos, and apparently I'm expected to just make up random conversions on the fly or something. I really tried to reason with that guy, pointing out that he was dangerously close to calling me a combo spammer, which I had thought was just a meme. But he actually agreed and said that I, indeed, was a combo spammer.

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
its hard to change anothers mind without talking to them. I usually ask if they'd be down for a psn party. Once they get in the voice chat and hear that you're not some 12 year old kid that is just mashing they are more likely to listen to you. Then once you are playing again and they start complaining about something you can immediately stop and talk to them about figuring out some options against it. If THAT doesnt work...then you might wanna just call it quits but ive had great success with this tactic


Lose without excuses
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Btw, people like this aren’t automatically “beyond saving”. The majority of people started out as scrubs. It’s a mentality you 100% can unlearn. Back in 2007 when I started playing my first fighting game competitively, UMK3, I was the textbook definition of a scrub. I was that way for awhile. I even got decent at the game despite being a scrub. But it undoubtedly hindered my progress. One day back on ultimatemk.com (THE forum at the time) my good friend @MKK hanzo linked the Sirlin Playing To Win book/article I posted earlier , and my entire outlook on competitive gaming and fighters changed. I had no idea I even was a scrub, had no idea about a lot of things. Almost instantly I started improving more than I could have ever dreamed of back when I was a scrub.

My point is, I don’t believe even the biggest scrubs out there are beyond reach or beyond saving. Not saying everyone can “see the light”, some people will always be scrubs. But as someone who went through the process, it’s entirely possible to change people’s minds and mentalities.


Hey guys, got some messages from a salty player I beat and I tried discussing things with him. I am missing something here? Can these people be reasoned with? Should I have said something different?


I'm not in the sending hatemail business, I'm in the trying to make haters into training partners business.


EDIT: I posted this in a reply below, but I think I should mention it here too. I guess what I was trying to do is see if I could get through to him and hopefully ease/prevent him from raging in the future against me or other players who play similar to me.

At one point or another, we were all scrubs (especially when starting out). Eventually, we learned that this kind of mentality is toxic and unhelpful in terms of leveling up, and we try to avoid it. My hope was to maybe show this person that path and that turning point.

So while I appreciate replies along the lines of "don't waste your time with idiots like this, they can't be helped" etc etc, I guess what I want to also ask you guys is what CAN WE DO to actually HELP and MAKE A DIFFERENCE for these kinds of players? Again, this guy had a pretty good robin, but a crappy attitude. Can we, as a community, do something to help people like this (especially in a online, messaging setting)?
So do you actually not know frame data and just mash and zone? Nah just kidding he should accept his losses like a man