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Captain Cold/Mr. Freeze Match-Up Discussion


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*

Personally (and I mean that as subject to my experiences exclusively), I feel his best match-ups are against rushdown characters. I haven't had much trouble against Bane, WW, Canary, Flash, and really anyone whose gameplan is closing the gap. In the reverse, I've had tremendous trouble against Atrocitus, Black Adam, Poison Ivy, Green Lantern, Harley, etc, you get the picture.


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Yeah, I played one of my clan mates in a long set yesterday. Bodied his main, Canary, over and over and over, then he switched to his day-1 Firestorm and it was game-over. Wtf is Cold supposed to do against characters he can't zone and who don't need to get in on him? Ice Puddle was a non-issue and anytime I got close, he could just jump and flame to the other side of the stage; Cold has zero aerial presence. His strings are garbage (really NRS, an all-high string???). His zoning can be crouched and counter zoned by, I believe, any other zoner in the game.

Why can't his Death Cicle function like every other similar move in NRS games where it comes down relative to the opponent (directly on top, in front, or behind). As it stands, his 3 set ranges are incredibly awkward and the opponent can just walk forward or backward to avoid them on reaction.The gaps between them are so big that it's a miracle if your opponent is actually in a spot that might get hit. Make them like Shang's skulls or Sektor's missiles and then at least he can have some ranged presence against opponents who can ignore his lackluster zoning.

(Sorry, this is becoming more of a Cold rant, but it does apply to his matchups at least...)

What is his trait? Seriously, when is it supposed to be used? He doesn't need it against rushdown (puddle and zoning cover him well enough) and he can't get it out against zoners. So...when is it meant to be used? Is his trait literally just a gimmick you can use to troll your opponents? He's got some nasty corner setups, sure, so is that it?

Overall, I think he handles rushdown pretty damn well. His Puddle is just an amazing move that totally shuts down a rushdown offense, like GM's Ice Klone. They just need to tweak him so that he has some option against zoners without making him more of a rushdown killer than he already is.


Neptune's Beard!!!
I've played against Michaelangelo's Atro and I think Cold actually does pretty well. Ice Puddle is a great answer for Atro's who love to call the pussy and rush in with shield.


I think the trait can be a great tool against zoners that stay grounded like dead shot. If you grenade and then backdash they will be forced to stay inside. The hardest match ups for me are usually super girl, and Wonder Woman. Between the lasers and the teleport I have a really hard time closing the gap or playing a projectile game against supergirl. I have a hard time against ww when she sits in the mid range and throws shield at me, and if I try to close her whip usually gets me before I can land a hit. Im open to any suggestions on how to better play these match ups
I'm slowly getting the hang of his gameplan. Still very early, but just a few notes about the zoning match ups as it seems most people are having trouble with that.

You initially have to get in against most zoners the old fashioned way dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge. If you do happen to land a combo use a trait charge combo to get your first bar out quickly. You can then compete slightly at the range war with the faster bullets. If you do manage to get 2 bars you really can start to control the zoning war and just hold onto it until you really need to drop that big combo.

I agree for now he feels clunky, but I am kinda scared of this character. If they buff him too I dunno, but I feel that way with a lot of the ? characters that no one knows about yet.
I'm slowly getting the hang of his gameplan. Still very early, but just a few notes about the zoning match ups as it seems most people are having trouble with that.

You initially have to get in against most zoners the old fashioned way dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge. If you do happen to land a combo use a trait charge combo to get your first bar out quickly. You can then compete slightly at the range war with the faster bullets. If you do manage to get 2 bars you really can start to control the zoning war and just hold onto it until you really need to drop that big combo.

I agree for now he feels clunky, but I am kinda scared of this character. If they buff him too I dunno, but I feel that way with a lot of the ? characters that no one knows about yet.
if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a projectile
Captain Cold doesn't have too many bad matchups. You'll find that it's more so match up knowledge than character vs character. If you know what's punishable and what needs to be respected, you should only be struggling against Black Adam, Deadshot, and Dr. Fate. These are characters that can completely shut down charging your trait and beat you full screen.

A tip against the 3 mentioned and just zoners in general -- don't try to zone them back unless you have at least 1 bar on your trait. You're better off crouching your way in and being patient enough to catch a whiff punish or for them to do something punishable. If you're able to catch them you would go for the trait charge at the end of your combo instead of damage. You have to be so technical in these match ups as those are his toughest matchups. You can easily end up at full screen, having to work your way in again. You should be trying to do everything you can to get to level 2 or 3 charge. That is where you're opponents will respect you a little more and it will be easier to charge and throw out your own projectiles if you do end up back at full screen.

Another thing to consider is using your wall to eat projectiles. It not only absorbs them but you can also build meter and inflict heavy damage and set ups when you do catch them.

Hope this helps.


Cold Azz Mulatto
Why can't his Death Cicle function like every other similar move in NRS games where it comes down relative to the opponent (directly on top, in front, or behind).

What is his trait? Seriously, when is it supposed to be used?

Icicicle is way to slow to track, if we couldn't aim it we would never get a hit. You have to use it where you think they will be not where they are. I'm personally fine with it they way it is as you can almost instantly do a second one, put one where they are then one where you think they're going.

In a zoning war trait ups the speed of bf+1 so there is that at least. But yeah mostly for setups or to close the game with a lvl3 freeze punish on careless zoners.


Cold Azz Mulatto
Personally WW is the hardest MU for me. She just out ranges cold at all distances except near full screen. If she plays the right ranges it feels like there is nothing to be done.

Firestorm!!! I wish we had the choice to meterburn puddle as late as they do. Maybe two MB timings, one for trap one for freeze on hit?

D+2 seems to be a great answer for any air dashers or people reliant on high strings(Black Adams forward advancing string for example; It also can beat divekick when timed right but not sure it is reactable or more read based; also great on Atoc punch walk) and leads to full combo punish with meter.

Zoners are obv an issue if you can't get in but I feel like Cold does decent IF he gets in.

Over all for a non-pro I feel like I can win most matches that aren't a pure zoning war. I would def welcome some form of comboable low, but D+1(Am I the only one who feels it whiffs on floaters too much, maybe a hitbox adjust would help) as an irritant/interrupt into wall(no wall if they prove they can punish consistently) seems to force people to block low and open them up for grab or 122. Raw puddle also has surprising range and can catch people walking back or if they are too focused on blocking high since they know he has no real low game. He def has plenty of corner presence.

At least we're prob seeing buffs eventually as noone is raving about him. Anyone else think SonicFox may be trying to get DS nerfed since he knows Cold sucks against him?( Wishfull thinking I know)
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Cold Azz Mulatto
The mirror seems to be who tries to go in first loses, as Cold excels at keep out and sucks at getting in. Eventually it seems to dissolve into a zoning war unless both players try and go in. Being the impatient one I usually lose the match :(


Beware your Fears
These are the matchups I play the most and I feel he goes even with

Blue Beetle

Ones that I feel are tough

Haven't played a good Ivy yet

Definitely need more matches against the rest of the cast I'll post some footage of my matches later today tho


Cold Azz Mulatto
Ones that I feel are tough

This may be common knowledge but after blocked eye lasers and From the Deep you get free dash in. Not 100% sure Supes can't Dash Punch Special to interrupt your dash, but he def can't get back to back lasers before you get the chance to block after dash. Usually this stops them from zoning as they see you covering ground. Also D+2 destroys most of Supes air dash shenanigans.

MB Raw puddle also trades with some of Fishman's longer pokes and freezes him, sometimes allowing for a combo punish.


Beware your Fears
This may be common knowledge but after blocked eye lasers and From the Deep you get free dash in. Not 100% sure Supes can't Dash Punch Special to interrupt your dash, but he def can't get back to back lasers before you get the chance to block after dash. Usually this stops them from zoning as they see you covering ground. Also D+2 destroys most of Supes air dash shenanigans.
I almost shed a tear when I saw superman can dash punch straight over mb ice puddle lmao

Wt I have trouble with the most is wall is kind of useless in that matchup and his air mobility is so good it's hard to hit him with icecicles and his regular gun blast just doesn't cut it by itself and even if you do get in he still outfootsies you it's an uphill battle for sure

Kind of same concept with aquaman you can't charge trait or use most of your projectiles wt I do is block a FTD throw out an icicle then usually my opp respects it and I can throw a gun blast after I usually don't want to b too close to him I try to act like I'm going in but stay out of the range of his moves to hopefully try and whiff punish but doesn't always play out so gud lol

P.S anytime Cold gets someone in the corner it's party time


Cold Azz Mulatto
Wt I have trouble with the most is wall is kind of useless in that matchup and his air mobility is so good

Kind of same concept with aquaman you can't charge trait or use most of your projectiles wt I do is block a FTD throw out an icicle then
D+2 has great range and stops Supes air mobility, at least i works for me very well but may just be the level of my opponents. EDIT: redundant yes but think it is worth stressing.

I think Dash is much better option after blocked FTD since we need to get in or at least make them walk themsleves into the corner cause like you said "anytime Cold gets someone in the corner it's party time"


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
lol to anyone that think Cold only has a few bad MU's. Just because you can figure out a way to play a MU doesn't mean he doesn't lose it.
lol to anyone that think Cold only has a few bad MU's. Just because you can figure out a way to play a MU doesn't mean he doesn't lose it.
Lol to anyone who thinks he has a lot of bad MUs. Like just because you can't use him to the best of his ability, doesn't mean he's a bad character. If you're losing to characters who can't zone like Black Adam or Poison Ivy, youre most likely playing the MU wrong.
Okay, makes much more sense now. I was like damn, I must really suck with this character because I get bodied by Ivy.
Ivy is a match where you have to focus on blocking and charging your gun to level 2 or 3. That's the only way you'll get her respect. So focus on those two things first and you should do much better
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TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Deadshot and aquamn feel like AIDS to me
Deadshot is really bad. Aqua is bad too because FTD will outdo all options and out-trade with them in the long run...when you get in close his options are ridiculously better than Cold's


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Lol to anyone who thinks he has a lot of bad MUs. Like just because you can't use him to the best of his ability, doesn't mean he's a bad character. If you're losing to characters who can't zone like Black Adam or Poison Ivy, youre most likely playing the MU wrong.
Cold's gameplan is not rocket science lol. He is not tricking anyone who have tools to check his special moves. I'll admit I haven't put in the hours to really grind every matchup, but I can assure you that I understand his design fully and the limitations that it has against most of the cast just due to how the game works.


Ruthlesss Mayhem
I have problems against AM, more so a problem with meter management. like you have to get the most value if using meter and AM can just go dumb. however I think AM does that in every MU.

I do think playing cold let me understand and implement injustice 2 fundamentals faster though. other(some) characters are ezpz.


Deadshot is really bad. Aqua is bad too because FTD will outdo all options and out-trade with them in the long run...when you get in close his options are ridiculously better than Cold's
Yea I'm no captain cold expert but have been playing him nonstop for the last 2 weeks and he seems very polarizing. I could be wrong but contrary so what some people here think, I believe he has some pretty favorable mus. For example I think he beats:

Might go even with characters like:

But gets 8-2 by deadshot and aquamn and beat badly by other top tier like bladam and poison

I come from playing scarecrow where he didn't really have winning mus like cc but a lot of 5-5 and 4-6. No 2-8