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General/Other - Pyromancer Why Tanya has potential BEST zoning in new Meta of the game.

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
Pretty Lady vs Pyromancer is not 5-5 whatso ever. Tanya does what he does but wayyy better, with shroud teleports and obsorbing projecrtiles.
I disagree, I think her zoning counters tanyas quite well, but we can always play the MU some time. im always willing to learn!

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I can see the logic behind why she may be the best zoner, that part was pretty well thought out and constructed.

Idk about the matchups part, some seem kind of off but I don't know Pyro that much so I won't criticize that.

I personally think the patch made HQT the best zoner because a lot of his zoning involved stuffing a run in with low laser and now thats worth a hell of a lot, and he still has the other great zoning tools. Summoner still gets the job done in a close second imo. I'm my opinion, Pyro is 3 but she is definitely up there in the big leagues now so I can see why she might be viewed as the best.


Positive Poster!
Btter to upplay than downplay. Even though I don't consider myself upplaying at all. I have my thoughts on Tanya, as you have yours. Yeah if anyone had a slight advantage to zoning her it would be sorceror quan chi
Sektor also has better tools and completely shuts down her zoning. So does inferno.


Zoning Master
Ggs M2dave Pyro wins 15-2 it was all streamed <3
Very good games. Playing To Win has always been telling me about you. I have never seen such tech with Tanya and Jacqui before.

Who's m2dave how many top 32's does he have 1-0 revolver
Allow me to refresh your memory. Remember Evolution 2012? I was the guy who sent you to losers bracket in pools and made top 8.


Tanya, Tanqui, and Kaprisun Specialist
Very good games. Playing To Win has always been telling me about you. I have never seen such tech with Tanya and Jacqui before.

Allow me to refresh your memory. Remember Evolution 2012? I was the guy who sent you to losers bracket in pools and made top 8.
Would you AGREE that Tanya 6-4 Tremor?