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Question Who does the most chip damage in MKX?

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
This is not as cut and dry as it seems. I have heard various opinions but I would like to evaluate this based on a 1-10 scale in 2 areas so we are comparing apples to apples etc. This game is full of characters who may surprise you but I don;t use most of them. Blood god might be the best chip character. Maybe its Noxious reptile...or maybe its assassin Kitana. The point is I don't know but I want to.

Area 1: Chip initiation
Rage on normals and specials, Plus frames, speed, projectiles etc all add to this.

Area 2: Chip damage %
Strictly based on how much practical chip damage a character is capable of. Practical doesn't have to be guaranteed but It needs to be based on a common situation in a match.

If a character rates high it does not automatically make them high tier but it can help. I want to know this because I have always liked to do huge chip damage and play characters that can keep you blocking. Also, the more chip damage you do, the more meter you build so it can help keep that cycle going. A few sample scores could be...

Flame Fist Liu Kang
Chip Initiation: 8
Chip damage %: 9
f213 ex dd1 f213 fbf4 bf3 = 16% chip and builds back 3/4 of a bar

Flame fist has mediocre range on normals but a great projectile to compensate. His buff (dd1) makes his chip damage output probably at a 10 as highest in game but I'm not sure yet how other characters compare.

Tarkatan Alien
Chip Initiation: 10
Chip damage %: 4
f134 bf2, 1, 2 = 8% chip

Tarkatan Alien has range that can't be beat and it leads to a huge guessing game with rekka or a safe knockdown to reset it. He is super easy to use and his chip initiation score easily compensates for his lack of pure raw chip damage output.

I want to know what you think. Please explain your numbers if possible and provide an example for how you determined Area 2.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Eh ending midscreen to corner combos with caltrops then running up and doing 21122 low shots isn't too uncommon. Does like 20% too, I believe.
It requires a combo first, then it assumes they can't escape the caltrops with a wake up or tech roll, then it assumes they can't jump. Not uncommon but it's very conditional. Understand what I'm saying? It's way simpler to just to a string into windmill punch for 10-15%


RIP Ex Smash
What situation grants these characters the chip you're referring to? How easy is it to set up, what are the inputs? How much over all chip does a sequence do?
She has RCs that can be made more than +15 along with her long strings, spark buff, and 50/50s that are also plus.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
She has RCs that can be made more than +15 along with her long strings, spark buff, and 50/50s that are also plus.
Can you be more specific? Like in my example in the op? I read you're post and have no idea how that compares to another character. I knew she had those things but I don't play her and can't imagine what that looks like or how much damage it actually does.
Ruthless Ferra Torr lvl 3. End of story.
Same as above...can you be more specific?


Plus on block.
Never added up the number but this block string I do with big daddy Goro does quite a bit

The EX punchwalk at the end is not a part of the true blockstring but everything before it is.


I guess I play Necromancer now.. PSN: ArmedCalf
What situation grants these characters the chip you're referring to? How easy is it to set up, what are the inputs? How much over all chip does a sequence do?
If Imposter lands mimicry I'm pretty sure he can get like 12% meterless


Dragon fangs Goro does some pretty insane safe chip with db2 doing 4.87% on block, hitting 3 times and being only -3. His normals are mostly all plus and he has the mids/pokes to back it up. Whenever he gets in you're probably gonna eat about 10% chip while he builds hella meter. D1 punch walk is something to be respected and does over 4% chip I believe, and he can use EX low fang which is +12 to link strings as true blockstrings. I think he does some of the best chip in the game now that he finally has to mobility to get going. For chip initiation I'd give him a 7 as he has to get past some zoning in a lot of matchups and he has to be really in your face to get the chip started (other than f3) but the amount of respect he commands up close with his plus frames and command grab make up for it. For chip % I'd give him a 9 simply because he does loads of chip for free with every touch and builds meter like a pro.


It requires a combo first, then it assumes they can't escape the caltrops with a wake up or tech roll, then it assumes they can't jump. Not uncommon but it's very conditional. Understand what I'm saying? It's way simpler to just to a string into windmill punch for 10-15%
F24 caltrops 21122 gunshots

F24 is a hardknock down and guarantees a caltrop setup.


I would say Shaolin because he's almost always safe and can open up mind games, while building meter and doing good chip, with up kick + drop.

Edit: As far as most goes, probably Fisticuffs, and i'm not even joking.

Out of practical stuff, definitely Imposter for sure. Forgot about Imposter. I think besides Fisticuffs he wins clean here. But yeah Fisticuffs is much less practical than Imposter, so Imposter.

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
Venomous D'vorah is probably just behind Flame Fist LK.

Chip Initiation: 10/10
Chip Damage %: 8/10
f112 ex df1 = ~13% chip and builds a good amount of bar back. It was like 7/8 of a bar pre-xl, not sure now.

Any of d'vorah's excellent strings or pokes can be canceled into bug spray and add either 4.3 or 11.3% chip depending on meter. However, this is inherently risky as the spray is full combo punishable against anyone who knows the matchup and has the reactions to punish when you end the spray. This is on top of her venom damage off successful pokes, normals, and throws, which I wasn't sure if I should count due to them not actually being chip so much as damage over time effects. If you count her venom dots, I'd say she has 10/10 chip damage.

The whole variation is built around how much chip damage it can do, however risky it might be.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Venomous D'vorah is probably just behind Flame Fist LK.

Chip Initiation: 10/10
Chip Damage %: 8/10
f112 ex df1 = ~13% chip and builds a good amount of bar back. It was like 7/8 of a bar pre-xl, not sure now.

Any of d'vorah's excellent strings or pokes can be canceled into bug spray and add either 4.3 or 11.3% chip depending on meter. However, this is inherently risky as the spray is full combo punishable against anyone who knows the matchup and has the reactions to punish when you end the spray. This is on top of her venom damage off successful pokes, normals, and throws, which I wasn't sure if I should count due to them not actually being chip so much as damage over time effects. If you count her venom dots, I'd say she has 10/10 chip damage.

The whole variation is built around how much chip damage it can do, however risky it might be.
This is what I wanted. Thank you