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Which character on mkx has the toughest execution

Character with hardest execution

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idk.... RCs are moderately difficult on most characters, but im finding instant air projectiles to be much tougher to do consistenly. I was on point with pretty much every kabal ND cancel and sonyas F22~MS cancel~instant air dive kick combo in MK9, but I cant seem to get cassies instant air guns to save my life
Yeah, I agree with you there. I can't get consistent headshot fireballs with Liu yet. I did a little test, I booted up MK9 and tried out Liu's iafb for the first time in that game, far easier.

It seems to me like the engine is just stricter on iafbs now, especially BF motion ones. I'll probably try a converter and use the PS3 pad to see if it's any better but I doubt it.

Xarakamaka and Sonicfox must have unusually fast fingers to be doing them on pad with the consistency that they show. Or the Xbox dpad is godly.

Groove Heaven

I don't know how to use every character, but it seems like it would be a cancel character like Swarm Queen or A-List.

Back when I played Marksman I found it took a lot of practice to execute properly, and it only got harder after the patch.


This is my billionth life cycle.
F12xxGC, F12xxGC, 11xxDBF2 (tick throw)

Works every time. Chances are that the average opponent's defense falters in the midst of that anyway so sometimes you can full combo with swing after that second cancel.

Special cancels are NICE.
No way that works anywhere but online, and against an opponent that has no MU knowledge of marksman at that.


F12xxGC, F12xxGC, 11xxDBF2 (tick throw)

Works every time. Chances are that the average opponent's defense falters in the midst of that anyway so sometimes you can full combo with swing after that second cancel.

Special cancels are NICE.
I know the inputs, the problem is that I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong with the rythm whem pressing buttons. Sometimes it connects, sometimes it doesn't. I can connect really hard juggling combos but somehow I fail at run cancels, only exception A-List easier ones, I can even get Kenjutsu extremely hard DB1 juggle combo to work more often than Erron's run cancel.