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Where is Brady's freakout from SB pools last night?

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I'm trying to find the part where Brady came out of nowhere on the mic and screamed "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, STOP NERFING MY CHARACTERS", because it was the funniest shit I've heard in ages. I think it's in this replay somewhere, but I can't find it.

EDIT: Nevermind, I found it. Christ, this will never get old. Someone needs to put this on Youtube.


Part 1, around 1:40:00.
lol no cancel dashes, ALL KABAL. I mean if this keeps going EMP brady isnt going back to sub zero, I mean what can sub do against kabal....


Tom finally reached a rational point in his MK character dilemma and just decided he'll main Sub and play Kung Lao/Kano for his bad matchups. Give it a fucking rest, the man is finally doing something positive and productive with his losses for once. It blows my mind that this is all the two of you could take from this thread.

Obvious cry for attention is obvious.
Are you for real? Like, are you a real person? THIS is all you took from that?

It's a joke, you square, lighten up. Jesus christ.


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
Are you for real? Like, are you a real person? THIS is all you took from that?
As opposed to "Look, it's Tom Brady trying to be funny! Man, he sure is funny! Let's create a thread to discuss him."...?

Sadly, I didn't find it even remotely funny.

Tom reminds me quite a bit of a kid I knew in highschool that didn't know the difference between good and bad attention. I'm sure we've all known the type. They'll eat a jar full of bugs or shave a single leg and run around the field naked just to get a few people talking about them.


oh i dont know

it sounds to me like he was trying to be funny

with all the lulz about cyrax needing 100% to win tom screaming for his fighter to stop getting nerfed is prity reasonable.

hell i wish they would stop inadvertently nerfing smoke

they didnt even think about the ramifications of the global changes to sertan fighters did they?

edit: damn i got to stop posting when i first wake up, need coffee brb.
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