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Question what do frames mean

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I read what NRS did with the patch on Sub-Zero and it said his slide can go an additional 10 frames. What does that mean exactly? I'm unsure what frames are.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
I read what NRS did with the patch on Sub-Zero and it said his slide can go an additional 10 frames. What does that mean exactly? I'm unsure what frames are.
The game runs at 60 frames per second, so, in one second, 60 frames of movement action occur in the screen, including character animations, stage animations, etc .....

When you said "a character gain x frames" in a movement, means that move will be "delayed" in order to be more easy to be countered

Less frames, move faster

In this SZ case, seems that is not about "speed", but more, area range covered by slide, like, 10 more frames of screen distance, added to the original range Subby slide already had before the patch.


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MK (and most fighting games that i know of ) run at 60 Frames per second (Fps)

1 frame is equal to 1/60th of a second.

If subs slide was active for 50 frames before patch (made that up) then it was active for 50/60ths of a second.

+10 frames would mean subs slide is now active for 60/60ths of a second, also known as 1 second.

Bear in mind that frame data regarding subs slide was made up.

Although i have never heard of frames being used to calculate distance, what i think has happened is you have mis understood.

I think subs slide got an extra 10 frames of recovery, so if someone blocked a slide post patch they now have an extra 10/60ths of a second to punish it before sub can recover and block, meaning characters with slower moves, or players with slower reactions, have more chance to punish a sub slide .


If you're talking about characters and their actions, then frames is the amount of time it takes for a character to start and complete their action. Generally the less frames it takes for a character to perform something, the faster it is. Sektor has a 6 frame jab where as Kano has a 10 frame jab. Sektors is noticeably faster. If they both jab at the same time, Sektors will hit first and interupt Barakas.
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