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Sinestro's might!
I have been playing a good Kano player lately and They can probably do it once and I block and then if they do it again I would be prepare and fully punish it. And as a Sub Zero player I life how it lands and it can go quite well into an ice clone.


too smart to play MKX
Is it still trolling if you're correct?

Seriously, how many goddamn threads are there on this website created specifically to bitch about upball? It was warranted when that move became THE BEST THING EVER over night, then it just got old because everyone understood. Now, the move is punishable and we still have these threads. It's between dumbshits thinking it's still not punishable, or they're bitching that it's not punishable enough.

Am I the only person who didn't even have much trouble versus Kano when Upball was gdlk? I don't know what it is about fireballs and anti-airs that just causes people to forget how to fucking play.

Yes, I see the fallacy in assuming people knew how to play to begin with.