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Umk3 Tournament at MAde In New York

Edit by Shock:


We have 8 players confirmed so far, Again we don't play or accept x box live we will have 2, possibly 3 arcade machines (standard button configuration). Made in New York skate shop is located on Merrick Rd in Massapequa, Long Island. See the website for the address if there any problems with directions let me know. If there is an overwhelming problem with the date and time I will push back if need be.

Entry fee is $20 with 5 dollars going towards the shop and the rest going to the winner, we expect to have at least 20 players so someone will walk out with at least $300. After I have determined exactly how many were going to have and who were gonna have I will post all final info on may 5th as far as scheduling, brackets. I will be formatting the tournament in a way that allows everyone to play a good number of matches, (possibly best out of 7, or round robin) This gives everyone more than a fair shot and ensures that the best players will win. If interested in coming out email me (zach) at [email protected] by June 5th with your name,name u will be playing under, phone number, and a brief word or 2 about your skill level (be honest). I will do my best to make the schedule as fair and balanced as possible. I'll try to put some food out for dudes as well as a keg or two for those who like to drink. Again I'm on this site a lot but if u don't e mail me by June 5th than you cannot participate, Thanks.

Me and my friends will be looking to host a Umk3 tournament at Made In New York skate shop in Massapequa Long Island within the next few weeks. www.maidenvintage.net. We currently have an arcade machine (we don't play x box live) and will be adding a couple more over the next couple of weeks, possibly a custom made 50 inch projections screen as well. Anybody interested in attending or just coming thru to play some rounds at any time hit me up at [email protected]. Made in New York is a nice shop with a lot of cool stuff, we play every day all challengers are welcome. I will supply more details as they become available, drinking is always encouraged. Umk3 is life.
Once I read "New York" I knew Frankie was all over this thread.

Seriously, someone make something in Florida. No tournies ever happen down here. I can't even find UMK machines anymore, just MVC :(


Coolness. Maybe I can attend this tourney. :D Won't know till we get the tourney date.

In the meantime, feel free to bring consoles for UMK3 casuals (or even tourneys if you want) to Castle Golf. Click my sig for full details.


Westbury Nathan's 4 Life
I will definitely be down for some of this, I'm like 30 minutes away in Franklin Square.

Looks like Frankie's detective work has paid off! :lol:
Just an FYI for everyone. Not trying to discourage anyone from going, but the cabinet is a converted Killer instinct machine, with the 3x3 button layout, run is in the middle on the bottom row. Just a heads up so yall know the deal.


Premium Supporter
I talked to him about getting someone to convert the layout to default UMK3 and sent him the pdf. I won't come out unless it's like that =)
yea I dunno if they would convert it. If they did though, I got a source for 50 bucks for all new buttons and sticks. if your gonna cut it up to make the buttons the right config, might as well replace all the shit in it :)

I'll talk to these guys this week, maybe tomorrow. I been out to there shop 3 times I think, and partied HARD one night with them hehe. I'm long overdue to stop by and say whats up, at the very least.


Premium Supporter
99% chance I will be there, I don't see any reason I won't be. I really would like the cab controls to be converted to standard UMK3...please :lol:
I think so... I'm gonna call up them during the week and make sure its going on.

Darkvirus said he'll come through and chill out too.


Premium Supporter
Any word from Busta Hades or Natas? My friend Lorin is coming with me. :D
No idea... I think busta is wrestling the 9th though... hades and natas I havent spoken to in months. I can hit them up on xbl, we'll see whats up.


Premium Supporter
He had a show yesterday so far as I know, his fro was on the line. I don't know if he has another next weekend. This we need to know. I'll bring a camera with me, and imagine there are more players here than at Evo lol.
