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TYM Computer Science Group


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For those who don't know, the full "Introduction to Computer Science" course from Harvard is completely free on EdX (https://courses.edx.org/courses/course-v1:HarvardX+CS50+X/course/). This is the complete up-to-date course, with lectures, problem sets, etc, and you have access to all of the same online groups and resources as the actual Harvard students. And though this is a Harvard course, it's still an introductory course, so no previous experience is required. They recommend devoting about 30 minutes to 1 hour per day to complete the course on time.

I've previously made it through a bit of the course, but going solo, it's very easy to burn out. So, I figured I'd post here in case any other TYM members might be interested in taking the course together. The course is a "go at your own pace" setup where all assignments are just due by the end of the year. So, the group would primarily exist to keep us all moving toward that goal post, and allow members who work ahead to help those who have gotten behind. Zero experience is required and the course uses only the most basic math.

The skills taught in this class form the bedrock of professions like game developers, web developers, and app developers, so there's some serious money to be made from the skills you'll learn. You'll also just learn cool shit, like what is binary and how do computers understand it, or how does information travel over the internet.

I figure I'll just put together a Discord channel for the group and we all work through at our own pace on our own schedule, and use the Discord to get help, offer help, and keep each other motivated. So a very low-pressure environment.

So yeah, if you're interested in joining the study group or just want more info, feel free to post here or PM me.
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That's cool. I was actually just checking that site out trying to find a music theory course I can take. I'd love to help out and take the Computer Science course, but right now it's hard for me to commit to things long term with my current schedule/life situation. Good luck though, way to take advantage of free learning.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I want to try out, but my schedule has been really shit, from work to content creation, though i think i can do this for at least 1 hour per day.


The future of law enforcement.
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@Marlow You might check out Khan Academy, I think they've got some Music Theory stuff. LinkedIn Learning is also good (and you can get a lengthy free trial and extend it when you cancel lol). But, honestly, one of the best resources I found for learning music theory was an old Guitar Grimoire book, I think it was Progressions and Improvisation. Really helped me memorize the Circle of 5ths and how to convert any normal/flat/sharp/diminished/augmented into any of the others.

@Eddy Wang It looks like you can go as low as 30 minutes per day and be totally fine. That also makes it easy to skip days if you know you can put in like a 2-hour day later in the week. Either way, feel free to try it out and back out if you need to. This will be a non-committal study group.


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@RoboCop Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check those out. I'm mainly looking to get more into being able to analyze harmony, chord progression, and learn how to arrange 4 part vocal works. Also how to create realizations of figured bass parts.

Relatedly, if you know a little music theory, have you ever checked out 8 Bit Music Theory on youtube? The guy looks at video game music through the lens of music theory, it's some pretty interesting stuff. You don't need to be a big music theory nerd to appreciate it, just a basic understanding will do. If you love video games and also love music it's a cool watch.


The future of law enforcement.
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Looks like LinkedIn Learning has at least 2 courses that you'd be interested in. You can try Coursera, which is similar to EdX, but the interface is kind of annoying and they group paid courses with free courses, so it can be tough to find a good one. Udemy is another option that is sure to have what you're looking for, but since anyone can upload a course, the quality of courses varies pretty heavily. The default prices are insane but the courses go on sale for $10 almost constantly. I've found some real gems on Udemy but also quite a few duds.

I'll have to check out that channel, it sounds awesome!


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I signed up for a free course from Coursera from university of Edinburgh, but I might try that Berkly course from Edx. Or both at some point.


The future of law enforcement.
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Currently studying for the CompTIA A+ certification, but I think I can add another 30 minutes of study. Count me in.
Great! I'll let you know when I get the Discord set up. And feel free to invite anyone else who might be interested.


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
I've learned too much about programming and game design to be as uneducated on Computer Science as I am.. Thanks for the post champ, I think I'll check this out, lmk about the discord!


The future of law enforcement.
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I've learned too much about programming and game design to be as uneducated on Computer Science as I am.. Thanks for the post champ, I think I'll check this out, lmk about the discord!
lol that's exactly how I am. I've been studying this stuff on and off for years but never really get very deep. Ready to make it through at least one full course.


The future of law enforcement.
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Just bumping for visibility. Looks like we've got 4 members right now. I'm waiting until Monday to officially start the course, though some members have already jumped in and started coding their own games in Scratch (which is the Week 0 project). You can play my game, Furpocalypse, here. Again, even if you don't know the first thing about coding, CS50 will have you making stuff like this in almost no time at all.