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Thoughts on Houston Insomnia tourney


The Netherrealm beckons
Wow. I could not be more satisfied with a small local tournament (for the record, we had 28 entrants). I was there with AK47SUKI 187

I need to tell you guys a little backstory to give you an idea of how awesome this tournament was for me: for those who don't know, my military life moved me to Japan in January 2012. This was difficult for a passionate MK player like me. Almost nobody plays MK9 in Japan, so offline events are nonexistent. Online is my only viable way to play the game.
On base, we have only one ISP to choose from and they're horrible ($40/month for 3 megs down, .4 up). We have no choice in this matter. If you don't live in Japan, then playing with you online simply isn't going to happen. I've been dealing with this for a whole year.

I haven't been to an MK9 tournament since PDP. I actually met 2 guys at Insomnia who were at PDP.


You guys are total bros, and I can't wait to talk to you again. I felt like I was talking to old friends with you both. THANKS FOR PUTTING ME IN LOSERS, TEMP lol. And Odinson, you're a totally scary 100% purebred Viking man NEVER SHAVE THE BEARD

Cat Showtime KH StarCharger ShanxterX

It was great meeting all of you and Cat again from when we last played at Planet Zero (is that place still open?). You have no idea how bad I want to stay in Houston and evolve my game with you guys, you all seem like a blast to hang with.

I'm terrible with names, so I'm sorry for the following: there was a Kano player (Royale With Cheese?) there who blew up my Scorpion in casuals, and I just wanted to tell you that you make Kano seem at least mid tier man lol. I loved those matches even though I only won once out of like 5 games.

I'm sure I forgot a few people like I always do, but I had a blast playing this game and hanging out with everyone in Houston who loves this game as much as I do. It was hot as balls in there though, Jesus Christ I had go stand outside to cool off every 10 minutes wtf

Thanks everyone for showing up and being awesome. You guys have no idea how badly I want to stay here after tonight. TONS OF PICTURES AND MATCH VIDEOS COMING SOON, thanks to AK47SUKI 187's badass Rebel T3 camera


Fuck Yeah Dude! It Was Fucking Kick Ass Seeing You Again!! Every Tournament Together Has Been A Fucking Blast!!!!!!!!!! Haha I Look Forward To Many More Tournaments Together Man! EVO For Sure, Temp And I Will Be There!!
This brought a tear to my eye.

I respect men and women in the military, making all the sacrifices they do for our country.
So noble and sincere of you to find such peace and comfort in MK and the community.

Thank you so much for your service and bless you, your family, and fellow comrades.


Salmon. Otters. The Bringer.
That was a great set, GrandMasterson. It went down to the third match, and I'm pretty sure it also went down to the third and last round. Insanely hype. Stay safe in your travels, bro. Hopefully we'll be seeing ya in the not-too-distant future.