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General/Other The Smoke Kouncil with 16Bit and M2Dave


Blue Blurs for Life!
GamerBlake90 FrothyOmen Glass_Sword subzerosmokerai Ghostface777o0o xSMoKEx matterovermind @ any other smoke players thinking about joining on this call....

Is there any way we can start this around 12:30? I don't think I am going to be back home until then but I still want to have the discussion tonight.
Keep in mind, my schedules are based off the Central Time Zone.

I was thinking we could start this on either 9:00 or 10:00 P.M. tonight, but do you guys need me to reschedule this for tomorrow evening instead? It sounds like you do, judging by the following posts. I don't want anyone to miss out.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
1230 EST tonight or I guess tomorrow would work also since I don't have to work anyways. Wafflez might be able to make tomorrow too.


Ya, lets all get our drinking out of the way tonight and try for tomorrow. Plus, we need wafflez in on this.

Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk


Blue Blurs for Life!

I like how some of you think it's more important to get drunk than it is to host this council. :REO

(wow, I've never used that REO icon before)

In any case, be ready tonight, the Smoke forum is going to be sharing a treasure trove of information and comedy with our TYM family.