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The saltiest you've ever gotten in this game? Salty stories!

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I get angry as shit when I play online against people who use really OP/Glitchy things.

For instance using things like a Bomb Trap that was once removed. Using Freddy Krueger and doing 60% combos with 1EX. Things that I see in my eyes as OP. I get mad when in this game I can't jump over things unlike the old ones where I could easily jump over cyrax's net, or kabal's spin. I get salty as shit when people message me, that is so rude and annoying. I get frustrated with the terrible balancing in some characters, like sometimes I feel like If I don't have some sort of hat/mask I'm screwed.
every time my ice ball goes through freddy.... or when he walks straight through my clone.


I played against him a while ago, handed his ass to him, he d/c's. Avoids me like the plague for about a month. Finally accepts my challenge last week. I hand him his ass with my Tsung, raiden, and kung lao. Turns out the guy has a decent sheeva. Tried other toons against him during some salty messages while being calm and trying to encourage him as it being a learning experience. He whooped on a few of my lesser known toons. It gave him courage, and since I was being nice he stayed. I switched back to my tsung/raiden/lao and beat him bad. He leaves, but adds me as a friend. I see him on the next day and we pull each other through random. He picks Ermac, I get lao. I go beat with thos 40% unbreakable combos, just couldn't get my groove in that game. left me rather salty, but sometimes shit just doesn't go your way. After his momentous 1 battle victory he leaves me a message saying he has to go, guessing he wanted to jet after his 1 win. Proceeds to take me off friends list after it too. Have not seen him since. He's mad salty, best to avoid him. he coudl be a decent player, but he has a really shitty attitude.
I played against his Sheeva and found it quite bad. Maybe he got better since tho.


Aquaman is dead lel
Just lost to Kung lao because I took around abour 20%+ from one round alone in the 21212 strings chip damage.

I seriously hope Kung lao gets nerfed to as bad as pre-patch baraka.
Couldn't have said it better myself.


Not exactly Salt but I was pretty angry.
I was doing some ranked matches because I needed to warm up before playing in the Wharf and the first person I go up against is like a 500/100, so I think "Oh, this might actually be a good fight"
I pick Noob as always and then immediately get a message from him saying only "Spammer" in the subject field and he goes straight to Smoke. Match goes on and I punish everything he does (only teleports and shakes) he leaves during the babality calling me a cheating spammer and to stop doing "moves." Apparently doing combos is cheating.
That really rustled my jimmies.


A friend and I always play offline against each other when he comes over. It's pretty close every time, three rounds fighting for every last inch of life. But when I bet him three times over without breaking a sweat he raged out and through the controller at the couch ( obliterating it )... Then blasted verbal abuse at my house mates dogs... Hahaha. Mk will institutionalize him. Hahaha.


A friend and I always play offline against each other when he comes over. It's pretty close every time, three rounds fighting for every last inch of life. But when I bet him three times over without breaking a sweat he raged out and through the controller at the couch ( obliterating it )... Then blasted verbal abuse at my house mates dogs... Hahaha. Mk will institutionalize him. Hahaha.
I sure hope he pays for it... if that shit happens to me, lord.


Black lantern
when ever i lose to a player that i know i can beat ( aka scrub) because of the damn lag and input delay, i sound like this

I rage quit a lot, not going to even denial that but the saltiest I've ever gotten? Well, I smashed my controller losing to a scorpion that had a record of like 89-200 early when the game came out... Really thinking back I wouldn't have smashed it if I didn't get fatalitied.
Not exactly Salt but I was pretty angry.
I was doing some ranked matches because I needed to warm up before playing in the Wharf and the first person I go up against is like a 500/100, so I think "Oh, this might actually be a good fight"
I pick Noob as always and then immediately get a message from him saying only "Spammer" in the subject field and he goes straight to Smoke. Match goes on and I punish everything he does (only teleports and shakes) he leaves during the babality calling me a cheating spammer and to stop doing "moves." Apparently doing combos is cheating.
That really rustled my jimmies.

HAHA. Just last night a guy messaged me with "All you do is block, you are a fucking noob" I responded with. "As opposed to not blocking and getting hit with everything like you did?" He didn't respond back.

Apparently blocking is for n00bs.
Somthing that made me a little angry last night. Was practicing my Tsung. Fought this scorpion with a terrible record, and all he did was be predictable. I just couldn't make smart decisions on punishing stupid mistakes for this match for some reason. I played terribly. Pretty much gave him a free win and thought it's k i'll get my shit together and get him next round. He takes his win and jets. That always pisses me off.
HAHA. Just last night a guy messaged me with "All you do is block, you are a fucking noob" I responded with. "As opposed to not blocking and getting hit with everything like you did?" He didn't respond back.

Apparently blocking is for n00bs.
I got one of these last night too from some ermac. It was "blk blk blk blk blk you really like that combo huh?" Everytime he teleported i blocked and punished with sektor's 12b1 which leads into a 44% combo. So yes. I do like that combo.

Sent from my Gameboy Color

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
I have a new Salty moment that happened yesterday.

I was Sub Zero playing against Freddy. Now we all know Freddy has the glitch where projectiles go through him somehow when he blocks. Well he managed to jump and into my ice clone and walk around inside of it without getting frozen. It just DIDNT happen. I got so mad I was screaming at the TV and just let him finish me off. Fuck you Freddy. FUUUUCKKKK YOUUUUU!!!!


Twitch - 12DollarStreamMonster
I know this is going to sound very DSP of me. But.. I feel like when I am holding the block button that sometimes it does randomly stop blocking.

This only happens to me online so its probably my own fault but this has happened to me quite a bit the past few days. I know for a fact the hits that are hitting me arent mix-ups. I understand the difference between a low and high hit. I was just holding block on wake-up and I was hit with a Kung Lao 1,2,1,2,1,2 string. I tossed it up to laggy online sketchiness.. but it has happened more than once.

When something like this happens.. I dont necessarily rage.. I just get frustrated because its impossible for me to know what truly happened.


Weather Man
Im salty at the CPU. Why the hell do they get unlimited meter and use EX wake ups every single time on Expert ladder. Has anyone else noticed this? The CPU wont have one bar but will do a EX wakeup. :doh:


Once again... as hard as I try to resist playing online... I caved in because I want to play against other people. First match I get in, dude picks kung lao. My input delay is so bad I can barely get a normal out. He wins, xrays me for a finisher, and then calls me a pussy a bunch of times. LOL this fucking game man.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Im salty at the CPU. Why the hell do they get unlimited meter and use EX wake ups every single time on Expert ladder. Has anyone else noticed this? The CPU wont have one bar but will do a EX wakeup. :doh:
i still haven't gotten the "you found me" achievement because I rage against the cpu when trying to double flawless it. I really didn't want to do it on beginner but it is looking that way. piece o' shit Shang Tsung AI ... gha.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Once again... as hard as I try to resist playing online... I caved in because I want to play against other people. First match I get in, dude picks kung lao. My input delay is so bad I can barely get a normal out. He wins, xrays me for a finisher, and then calls me a pussy a bunch of times. LOL this fucking game man.
I really suggest getting in the TYM room. That stuff never happens. If it does... someone takes care of it. :D


Kitana Prime aka MK's Rated R Superstar
As soon as someone chooses Lao.

Especially good players, because know I KNOW I have to capitalize on EVERYTHING and not make ANY mistakes myself.

So basically play perfect, which is not likely.

I pull the majority of these matches, but damn if EX Teleport, Divekick and 2,4, Low Hat and everything else about Lao doesn't fill me up with :salty:


Weather Man
i still haven't gotten the "you found me" achievement because I rage against the cpu when trying to double flawless it. I really didn't want to do it on beginner but it is looking that way. piece o' shit Shang Tsung AI ... gha.
Which one is 'you found me?" I did the Noob Saibot one and he had crazy amount of health or something. Took alot to kill him. Ive still not done the smoke one.


Sig Maker
There was this player today HuNteN MaStA(yea, I'm calling you out asshole) and he was the definition of a pattern scrubby player. He picked Lao and I picked Subby. His gameplay was as follows:

Scrubby Player said:
Jump back divekick. (Punished) Jump divekick again. (Punished) Jump back. Low hat. Low hat. Low hat. Jump in. Throw. 24 Low hat. 24 Low hat. (Poked out of) *gets knocked down* wake up spin. (Full combo punish.)
Then he picks Smoke (BROKEN MK2 costume of course) and does this:

Smoke Away, Smoke Bomb. Jump in kick with OS throw. OTG bomb. Jump kick throw. Repeat.

HE PISSED ME THE FUCK OFF so I picked Raiden and just wrecked him with simple tactics like B32 teleport d3 teleport throw etc.

Then he picks Reptile and dashes everywhere like an asshole and I couldn't punish him because it *of course* started to lag. He beats me and then starts teabagging and jumping around like an asshole. So I rage quit and avoid him for lacking skill.

Fucking prick. :rant:
i still haven't gotten the "you found me" achievement because I rage against the cpu when trying to double flawless it. I really didn't want to do it on beginner but it is looking that way. piece o' shit Shang Tsung AI ... gha.
dont expect it to get easier. he always manages to get a hit in.