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The RoboCop Thread


XBL tag: South of Zero
BTW I played a laggy ass south american Liu Kang and.....Does Robo shield parry not work against flying kick? Could have been the lag and some kinda roll back error, but if it doesn't parry that, that's total BS
No, you cannot parry Liu kick, it's airborne. But you can parry other moves that are airborne, so, uhh... NRS just picks favorites.
There are no rules about that kind of moves, you can't parry Kabal's nomad dash even if Kabal is grounded when performing the move and before Aftermath you could parry Raiden's electric fly (they reverted that for some reasons) but you can parry multiple airborne move like Shao Kahn's hammer lounge, Kung Lao's dive kick, Rain's bubble move (the armor breaker)...


XBL tag: South of Zero
There are no rules about that kind of moves, you can't parry Kabal's nomad dash even if Kabal is grounded when performing the move and before Aftermath you could parry Raiden's electric fly (they reverted that for some reasons) but you can parry multiple airborne move like Shao Kahn's hammer lounge, Kung Lao's dive kick, Rain's bubble move (the armor breaker)...
weak lol


Ambiguous world creator
Ok, wow, didn't know there was a patch dropping today. And ok, yeah, it's some weak-ass shit.

BUT, one, they clearly know Robocop needs buffs, and two, it's clearly not a full balance patch. These are just a few quality-of-life changes. So I gotta believe this is just a down payment on more buffs to come. In the meantime, yeah, 50 health isn't a lot of help, but the change to his u2 hitbox may help a lot... will need to see.


Ambiguous world creator
No, you cannot parry Liu kick, it's airborne. But you can parry other moves that are airborne, so, uhh... NRS just picks favorites.
True dis. I'd like to say there's some consistent rule here, but if there is, I can't figure it out.

Kitana's charging ass and Raiden's electric fly can't be parried, even if they're done on the ground.
But Jacqui's feet-off-the-ground dash punch, Shao's lunging hammer, and Terminator's endo lunge can all be parried.

So you might say, if it can be done in the air, it can't be parried... except... both Kano's dragon ball and Rain's argus plunge can be parried, whether they do the move from the ground or the air.

So then you might say, well, only air kicks can't be parried... except... both Kitana's and Mileena's teleport kicks can be parried, whether they do the move from the ground or the air.

So, why is Liu Kang's dragon kick immune, when he can't do it in the air and other kicks don't get special treatment? Who tf knows... NRS just seems to want Liu to be the braindead golden boy who doesn't have to deal with hard counters.


XBL tag: South of Zero
Robo used to have a cmd grab tic off S1??? LOL

Apparently the patch took that away. Had no idea. I have trouble with that input and stubby range


Old man Hyuga.
Why erron black can beat all robo's zoning without spending any meter? While having better buttons? Why anyone should pick robo over him?


The future of law enforcement.
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@CountHyuga I think all his MUs might be bad lol. Too many characters can counter his zoning too easily, and besides that he's just got terrible damage off of useless and risky normals. The man needs options besides low shot and 121~flamethrower.


Old man Hyuga.
I am playing him extensively and whenever i can't zone my opponent i find myself in a bad spot. His normals are too stubby, and some of them are too slow for what they are. I am running 3 variations. All of them with flamethrower and low auto. My favourite is the one where i run arm missile. Cobra cannon honestly sucks. It's slow, doesn't control air space and its kb it's hard to trigger. Arm missile covers the big weakness robo has, the shitty anti air game. Command grab doesn't really help him much, while air ocp seems nice to have all around. I find challenging and fun playing as him, but i really can't wrap my head around some of the dev choices. On top the low durability of his projectiles (Deep freeze drinks all of them, make at least one of them trade if he is really a zoning focused character), and shoulder cannon not triggering when hit by opponent's projectile. It doesn't make a sliver of sense.


The future of law enforcement.
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I am playing him extensively and whenever i can't zone my opponent i find myself in a bad spot. His normals are too stubby, and some of them are too slow for what they are. I am running 3 variations. All of them with flamethrower and low auto. My favourite is the one where i run arm missile. Cobra cannon honestly sucks. It's slow, doesn't control air space and its kb it's hard to trigger. Arm missile covers the big weakness robo has, the shitty anti air game. Command grab doesn't really help him much, while air ocp seems nice to have all around. I find challenging and fun playing as him, but i really can't wrap my head around some of the dev choices. On top the low durability of his projectiles (Deep freeze drinks all of them, make at least one of them trade if he is really a zoning focused character), and shoulder cannon not triggering when hit by opponent's projectile. It doesn't make a sliver of sense.
There are a couple of things you can try:
  • be sure to utilize his amazing forward and back-dashes. Canceling forward-dash into an attack is just an easy, free way to add substantial range to all of his normals. You can also mix in early cancels into low-shot to make it even more difficult for your opponent to react correctly.
  • f3 is a surprisingly decent anti-air. You can cancel it into high-shot for a full kombo
  • command grab is good because of its massive corner carry and it's a mid, so it can't be ducked. It also greatly increases his dash game, since he can now dash-grab in addition to dash-attack, and the opponent can't just neutral duck or poke.
  • Command Grab also makes a decent punish against all the safe nonsense in this game.
  • Cobra Cannon isn't as good of a projectile as Wrist Rocket, but it can still be used to end 121 for solid damage and to send the opponent back to full-screen. Solid, depending on the MU. I believe Wrist Rocket results in a bit less damage.
  • Don't forget, RoboCop got an extra 50 health in the most recent patch, so now he's basically unstoppable.
Amp flamethrower jails into B2 from 12/22/f32, because B2 reaches surprisingly far. So that'd be an option to fish for an actual combo, I guess, if you didn't want to just cmdgrab/mid them... but the cmdgrab entices them into jumping into your B2 anyway, so.
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The future of law enforcement.
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It's not very safe, actually. You could eat an uppercut. F2 strike/ grab mixup is way better.
He's saying it jails, so they don't have a chance to uppercut. They either have to block and hold it, or try to get out and get tagged. Or flawless block and ruin RoboCop's day.


Old man Hyuga.
Why people manage to jab after blocking my j4? And also, it's me or robo's 1 is really short? I try to punish stuff with it and end up whiffing a lot.


Old man Hyuga.
I am OK with its being slow, but the dumb pushback of some of the safe nonsense of this game makes punishing with it very hard.
I'd like to talk about a potential buff about the f212 KB. I see everywhere people suggesting that the KB should pop up the opponent for a combo, but I'd like to share my thoughts on why it's a good idea on paper but might end up being bad for Robocop.

Robocop combo ability is one of the worst in the game by design, his only string that launches is slow and unsafe on block due to the second high hit. Robocop is a character that will take his time to kill the opponent while keeping him away. On paper, having a one-time high damaging launcher is a great idea yeah. Except that... Like I said Robocop isn't a character that will open the opponent a lot, which means that the opponent is always likely to have both of its defensive bars ready, Of course, if they turn f212 KB into a launcher, they will tone down the base damage of the KB to like I don't know 15~17%, and what is the usual follow up after a launch mid screen ? b2. And b2 is a move that scales A LOT and in the end, at the end of your midscreen combo you'll reach 27~28% (around 31~33% with terminal strip), just like the current KB damage, but this time the opponent will be able to break from the damage. In the corner you might reach something like 31~33% (and like 35~37 with terminal strip) but, like I said, it will still be breakable.

And I can already see people saying "you can use the OCP charge to catch the breakaway and that's free 40%". Well, the problem is that it is so easy to tell when Robocop is gonna convert into the b2 or try to catch a breakaway. A skilled and patient opponent that knows Robocop will almost never get caught by it, you have all the time in the world to see if Robocop dashes b2 and you just have to break after or during it. If no just tank the damage you will be fine. I could write the same thing about fatal blow breaker armor but it is the same thing as the charge only the fatal blow is a ressource you don't always have and you might not want to spend on a gamble breakaway or not.
Why would you even breakaway against Robocop anyways ? His combos makes ridiculous damage and even if you give him a KB launch, it is so obvious how he will convert the launch into you can guarantee to take the less damage everytime on reaction without breakaway. Rolls, block attacks and wake up attacks work so well against Robocop I don't even know why people would bother wasting their meter like this.

So, if you really want to buff the f212, Robocop would gain so much more if you simply buff the unbreakable damage from 27% to 31~32%.

(By the way why giving him the charge as armor breaker, not only I think air breakers are really dumb, but this one sucks more than the others. Couldn't they give make his - I don't know - up auto-9 as armor breaker ? No it makes too much sense.)
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The future of law enforcement.
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If the hit-stun on his gas grenades was a bit longer, that move would actually be pretty good. As it stands, not sure what its purpose is. They seem to have stealth-buffed a few of the interactions, like now you can actually get throw conversions in the corner, and unlike regular bombs, gas grenades don't go away on hit, allowing you to trade favorably with pokes that would otherwise interrupt bomb pressure.
Gas grenade is a bit worse alternative to flamethrower (less dmg, doesn't hit from all strings, less advantage) in exchange for letting you also put spikes all over the place.

You can get a gas setup opportunity off from a b12 knockdown, if you fish for those. I really don't see it being worth giving up on a combo ender for. The surprise restand to roll the strike/throw dice again is not terrible.

I think it's something you pick for the multiple options. None of them are amazing, but they're not unworkable. Personally, I just pick it because I prefer the DB input to flamethrower's.
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An extra bit of versatility to the cheval is what Obly briefly mentioned in their post: https://testyourmight.com/threads/the-robocop-thread.73010/post-2663096

You can end strings in gas (close or medium depends on the string, as you need the canister to hit them) to make the opponent more hesitant to immediately hit back... because the gas is safe on block (and creates some distance between you), and will trade even if you get hit, and barring a d2 the trade is in your favor, sometimes you can even combo on trade.

Unfortunately, they CAN d2 to trade with you if you go 121 xx close gas, so that doesn't solve it being unsafe. And f32 xx close gas interacts weird with breathing animations on block, sometimes leaving you unsafe, because Robo is THAT close to the opponent (so it's not an auto-pilot for every string).
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vs Scorpion:
Low Auto punishes a ducked spear even from full screen. Input the command with diagonals (with Input Shortcuts on).
Straight Auto can punish spear one character width away from full screen (needs to be closer, as it's 4f slower than Low Auto, just to drive home which is superior).