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The RoboCop Thread

121-bf1 is hitconfirmable and can be looped into itself.

The d2 won't beat it, because the opponent can be hit high during hitstun.
Sadly debunked this in a match earlier today where the opponent’s d2 beats my 121 after +9 advantage.

Maybe I didn’t do it right, but I’m sure I did the 121 as early as I can. Even if it was off a couple of frames, it should have came out earlier than the 9-10 frames d2 right?

Guess I’ll stick with the mids.


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Sadly debunked this in a match earlier today where the opponent’s d2 beats my 121 after +9 advantage.

Maybe I didn’t do it right, but I’m sure I did the 121 as early as I can. Even if it was off a couple of frames, it should have came out earlier than the 9-10 frames d2 right?

Guess I’ll stick with the mids.
Standing 1 has 8 frames of startup so jailing into it from +9 is a 1-frame link. I wouldn't recommend going for that, especially online. The d2 starts from a crouching position and punishes highs, so it doesn't have to come out before your standing 1, just during it, so if you go for the standing 1 and are even a frame late and the opponent does d2, they'll beat you out. You can reliably jail into standing 1 from d1, d3, b3, f2, and flamethrower in the corner. You might be able to from f3 or f32 but I can't remember their on-hit advantage off the top of my head.


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Ninjakiller finally released a video of his RoboCop:


Zoning Master
I think I see a daily status update that calls Robocop "trash". LOL.

Why do people think so?

@RoboCop , have you given up on the character?


The future of law enforcement.
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I think I see a daily status update that calls Robocop "trash". LOL.

Why do people think so?

@RoboCop , have you given up on the character?
I haven't been playing much lately, but no, I haven't given up on him. I hate that he's so utterly one-dimensional and reliant on bf1, though. I have no idea what they can do to help his other variations that won't inadvertently push v2 over the top due to this design. v1 needs damage, and I don't think there's a way to buff his specials to give him what he needs, but any changes to normals and strings would apply to v2. v3 just needs bomb setups that actually work, along with a slight damage boost to make the setups even worth using. Overall, I just hate that I can play for hours without doing a single real kombo with him. I don't think that's a fun design for me or my opponent, just pew pew pew nonstop.


Character Loyalist
Standing 1 has 8 frames of startup so jailing into it from +9 is a 1-frame link. I wouldn't recommend going for that, especially online. The d2 starts from a crouching position and punishes highs, so it doesn't have to come out before your standing 1, just during it, so if you go for the standing 1 and are even a frame late and the opponent does d2, they'll beat you out. You can reliably jail into standing 1 from d1, d3, b3, f2, and flamethrower in the corner. You might be able to from f3 or f32 but I can't remember their on-hit advantage off the top of my head.
I am pretty sure that it is a 2-frames-link. Thus 223 should be the 1-frame-link.
Some things that I feel need to be buffed :

B2 : Make it an overhead or slightly faster on startup (11-13 frames would be nice)
F4 : Make it slightly faster on startup (14-16 frames)
F212 KB : Make it a launcher or increase the damage to 30%-ish
D4 : Take off a couple of frames on startup

Active & Reactive Patrol : Make them safer on cancel.


It's too bad his air attack isn't universal rather than limited to V3.

It adds utility, especially if not fighting one of those insta-combo from anywhere on the screen if you leave the ground type characters. :p
Outside of V2 I think he is trash.

Sonicfox was messing around with V3 for awhile and has since stop playing him by week 2. That right there would probably tell you he sucks.

When I play Robocop I'll just stick with V2 and sit full screen pew pewing my opponent to death because that's really the only way to play him. His staggers don't seem to be too effective and I haven't been able to keep a good pressure game up close even though he gets some good hit advantages off his normals.

When they made Robocop they made him a hard zoner with zero rushdown potential. This is a bit sad, because in the movies he could punch through a wall with his bare hands. He needs a big buff when it comes to damages. His normals should hurt more to say the least.


Zoning Master
Outside of V2 I think he is trash.
I have been struggling in many match ups, even with V2. I guess I owe @RoboCop an apology. LOL. I have been thinking long and I cannot precisely determine what I am doing wrong. I mean, if I have any talent in fighting games, I tend to be good at shooting projectiles. LOL.

Every time my opponents start reacting to forward dashes, I cannot win, but Robocop's normal attacks are stubby so you have to commit to forward dashing. There is a certain range in footsies, roughly the beginning of a fight, where only d+4 hits, but the start up is very slow for a low poke at 15 frames. You also cannot reliably enforce a mix up on hit because of the push back. Low auto is an option, but if your opponent jumps, you get punished. Just like low auto, d+4 is susceptible to jumping attacks, and anti-airing with d+2 or jabs has sometimes been inconsistent. Other zoning characters like Cetrion, Johnny Cage, and Kitana control this range much more effectively because they have superior normal attacks.

Speaking of jumping, rocket keeps whiffing on some characters when used preemptively as a long-range anti-aerial attack, which is particularly annoying when you thought you made the right read. The projectile travels too fast and the hitbox is tiny. The recovery on neutral crouch is also very long to the extent that you can get punished by advancing special moves like Johnny Cage's shadow kick and Sub Zero's slide.

As Robocop mentioned a couple of weeks ago, he also struggles defensively, He has as a big hitbox, no range on u+2, and an u+3 that can be low-profiled on wake up by certain low pokes.

I believe he has inferior jumping attacks too, at least in comparison to Kitana, Kung Lao, Sindel, etc., but I am done complaining. If you pick Geras and pretend low sand trap is your low auto, you do almost everything better. LOL.

Any suggestions or feedback are welcome.


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I've since uninstalled the game while I work on other stuff, so unfortunately I won't be much help. I might come back at some point, but I realized that even when winning, I simply wasn't getting any enjoyment out of MK11. Instead of spending 12 hours per day grinding this game and getting nothing out of it, I've started putting in 12 hours per day on Khan Academy and EdX learning math, physics, American history, computer science, and other subjects, and it's been much more fulfilling.


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But, to better respond to your post, the only thing I might recommend is interrupting your forward dash just outside the range of whatever they are using to punish them with bf1, so dashing forward into low shot. I found mixing in forward dashes into low shot with forward dashes into pressure made the dashes much more difficult to react to.
I have been struggling in many match ups, even with V2. I guess I owe @RoboCop an apology. LOL. I have been thinking long and I cannot precisely determine what I am doing wrong. I mean, if I have any talent in fighting games, I tend to be good at shooting projectiles. LOL.

Every time my opponents start reacting to forward dashes, I cannot win, but Robocop's normal attacks are stubby so you have to commit to forward dashing. There is a certain range in footsies, roughly the beginning of a fight, where only d+4 hits, but the start up is very slow for a low poke at 15 frames. You also cannot reliably enforce a mix up on hit because of the push back. Low auto is an option, but if your opponent jumps, you get punished. Just like low auto, d+4 is susceptible to jumping attacks, and anti-airing with d+2 or jabs has sometimes been inconsistent. Other zoning characters like Cetrion, Johnny Cage, and Kitana control this range much more effectively because they have superior normal attacks.

Speaking of jumping, rocket keeps whiffing on some characters when used preemptively as a long-range anti-aerial attack, which is particularly annoying when you thought you made the right read. The projectile travels too fast and the hitbox is tiny. The recovery on neutral crouch is also very long to the extent that you can get punished by advancing special moves like Johnny Cage's shadow kick and Sub Zero's slide.

As Robocop mentioned a couple of weeks ago, he also struggles defensively, He has as a big hitbox, no range on u+2, and an u+3 that can be low-profiled on wake up by certain low pokes.

I believe he has inferior jumping attacks too, at least in comparison to Kitana, Kung Lao, Sindel, etc., but I am done complaining. If you pick Geras and pretend low sand trap is your low auto, you do almost everything better. LOL.

Any suggestions or feedback are welcome.
Have you tried V1? I’ve been playing it exclusively and have had a mildly successful with it. Robo’s command grab is pretty OD.


try more ex wrist rocket into normal wrist rocket/low auto9 full screen. Closer up you gotta play the shitty game that MK is. Whiff punish what you can, and deal with the shitty hurtboxes. Robo gets to play this game at least.
This characters neutral sucks and of low gun shot is not a factor then the character is garbage. Bottom 10 for sure. V1 is the best bc of the stand reset and command grab. You have to rush down with him.


Robo's air charge brutality should work whether opponent is in the air or not. The splattering should not be so limited....they should change that. :(:rolleyes::eek:

Legion DC

"Another weakling..."
Making Robo's B2 a overhead would be great, but I'll settle for Mid, too.
if B2 a mid he won't get D2 throwing it out and Robo will probably be able to catch people poking.
This would also give him more combo potential due to the fact B2 launches the opponent.
I play Robo 1 var only. There's a huge struggle getting in close to use Terminal Strip. This command grab is the whole point of the 1st variation.
to grab and carry the opponent to the corner to continue pressure. and there would be nothing like a meaty B2 mid to get things cracking again.
So does Robo have anything--even in a custom variation--to make him a little less repetitive to use? Any combo options, cool setups a la Joker's, or just... anything that's not string into stagger or zoning? I love the character and the vibe they've created him with, but playing him is just so... DULL. I feel like I have no options for expressing myself through playing him. It's just... string into special, then bang bang bang.
So does Robo have anything--even in a custom variation--to make him a little less repetitive to use? Any combo options, cool setups a la Joker's, or just... anything that's not string into stagger or zoning? I love the character and the vibe they've created him with, but playing him is just so... DULL. I feel like I have no options for expressing myself through playing him. It's just... string into special, then bang bang bang.
Unfortunately, I think you are correct. He does have some favourable matchups, though, but not many.
If you pick Geras and pretend low sand trap is your low auto, you do almost everything better. LOL.
Sand trap will hit glowing Jade, whereas low auto won't. One more thing against poor robo.
I hate how he has a shield parry to play the oki game as well as throw KB's on both sides, yet his throws don't give oki. Seems a poor design choice.


Sand trap will hit glowing Jade, whereas low auto won't. One more thing against poor robo.
I hate how he has a shield parry to play the oki game as well as throw KB's on both sides, yet his throws don't give oki. Seems a poor design choice.
Imagine if Robo's shield reflected projectiles.

In ranked mode it'd be nice if instead of how variations are, he just had more access to his moves.