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General/Other Sub-Zero Nerfs


I'm away for the weekend... wont be able to play :(

Noticed it said "• Increased the damage scaling on a frozen opponent."

How much of a hit is it really?
Well so far it seems like around 1-3% less damage on frozen opponents. It's kinda stupid since his damage output was midrange anyways but his bnb combos that did 32% are now both at 30%. his wall combo got destroyed by it. Use to be 38-43% now it's more like 34-38%. Switched to my own much simpler wall combo that does 34% to be honest. Off a straight freeze the JPS 214~slide is his best combo now at 25%.

Overall I don't really see the need to down his damage so much but I haven't read the patch notes or seen all the characters combos so if it's something that was done across the board that's okay with me, but if some of the 40% combos that other characters have were unchanged then it's definitely a hard hit as sub will be doing even less damage comparatively.


Hmm that's strange... I thought his damage output was about perfect. Although, I suppose it could be worse.

My co-main got nerfed as well. Jade! Why? hah

And from what I read... they haven't done anything to Jax yet... he needs help.
It doesn't seem like that big a deal in general, you still get 25% off an anti-air clone or a fireball trade, 40% with xray.

Like others have said, it's the corner combo that got nerfed the hardest. But we need to sit down again and figure out what's his best BnB after 22 freeze now. Also, if we can still get to 40% in the corner somehow.


The normal 2,1,4 slide does 26%.

If you add 2,2 freeze in front it does 28%!

If you do back 1,2 it does 31%.

If instead you do back 1,2 freeze, NJ2, Back 1,2 2,1,2, slide. It only does 33%.

And the 2,2 freeze NJ2, Back 1,2 2,1,2, slide does 30% damage. That is probably going to be his BnB.

Or you can do his 2,1,2 freeze, dash, back 1,2 slide for 29%.

Those last two are still his main BnB's.


The closest corner combo to a 40% damage after patch that i have found so far is the following:

JPS b1,2 freeze NJ2 x2, 4, 2,1,4,slide its a 11 hit combo for 39% damage without meter use.


Well I listened to Tom Brady last night... he said you can still get 55% corner Xray.. you have to let the B1 miss and hit with the 2.

He also said this is just a band-aid... the real full patch is coming in 2 weeks... so we *might* be getting hit with more.
It'll be pretty annoying if they nerf him more. There are people out there with far easier and higher damage combos than Sub has. His damage output was about perfect where it was before this patch. Even now it's not terrible but too much more of a drop will make longer combos almost pointless.
Yeah the nerf is annoying but Sub still has over 50% damage combos into Xray. Also, the juggles I was already doing still seem to be optimal. An interesting consequence of the higher damage scaling is that resets into unblockables are now better than they were before the update.

Adding a 1 before the b12 in the midscreen meterless juggle still adds 2% damage. This also does more damage than 22 freeze jps 214 slide. I believe this is currently Sub's optimal midscreen meterless combo: 22 freeze dash njp dash 1 dash b12 212 slide. Obviously b12 does better damage but you should only do that off a jump-in because the b1 can be crouched underneath.

I think this is useless, but I found out that in the corner, njp x2 4 21 224 slide combos. It does 1% less than njp x2 b12 214 slide. I couldn't find anything better than that for a corner combo. You can actually do njp x2 1 b12 214 slide but it does the same damage without the jab.

Is jps 214 xray the best finisher into Xray now?
Tom Brady's video talking about the damage nerfs:

3:07 for the new BnB in the corner with Xray. jps 224 freeze whiff b1, 2 214 xray - 55%
the 55% corner above is easy, and the freeze on range to JiP, 2,1,3 xx slide still does ok dmg.
What I noticed is that it is the NJp that mess thinks up. I went to the corner to try the JiP, 2,1,3 xx slide, but replacing the JiP with a NJp.
This are my results.

Freeze, JiP 2,1,3 xx Slider 25% which I think is pretty ok...
But after testing the other combo, not so realistic, but proves my theory.
Freeze, NJp 2,1,3 xx Slide 21%

The BnB was: Freeze, NJp b2,1 2,1,2 xx slide, which now does 24%.
Anyone have any BnB doing more then 25% midscreen from a freeze now, please let me know.

The same combo drops 4% from doing a NJp instead of a JiP.
(not to mention NJp does 5% base and JiP 4% base).

Time to remove your NJp's from combos...

edit: Looks like EX freeze scales the combos better in juggle state aswell.
2,2,4 xx Freeze 2,2,4 xx Slide 31%
2,2,4 xx EX Freeze 2,2,4 xx Slide 34%

(For those interested, Tom's recommended corner combo into X-ray would do 62% with EX freeze instead of normal freeze, but this is not possible in a real match)
I couldn't help but notice but during the second combo in that video (the one that does 5% more), he didn't do the same one. In the corner, he added the back 1 2 into it before the 2 1 4 slide but in the open space he didn't. That probably accounts for some of the 5%, along with the two NJ's he did.

Edit: Don't flame too hard if I messed something up and misunderstood, I'm new to the whole competitive fighting thing. e_e.