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Strange issue with 4 in combos


Come On Die Young
Hello my fellow fan-throwers, I've been having a problem that I haven't been able to fix.

I like to use combos that start like this:

f21, njp, 4~fan, dash, 4~fan lift

However, I always end up replacing the second 4 with 2. When I use 2, I can hit it perfectly about 95% of the time. However, about 95% of the time I try to use 4, I somehow do f4 which is too slow to continue the combo. Is there any reason other than my controller why this is happening? I mean, I'm literally doing nothing different except pressing 4 instead of 2, and I've never had a problem with f2 coming out. I know it's a small damage difference between using 4 and 2, but I'd rather maximize it.
not letting the d-pad return to neutral before pressing 4? but if that were the case you'd be getting f2 coming out too...so not too sure.
I have no problem landing the combo at all.


Hello my fellow fan-throwers, I've been having a problem that I haven't been able to fix.

I like to use combos that start like this:

f21, njp, 4~fan, dash, 4~fan lift

However, I always end up replacing the second 4 with 2. When I use 2, I can hit it perfectly about 95% of the time. However, about 95% of the time I try to use 4, I somehow do f4 which is too slow to continue the combo. Is there any reason other than my controller why this is happening? I mean, I'm literally doing nothing different except pressing 4 instead of 2, and I've never had a problem with f2 coming out. I know it's a small damage difference between using 4 and 2, but I'd rather maximize it.
I've been practicing lately, and I've not been able to get the 4 to connect at all. Either nothing, or more often like you, the f4 comes out. 2 work fine though. I'd rather give up the little damage for consistency.