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General/Other Seriously tired of having meter problems.


Twice I faced a player and at the very end of my loss, my meter finally hit Level 2. A little late for breaker, right?

I do Ice Clones at every possible chance and launch Ice Balls from behind. Unfortunately, this only gets me punished. Meter-building is one of the hardest things to do as SZ. And even when I'm not using Enhanced abilities, I still have serious meter issues and I'm unable to break combos at crucial moments.

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
try not hiding behind clones so much try to develop 3 or 4 block strings which are safe use those and your meter will fly up making
them block try it on the practice dummy set to block and watch your meter as u hit him


Scrublord McGee
I'm not a Sub-Zero main-liner, but I have to ask, why are you turtle-zoning with Sub-Zero? Get in their face with 2,2,4~Ice Clone (low-risk) or 2,2~Ice Ball (high-reward). You'll build more meter from them blocking your attacks than just using specials.
Try pressure with example: 21,d3,22,d4,d4,21 now u have meter :)

Also after 22,freeze u can combo into JP,b121 and u have frame adv so opponent MUST block, now u can start your pressure again and now u have meter for Xray so opponent can leave the game.
Don't turtle with sub, period.
Use his block strings into clone. Each time you do this you will gain approximately 1/4 bar of meter.(I'll have to test it later)

Don't sit behind a clone tossing Ice cubes at the opponent, it might it every once in a while or the opponent might get hit into an ice clone, But it's not the way to build meter. Building meter consists of: Blocked strings, Blocked Specials, Whiffed Specials, Hit specials, Taking damag, etc... Sub has the best meter-build if you know how to use him.

When you do have meter, it should only be to use EX Freeze to make sure you can get to your opponent, EX Slide to put your opponent back in the corner, breaker, and his most damaging X-Ray combos only for unbreakable damage and the win. Those are the only reasons to use sub's meter in my opinion.
Use clones to control space and create mind-games, not to sit behind.

Have a great day.
Don't turtle with sub, period.
Use his block strings into clone. Each time you do this you will gain approximately 1/4 bar of meter.(I'll have to test it later)

Don't sit behind a clone tossing Ice cubes at the opponent, it might it every once in a while or the opponent might get hit into an ice clone, But it's not the way to build meter. Building meter consists of: Blocked strings, Blocked Specials, Whiffed Specials, Hit specials, Taking damag, etc... Sub has the best meter-build if you know how to use him.

When you do have meter, it should only be to use EX Freeze to make sure you can get to your opponent, EX Slide to put your opponent back in the corner, breaker, and his most damaging X-Ray combos only for unbreakable damage and the win. Those are the only reasons to use sub's meter in my opinion.
Use clones to control space and create mind-games, not to sit behind.

Have a great day.
That's a great strategy against part of the cast. I however cannot get close to certain cast members without getting owned. Jax and Jonny Cage are two that come to mind. I need to stick and move (ie. poke and bait), or I'll get hammered if I go toe to toe with them.
Some ways to build a little extra meter:

As OnizukaPM already said, instead of JIP 2,1,4 xx Slide after freeze, use JIP b+1,2,1. The opponent is forced to block (unless they wanna lose another 30%) and so by following up with a block-string you get 1% more dmg than you would've gotten from JIP 2,1,4 xx Slide, and you build about half a bar of meter, while depriving the opp of some of the meter they would've gained from the other combo.

In certain match-ups you can take the lead, and then just sit back (such as against Kitana). In this situation you can just pop out a Clone and then duck under all of the opp's projectiles, rinse and repeat. Though, obviously, an opp like Kitana will be building more meter than you, so that's a situational tactic.

Be aware of your opp's health, and recognise when you're at the end of a round, because you can finish a combo early with Slide to build a little extra meter for the next round. Another way is if the opp is frozen standing, and only has 7% or less health left, you can time it so that you hit them just after they unfreeze. This way you kill them with chip, giving yourself meter, and giving them none (except on the very last hit).


Some ways to build a little extra meter:

As OnizukaPM already said, instead of JIP 2,1,4 xx Slide after freeze, use JIP b+1,2,1. The opponent is forced to block (unless they wanna lose another 30%) and so by following up with a block-string you get 1% more dmg than you would've gotten from JIP 2,1,4 xx Slide, and you build about half a bar of meter, while depriving the opp of some of the meter they would've gained from the other combo.

In certain match-ups you can take the lead, and then just sit back (such as against Kitana). In this situation you can just pop out a Clone and then duck under all of the opp's projectiles, rinse and repeat. Though, obviously, an opp like Kitana will be building more meter than you, so that's a situational tactic.

Be aware of your opp's health, and recognise when you're at the end of a round, because you can finish a combo early with Slide to build a little extra meter for the next round. Another way is if the opp is frozen standing, and only has 7% or less health left, you can time it so that you hit them just after they unfreeze. This way you kill them with chip, giving yourself meter, and giving them none (except on the very last hit).
What block strings are you using after b+1,2,1?
What block strings are you using after b+1,2,1?
I always use 2,1, so that I can follow it with mixups, or simply end with 4 xx Clone. Especially as if it lands, you get 60%+ Using 2,2 and HC'ing into 2,2,4 xx Clone is fine, as well, obviously.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
That's a great strategy against part of the cast. I however cannot get close to certain cast members without getting owned. Jax and Jonny Cage are two that come to mind. I need to stick and move (ie. poke and bait), or I'll get hammered if I go toe to toe with them.

Stay away from Johnny Cage. Jax is a lot easier, in my opinion. Slide to punish ground pound setups and approach him with d4 to get your hitbox below his grabs, dash punch, etc, etc. You don't really need to throw too much ice at him. You can actually take the fight to Jax and mix up between when you pressure and leave clones so that when he tries to retaliate, he eats a clone. Never stand at fullscreen or 3/4 screen and just pop out ice clones because then he can set you up with ground pounds and ex dash punches. Sub beats Jax 6/4 in my opinion.
Use more blockstrings.

You wanna be able to build meter according to the pace of the match, and have a breaker on hand so you can take more risks. Doing so will leave you with enough meter over time, but it's all about how you incorporate your pressure.

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
Wanna have meter? Don't pretend the ice clone is an impenetrable shield anddddd charge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No but seriously it's not supposed to be used that way, it's there for insurance!

Remember, chip gives you meter, chip is your friend.:top:


Twice I faced a player and at the very end of my loss, my meter finally hit Level 2. A little late for breaker, right?

I do Ice Clones at every possible chance and launch Ice Balls from behind. Unfortunately, this only gets me punished. Meter-building is one of the hardest things to do as SZ. And even when I'm not using Enhanced abilities, I still have serious meter issues and I'm unable to break combos at crucial moments.
As others have said in this thread, you cannot sit behind clones and throw iceballs and expect to be succesful with Subzero. He is not a zoning character. His best strategies revolve around his offense. Subzero is the only character in the game who can rush you down and at the end of it put up a barrier that says "uh-uh you dont get to come at me now"
Move foward and use his D4 2,1 and 2,2 strings to set up your offense. 2,1 has fast recovery and you can either poke again with 2,1 or 2,2 or poke with D4 again, crossover jump into blockstring>throw or just plain throw. Your whole goal is to use this offense to push your opponent into the corner and then use the ice clone to lock them in. A good Subzero player will never let you out of the corner. He would sooner take damage himself then allow it.
Once you have your opponent trapped int the corner you can drop the clone and then come in and pressure with D4's into 2,1 or 2,2 and then 2,1,2 ice clone to make the clone appear again as you finish. This leaves them still trapped and you can vary/repeat/mixup the process. Watch how they block the first time around. Do they crouch block to defend against your D4? Then F4 them and link in a freeze for a combo. Do they stand block? EX slide will knock them into the clone and you 4,2,1,4 and then drop another clone. Do they try and jump out? Stand where you are and hit them with standing 2 into the clone. Do they neutral jump to avoid your low pokes? walk in and 2,2 them out of the air and link in ice ball for a combo.

Remember different characters have different options in the corner so come up with a few stratgies that work for different characters and have one for all possible contingencies. That doesnt mean you will guess right everytime about what they will do. But if you do then at least you will know what to do.