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Scuf controllers


Hi everyone, do you know if SCUF ps4 pads are legal in tournament? Are they useful for NRS games? For anyone who doesn't know what SCUF controllers are, check this website : https://scufgaming.com/

They look really cool also
I don't have a scuf but I know they are useful in shooters because you can jump and aim simultaneously with the additional triggers. I don't really see the benefit of them in fighting games besides unique button combinations such as square and circle. But those don't even exist in NRS games anyway.
Yeah idk how useful it will be in theory I was wondering if I use my triggers in my Xbox elite controller to make idk instant airs faster by it but never got around to it and just practiced it the regular way may try to mess with i

And they are legal unless u hack then to do like rapid fire inputs or stuff like that I usually go by if evo allows it in there rules then they apply to all tourments