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Results and Vids from UMK3 Tourny at 8 on the Break - Feb


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There will be a general fighting game tournament going on the weekend of the 24th, so far as I have been informed by coordinator JetPhi, and we'll be hosting UMK3. Anyone from the tri-state are I encourage to go, however people from Florida, Ohio, Virginia etc also come to play as well. It'll be all day gaming, and UMK3 tournament will probably start sometime after 6PM. This will be held at 8 on the Break in Dunellen, NJ, home of East Coast Championships and various weekly tournaments.



Basically the usual players are me, Phi, RSigley, RedGouki, BustaUppa, Julian, Jeron, VDO, and a few others who show up from time to time. Competition is always solid at the Break. Game will be played on a standard UMK3 machine, I have to talk to Phi about fixing the Player 1 side because the stick is extremely loose and the run button was sticking last time I played. That was a while ago though.

Entry Fee for UMK3 will most likely be $5, guaranteed free entry for 3rd place, and the rest of the money split for 2nd and 1st place regardless of turn out. It'll always be more than 6 players! =)

Various footage from The Break can be found here from ECC events and Dunellen folders:


Hope to see some new faces, just under a month away players.

i really wanted to fly into NJ to come to this it would be tons of fun but school and many other things will be in my way....a later time


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Make sure you bring Goddess of Light with you Enigma. If you show up without her, you can go back home.


Bob Dole said:
why do they call it the breakers is that bye the ocean???
Nobody calls it the breakers. I would guess "the break" was related to break time or something along those lines. It isn't near the ocean.

But it does have fantastic Cheese Steaks :-D
oh yea i'll try to be there

lets do this damn thing

anyone want to practice before the thing, random day at the break??

gotta get out of this ps3 resistance hell and get back on UMK3 on live


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Rob, just check my away message on AIM and text or call my cell, we'll set up a day at the Break. I am available more often now.
i might make the trip this time depending on the weather too., since its dedicated. i want to see where i stand, but, im undecided into who to use. what other classics are there? :D


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It's about 30 minutes on the parkway and then you take 287 and it's another 10 minutes or so, into Dunellen. It'd probably take about an hour, it takes me about 40 minutes and I'm exit 114, Jackson/Freehold is around 102 but getting to the Parkway adds to the trip. It depends which way you go, either way it's an hourish.


I remember you inviting me to the break. I moved to NY a couple months ago. It would take me 2 hours to get there now. ha


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Well guys, everyone's invited, it's a Saturday, it'll be fun. One of my goals was bigger tournament turnouts. Our big gatherings, NEC and ECC had more players this year than last year, let's keep the numbers increasing.
i think ill be comming, but, ill bring a friend. and try to find some other umk3 players. try to make it 5 people if i can .


Westbury Nathan's 4 Life
Klisp said:
I remember you inviting me to the break. I moved to NY a couple months ago. It would take me 2 hours to get there now. ha
Where in NY? I'm on Long Island and it's a 70-minute drive to The Break on a good day. Of course if you are somewhere upstate it could take considerably longer.
I think I might come down for this. I havent played MK on an arcade machine in over 10 years. <tear> I'll probably totally suck with a stick too, its like a riding a bike though hehe


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I will start counting all the "I think I'll show ups" I get from IMs emails and posts and then we'll see what the turn out is lol.


lol, I'm from Georgia too. This place is like a bottomless pit. Once you're here, there's no getting out. :(
Shock said:
I will start counting all the "I think I'll show ups" I get from IMs emails and posts and then we'll see what the turn out is lol.
I mapquest'd the place, its only 2 hours away. Would be worth it to go if the turnout would be good, if anything just to get the nastalgic (sp) feeling again. I know I'll play horrible since my practice from the last 4-5 months is all online play. No joystick and playing with a bit of lag changes the whole game hehe.

Might make a road trip outta it with some of my boys though, gonna put it by them today and see whats up. I just wanna play in an arcade again I miss those days so damn much its depressing.


Frankiebonez said:
Shock said:
I will start counting all the "I think I'll show ups" I get from IMs emails and posts and then we'll see what the turn out is lol.
I mapquest'd the place, its only 2 hours away. Would be worth it to go if the turnout would be good, if anything just to get the nastalgic (sp) feeling again. I know I'll play horrible since my practice from the last 4-5 months is all online play. No joystick and playing with a bit of lag changes the whole game hehe.

Might make a road trip outta it with some of my boys though, gonna put it by them today and see whats up. I just wanna play in an arcade again I miss those days so damn much its depressing.
And don't forget they have all the other fighters there too. Even if you've got friends that aren't into MK they can still make a night of it with the other games. Not to mention the cheesesteaks. Delicious deadly cheesesteaks.
YEa I read up on there site they have some ill games there thats for sure. Is there an entry fee to the tournament? I'm thinking about heading down there this weekend just to play for the fuck of it. WISH I knew of a spot more local that had awesome 2-d fighters.


Westbury Nathan's 4 Life
Frankiebonez said:
Would be worth it to go if the turnout would be good, if anything just to get the nastalgic (sp) feeling again.
Oh believe me... if you haven't seen a real arcade in action for a while, the nostalgia will overwhelm you! And then it will cease to be nostalgia, because you will realize that they never even had anything like this back in the day.

My only complaint is that I wish they'd fix that Turtles In Time machine that's sitting in the side room. :(