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Premium Memberships


The future of law enforcement.
Former Owner
Premium Supporter
We're looking to get some feedback on our Premium Membership program. If you have a sec, it would be a huge help if you can answer the following questions:
  1. What benefits would you like to see from a Premium Membership program?
  2. What price point would make you consider picking up a Premium Membership?
  3. Is there anything that makes you actively not want to participate in a Premium Membership program?
The more details you can provide, the more helpful your feedback will be. Hopefully we can get our current system revamped to better reward our members. Thanks!

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
Why not follow the twitch subscription model? 4.99 a month and maybe let someone use like 5 custom emotes? Increase the number with a higher subscription. I think there was a point where most everyone who entered one of the politics threads would've paid money to have a "SHUT UP GAX" emote. I would've.

Maybe start an official TYM twitch and throw tournaments through it or maybe put that league I've seen people talk about on it. Something to try and help build a community beyond the site itself. We might be able to reach out to some of the people who used to frequent this place to signal boost anything we try to do in that regard. I don't think most of them hate the site, so much as what it's become/some of the more negative members and the proliferation of complaints on here over actual learning material and discussion. I think with a sincere effort to go back to our roots, we might be able to dispel some of our bad reputation.


D'Vorah for KP2 copium
I don't really see any issues with the current $15 Premium Supporter package. My main recommendation, though, would be potentially introducing a monthly payment to coincide with the full annual payment. Maybe do the typical monthly/annual subscription thing and make the annual supporter pack be at a slight discount ($12? $10?) while the monthly payment ends up totaling the current $15.

The $50 Royal Contributor package being the only jump above the Premium Supporter seems odd to me. I understand it's there for those who are really invested in the site and wish to contribute monetarily, but it's a bit of a leap from $15 to $50. Maybe consider adding a third supporter level at $30 for a middle ground?

I think a pinned something (post, image, link, whatever) on the top of the Home page and/or Forums page indicating that users can donate to become supporters would help. It's kinda hidden in the profile area and if you're never bothering messing around in there, you won't know it's even an option until you see a supporter's post. I'd also recommend changing the profile area name from "Account Upgrades" to something more specific like "Become a Supporter!" or along those lines.

There's been talk of TYM leagues which I feel would be perfect to better incentivize supporting the site. Maybe some tournaments as well. First dibs on entrance (assuming there's a player limit), free subscription to the TYM Twitch (assuming one is made as Second Saint recommended), whatever bonus makes sense if we begin doing leagues (especially MKO's new system).


Play Monster Hunter!
Hey congrats on all this!
I don’t really come to this site anymore, I just kinda lost interest in fighting game games in general both playing and watching. Hopefully I3 can spark a new desire on me.

What ever it is you decide to do I will probably try and support the site. Lots of things have changed but I will always <3 tym.
I think I got free premium tag because I was a mod for a bit, not sure what it actually meant though.


Premium Supporter
Premium Supporter
This might be kind of wild, and obviously would take a lot of help from the community, but what if premium membership granted access to a set number of free 1 hour training sessions, or something similar, as well as a Premium Member league? Say 1-2 sessions per month?

I certainly might be in the minority on this, but I for one would be interested in this kind of service, where someone who knows fighting games could play a bit with me, and then help me target different things to work on. Somewhat similar to how a gym membership and trainers at a gym would work. Or something like Chess.com.

Theoretically it could work like this: Maybe a group of community members go through some kind of screening/certification process, and become "trainers". Likely a pro bono work at first, maybe at some point it turns into getting a discount on their own dues? Anyways, you get a pool of 4-10 trainers depending on demand. Then the trainers can work with people who register as Premium members, and schedule out training sessions. Maybe it's working on anti airs, or character matchups, or just an evaluation of ways to improve. The goal would be to give newer FG players a way to improve, meet people, and also give some veteran players a chance to engage and learn some mentoring skills.

You could also set up a premium league, which people could join and get access to reliable scheduled matches with opponents who won't be dicks.

When I think of Benefits I'd like to see in a Premium program, it needs to be benefits that I can't really get anywhere else. Right now if I want tech, matchup discussions, other general discussions, there's so many places to go to for that. Discord, Twitter, YouTube, people making their own sites. Getting into more of the league, matchmaking, training, and improvement is a way that TYM could differentiate itself from the other options out there.


Ermac & Smoke Main
  1. Is there anything that makes you actively not want to participate in a Premium Membership program?
i never want to participate in TYM's Premium Membership program, let me explain in short details;

  • The most active threads are all about leaks. i do expect something different than reddit or 4chan.
  • Most of the TYM members supporting trash talkers like Sikander. That dude literally calls every innocent player that he never met like "son of a whore, your mother is a whore, fuck your sister, fuck your prostitue mother" etc etc. The most toxic community isn't a title, it is a shame that i never wanna be a part of.
  • If someone shares negative feedback about current NRS games, some mods or admins immediately trying to insult them for no reason. The most absurd thing that i heard here was "if you don't like the game, don't play the game" is this your vision to help to the community? Don't play the game? Ok. it is a pleasure.
  • Capcom deserved a Lot of negative feedbacks because of the sfv's launch disaster right? Community never stop talking about it and sfv become a good game day by day in years and probably they will never do a disaster like that. My point is NRS also deserves it, MK11 has terrible mechanics, terrible story, terrible lies like 60 skins or no in-game purchase promise. Terrible communication with the fans, even the devs humiliating ppl in Twitter, i have no idea what is wrong with Nrs in these days but everything become ridicilious. Even they banned a pro player Just for a variation name. i have supported Nrs enough, i am always preordering Collector's edition if a new MK game on the way and they did nothing wrong to me personally but what i have seen is enough to stop supporting them. Except few ppl here the entire fgc thinks that the game is bullshit. Saying nothing to NRS will never solve this truth be sure. i clearly can't understand what is the purpose of TYM's existence right now? insulting each other? Discussing 4chan leaks? i am here because i love MK franchise, it is not about tym.
i would love to support tym if you decide to run a YouTube channel like Messatsu! Only high level matches, no bullshit talks, no leaks, no trash talkers, no toxic persons etc. i will be your number one premium member i promise.


Hold TYM tournament and the winner gets paid transportation to evo from premium subscription money. Nevada residents eligible only. Seriously tho look forward to the future of tym with u at the helm!
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Filthy Casual
This might be kind of wild, and obviously would take a lot of help from the community, but what if premium membership granted access to a set number of free 1 hour training sessions, or something similar, as well as a Premium Member league? Say 1-2 sessions per month?

I certainly might be in the minority on this, but I for one would be interested in this kind of service, where someone who knows fighting games could play a bit with me, and then help me target different things to work on. Somewhat similar to how a gym membership and trainers at a gym would work. Or something like Chess.com.

Theoretically it could work like this: Maybe a group of community members go through some kind of screening/certification process, and become "trainers". Likely a pro bono work at first, maybe at some point it turns into getting a discount on their own dues? Anyways, you get a pool of 4-10 trainers depending on demand. Then the trainers can work with people who register as Premium members, and schedule out training sessions. Maybe it's working on anti airs, or character matchups, or just an evaluation of ways to improve. The goal would be to give newer FG players a way to improve, meet people, and also give some veteran players a chance to engage and learn some mentoring skills.

You could also set up a premium league, which people could join and get access to reliable scheduled matches with opponents who won't be dicks.

When I think of Benefits I'd like to see in a Premium program, it needs to be benefits that I can't really get anywhere else. Right now if I want tech, matchup discussions, other general discussions, there's so many places to go to for that. Discord, Twitter, YouTube, people making their own sites. Getting into more of the league, matchmaking, training, and improvement is a way that TYM could differentiate itself from the other options out there.
I really like this idea. I was going to suggest something similar.