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NW in a tourney

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Ok so I am headed to evo and plan to rep nightwolf all the way. I'm trying to up my game as most of you know but there are no tourney players that use him right now so the is no footage to watch.

What I want is the results of any offline tourneys you guys have been to with NW and the results, who u lost to, and what your issues were. I'm trying to prepare myself for the best NW showing yet.

Vids are welcome and if you are going to evo, tell me so we can meet up!
I'm not a NW player myself (I've had him in my lab since launch though, lol), but I know a few people that are. Basically a lot of what you're looking to do is pressure with shoulder charge, Ex Lightning, hatchet, and reflect. ALL of his special moves are amazing so a key is knowing when to exploit how beastly they are. A lot of the strategy I've seen is pressuring people with shoulder charge checks, being sure to punish every mistake with this, but the real goal is to force them to start ducking. Shoulder hits high, so you can crouch under it to punish (though not crouch block). Once people start doing this, you start using your saved up meter to use Ex Lightning. It is nigh impossible to jump out of lightning when crouched, so you're guaranteed a free hit; the Ex version pops up, so that gains you a free combo of your choice depending on the range. On jump ins, hatchet is great if you can anticipate it and it gains you a free combo, though Ex choke is his best option as the armor negates their jump in attack and you can combo into charge. Most of NW's BnBs end in a charge, so your opponent will be a good distance away from you most of the time. On rush down characters, shut down their options with your hatchet, charge, and Ex choke, wake-up Ex Hatchet and Charge are great gtfo moves. On zoning characters, simply use reflect (refer to the reflect guide to know what works and what doesn't, along with the time frames). Really learn to use reflect on reaction...it doesn't last too long to justify a prediction. If you're low on health, Ex reflect gains you health. Don't bother with fireball wars, reflect and ex charge are much better options. If ever an opponent is turtling, just use Ex Lightning to to force a move out of them. Ex shoulder charge has armor now, so use this to close the distance to pressure opponents (the second hit on Ex charge is an overhead, but can be interrupted between the two strikes). His X-Ray is good, but not worth using compared to how godly his Ex arsenal is. Meter management is key. Overall, he's a pretty defensive character, but he can really scare people with his offensive arsenal. He's best played in an intimidating yet patient manner. Bully people as much as you can...when played right he can really make people lose all hope and options.

IMO, he's probably the best character in the game.

Also, I know KrayzieBone mentioned he was working on some techniques with him, and there were a few people using him on the ECT stream. Check justin.tv/tymlive for some matches...though the quality isn't the best in the world (thank you Storms for doing this for us anyway! lol)
Suddenly I want to go back in the lab with him....
in for videos... i know nori has some really defenseive videos that i remember seeing, but i cant find them right now
GL to you at evo homeboy.. drink some fat tuesdays before the events, and take tightwolf all da way

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
I'm not a NW player myself (I've had him in my lab since launch though, lol), but I know a few people that are. Basically a lot of what you're looking to do is pressure with shoulder charge, Ex Lightning, hatchet, and reflect. ALL of his special moves are amazing so a key is knowing when to exploit how beastly they are. A lot of the strategy I've seen is pressuring people with shoulder charge checks, being sure to punish every mistake with this, but the real goal is to force them to start ducking. Shoulder hits high, so you can crouch under it to punish (though not crouch block). Once people start doing this, you start using your saved up meter to use Ex Lightning. It is nigh impossible to jump out of lightning when crouched, so you're guaranteed a free hit; the Ex version pops up, so that gains you a free combo of your choice depending on the range. On jump ins, hatchet is great if you can anticipate it and it gains you a free combo, though Ex choke is his best option as the armor negates their jump in attack and you can combo into charge. Most of NW's BnBs end in a charge, so your opponent will be a good distance away from you most of the time. On rush down characters, shut down their options with your hatchet, charge, and Ex choke, wake-up Ex Hatchet and Charge are great gtfo moves. On zoning characters, simply use reflect (refer to the reflect guide to know what works and what doesn't, along with the time frames). Really learn to use reflect on reaction...it doesn't last too long to justify a prediction. If you're low on health, Ex reflect gains you health. Don't bother with fireball wars, reflect and ex charge are much better options. If ever an opponent is turtling, just use Ex Lightning to to force a move out of them. Ex shoulder charge has armor now, so use this to close the distance to pressure opponents (the second hit on Ex charge is an overhead, but can be interrupted between the two strikes). His X-Ray is good, but not worth using compared to how godly his Ex arsenal is. Meter management is key. Overall, he's a pretty defensive character, but he can really scare people with his offensive arsenal. He's best played in an intimidating yet patient manner. Bully people as much as you can...when played right he can really make people lose all hope and options.

IMO, he's probably the best character in the game.

Also, I know KrayzieBone mentioned he was working on some techniques with him, and there were a few people using him on the ECT stream. Check justin.tv/tymlive for some matches...though the quality isn't the best in the world (thank you Storms for doing this for us anyway! lol)
Suddenly I want to go back in the lab with him....
Look. I am a good nw player. Probably the best on this site. I don't need instructions on what his moves do. I can find that info like anyone else by just playing the fucn game! If you havnt played him in a tourney, your comments dont interest me.

But if you have vids of GOOD nw players I would love to see them. If you yourself have been in a tourney with him, please tell me the results. Otherwise...I'm not interested.
Look. I am a good nw player. Probably the best on this site. I don't need instructions on what his moves do. I can find that info like anyone else by just playing the fucn game! If you havnt played him in a tourney, your comments dont interest me.

But if you have vids of GOOD nw players I would love to see them. If you yourself have been in a tourney with him, please tell me the results. Otherwise...I'm not interested.
use shoulder, and lightning. ex hatchet does 2 hits remember that. also learn to love the sounds reflect makes, and you're set.
I was at a local touney yesterday repping nightwolf, Im not that good of a player... Ive lost to a mean Sub-Zero... althought the guy who have won the tourney got to the last slot using Nightwolf. He faced the Subzero who outed me. He lost with Nightwolf so he switched to Kano and won. On jump ins he would constantly neutral jump overhead hit and shoulder ram. On blocked teleports f3 1 hatchet... a defensive style... he would use reflect and hit people with the lightning since they were busy blocking the projectile. He often used ex hatchet in the combos... ex shoulder rams. I havent seen him use the ex lighting but maybe Im wrong on that. So his nightwolf lost to a Sub Zero and his ice clones. By the way Lordofthefly, really no offense, but you do sound like a douche :D. Good luck at Evo!

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
The title of the thread is nw in a tourney. Not nightwolf strategies. Your post was the most informative one yet. I don't have patients for ignorance. And I'm not going to allow incompetence in my thread. I'm not a douche, I'm just looking for something very specific.

If you don't have what I'm looking for, I'm not interested. Thank u for your informative post though. Against sub zero I usually baitthem to do cline and hit them with an eh lightning for a combo. Watch out for slides and turtle better than sub does.


I destroyed a couple different people then played a very good kung lao and clutched out the first match reflecting a hat with a pixel left but he stopped playing offense so I got a little careless with lightening and arrow zoning and he came back. If I could do it over again I would have turtled more and made him come to me so I could punish him. It was also the first time I played with the newest patch so I should have used the armored shoulder more.

Wish I would have ex lightening more I was too fearful of a big corner combo I hoarded my meter too much. Also kung lao builds quite a bit of meter so he always had a breaker at the ready anytime I actually got an opening.
i went to alberta beatdown, in edmonton.

placed second. lost to a raiden because of a lack of matchup knowledge, and playing dumb.

id say just play your game.
LoL at people in this thread telling lordofthefly how to play nightwolf. If im not mistaken dude has already placed 2nd in a tournament and is the 2nd, if not best nightwolf on this site.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
One win away from top 16 but I lost to Detroit ballin and his Shang. It was great fun and I want to do it again to rep NW at tourneys to come.