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Strategy - Grandmaster New Clone Cancel Mindgame


I'll live a villain, before I die a hero.
i replied to this exact question on the GM guide thread, i play sub zero and i am trying to main dvorah for a while as well, and yes she will pretty much not even care about the clone, if you lock her down in the corner she can pretty much D3 to keep you at bay or even force you to block and get rid of your clone, mid screen she has plenty of tools to deal with sub zero and she is a lot safer and more mix up heavy then him.. so yes DVorah is not a great match up
Yup it was already really tuff for sub but now that the clone has its issue it's probably gone down to 7-3. And before anyone blows me up I'm just speculating, and I'm not saying the character shouldn't have any bad match ups I'm just say I think this was already one of them and it just got worse. After reading everything @Take$$$ said and her options I'll just have to play it more. I honestly wanna say the maybe unbreakable would be a better choice for this match.
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