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New BNB combo.


Sex Kick
Jump Punch,:bp:fp+:bp, Teleport Punch,:bp~Teleport Punch,:d+:fp~Spear, Jump Over Punch,:r+:bp:fp~Teleport Punch
38%+Vortex Setup
35% without the jump punch to punish things like Kabal's Nomad Dash.

You can even tack the PimpUigi BNB onto the end of AA Spear to get more damage than before.
AA Spear, Jump Over Punch,:bp:fp+:bp~Teleport,:bp~Teleport,:d+:fp~Spear
31%+Opportunity for :d+:fk

AA :enSpear, Jump Over Punch,:bp:fp+:bp~Teleport,:bp~Teleport,:d+:fp~Spear
35%+Opportunity for :d+:fk

It's also good because it's not hard to adjust to a Takedown instead of Teleport Punch if they block the jump punch.
I'm glad I can finally put my own mark on Scorpion's game.

You can substitute the :d+:fp with a :fk if you want to get 39% damage, but it's not really worth the trouble.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Yeah, linking d1~spear is pretty rough. Props if you can manage that consistently though!


Sex Kick
You can do it every try.
You wait until you land, and then do D+B1, D+B1 and voila, you've got your combo. Perfect.

Also this new tech has made other combos do more damage.
I'm glad I can finally put my own mark on Scorpion's game.

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
I thought combos like this came out a bit ago in some vids posted here, but I don't remember for sure. Not much Scorpion use on my end lately, but what I tend to use off a B2 is B2, jk TP, 2 TP, D1 Spear, F32 TP. Does a little more damage than the standard B2 combo, looks flashy, and really isn't that hard if you practice. I use hitbox, but played on stick for the first time yesterday in a long time and never missed the spear after D1.