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Need help with Sanwa SFXT stick BADLY anyone help?

Hey all, so my joystick stopped working suddenly and I thought it was just the PCB assembly. It came today and I replaced the old one. Still nothing. What else could it be? I took my whole stick apart and this is the only other thing I think it could be. Sorry stick noob here so I dont know what this part is called... So here is some pictures!

This is the part that the PS button and the turbo are on also (which work just fine)
Could it just be my wire harness connecting my joystick to this chip?

If so, I have seen the wire harnesses for sale but they only have one side that is assembled while the other is just loose wires. Where can I get one with both sides attatched?




Man, those are the PCB's inside the stick. If they are shot then basically the whole stick is shot and needs to be repaired. Its out of my league, anyway. If this were me(which it isnt I know) Id trash the stick and get a Qanba Q4RAF or an Eightarc fusion. Its the perfect excuse to get a new stick anyway lol.

Sorry man. I was hoping it was just the stick and not the boards inside.
rHaha it is a perfect excuse to get one of those
Eightarc synthesis. Those things are awesome..... The perils of being a fix it yourselfer.... You always end up spending more money and time when it would just be cheaper to buy a new one!