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You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
I think @Pig Of The Hut and I know what we want.

But to be clear, I want some serious Kenjutsu changes.

-Kenshi (Kenjutsu)

EX df1 should relaunch airborne opponents.

db1 should have way less recovery on hit to make combing off it easier.

Armor back for Tele-toss

Less damage scaling on EX db1

Increased hitbox on b32

Faster startup on reflect and the ability to hold reflect.

B1 reduced to 10 frames and both hits are special cancelable.

-Sub-Zero (unbreakable)


Activating ice aura while the opponent is frozen no longer triggers extra damage scaling.

Parrying a projectile heals back some life.

Kitana (Assassin)

Ability to combo off EX sharpen, similar to cutthroat kano.
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The Celebrity

Professional Googler
I like how you didn't even include Jason in your list REO. You really have truly giving up on him haven't you lol.

I think I literally agree with every single change but one you have listed there. That one would be Jax's B2 option select... Allowing B2 to be option select would highly change Heavy Weapons. The other variations would stay slightly regular, but Jax being able to cancel that overhead scares the shit out of me, I really don't think he needs that.

For my list I want everything you listed along with:

Block Breakers and Regular Breakers now have normalized stamina recharge times. This means that if you were to backdash until your stamina was empty, it starts recharging immediately. Breakers currently have a prolonged stamina recharge that basically renders you a sitting duck for 2 seconds. Make the player lose the Stamina bar, but thats it, no additional time.

Demolition Sonya
- DD1 (grenade recharge) is now special cancellable but only for her grenades (think stunt double johnny). She can throw a stun grenade or frag grenade during the last ~15(?) frames of this move now
- Grenade block stun is now consistent, when Sonya detonates the grenade, she does the same animation for it.
- Stun Grenade is -10 on block (consistent)
- Frag Grenade is -4 on block (consistent)
- Using more than one stun grenade in a combo increases combo scaling (knock her 40% midscreen BnB down to 36%, but leave her 1 grenade combos alone)
- Grenade Detonate moved from 1 to LT (similar to Quan Chi and Special Forces). Pressing LT overrides stance switch and will now detonate. This will allow sonya players to actually do a grenade + low starter in their pressure.

Ronin Takeda
- Blade Kall - Now has consistent block stun
- Blade Kall EX - Now pulls the person into the center if it hits to launch everyone properly.
Luxury Changes (these I think would make him too strong but I'd like to see them)
Blade Drop can be cast in the air.
- Blade Kall can be buffered whilst in the air to be issued immediately upon landing.

Ancestral Kung Jin
- All "Arrow Loads" are now special cancellable into an arrow shot. Leave the timer on the stun arrow

- Invincible frames on teleport again (this is to help Dragon Naginata).
Kobu Jitsu
- Reduced chip damage on Rekkas (Raiden treatment) along with your suggestion for no meter

- D1 is now 8 frames. I honestly think its highly unnecessary that Shinnok has both a 6F low in F4 and a 6F low-profiling poke. He is just way too good because of this and I think neutering that D1 a bit gives several characters a chance to actually make a read rather than being forced into respecting his insane frames at all times.

Stunt Double Johnny
- Rising Mimic - Fixed hitbox issues. Rising mimic has problems like 113xxRising Mimic being both stance specific and character specific (this only hits midscreen against male characters while Johnny is staring at the screen). This move needs much more consistency since its one of his primary tools
- Mimics no longer disappear during parries
- Mimics no longer disappear during xrays

Liu Kang
- D1 is now 8 frames (down from 9)
- D3 is now 11 frame startup (previously 12) but -2 on block rather than +1.
Dragon's Fire
- Bicycle Kick is now consistent with blocking mechanics. If your opponent is holding crouch block, no matter their size, you will hit them on block. If they let go of block, you start to fly past them like he does now
- Bicycle Kick can be meter burned at all times (like Flying Kick, so this means even on whiff). It will work how it does now and auto correct towards the opponent.

Deceptive Reptile
- No longer leaves slime on the ground when invisible

Quan Chi
- EX Rune is now +7 down from +14. This has no reason being so damn plus imo. If its +7 it still lets him get a mixup, but now gives your opponent a chance to armor through on both low and overhead options.

- Overhead rock goes away on hit (like scorp + puggles) EX Overhead Rock doesn't.
- Neutral 2 is a mid again, but 12 frame startup (up from 10)

I think those changes along with yours, REO, would make this game almost perfect for me balance-wise.
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Reactions: REO
The hat trick changes are not what the character needs at all imo. And why give ex hat call back armor when the follow up 11212 is already guaranteed. Youre only giving him an almost guaranteed throw attempt if you give him armor. The changes you suggested only gives him even more semi useful moves. He needs something more solid to hang onto.

The jump 2 nerf seems a bit too much. You shouldnt forget that jump 2 is 12 frames. His jump 1 isnt really an option either. Id say either reduce a hitbox a little more or give it a hitbox of a jumping normal that is just good and above average but make it 4 frames faster like other jump attacks.

Also the only change I think buzzsaw needs is make low hat -5 on block instead of -6. Buzzsaw really is all about the low hat and ex spin, why make it so cassie punishes it for free.


Triborg Enthusiast
My KP2 wish list patch:
- remove Johnny Cage and add Fujin
- remove Sonya Blade and add Baraka
- remove Cassie Cage and add Havik
- remove Jax and add Rain
- remove Takeda and add Skarlet
- remove Jacqui and add Sektor
- remove Erron Black add Smoke
- remove Ferra/Torr add Noob Saibot
- remove Jason and Predator and add NOTHING!

- add stages
- improve netcode

Maybe in this way, MKX could be slightly cooler to my eyes.


I want Kronika to step on my face
Good stuff Reo. I especially like that you mentioned EX Kunais going away on hit. Glad I'm not the only one who wants that.

I would add the following to your list:


- Whiffed air attacks have slightly more recovery.

Subzero, Unbreakable:

- Instead of the shards buff (which I thought was pretty smart actually, but he needs this more: ) the opponent builds only half the meter on block when Aura is active.

Kotal Kahn:

- Fix the 114 whiffing issue.


These are suggestions, order of importance top to bottom.


The gap between b3 and 1 in B31 to be removed. There is still a gap between 1 and 2 in B312.

Pyromancer Fixes:
Pyromancer's Shroud and Meter Burn Shroud to restand if hit mid-air like Trance, Nut Punch etc.
Pyromancer's Meter Burn Shroud to be +14 on block.
Pyromancer to have less recovery on Air Fireball.
Pyromancer to gain Kobu Jutsu's B1 where she hits mid+overhead, but no Tonfa thus no armour break property to it.
Pyromancer to gain B1 followup D2 - a low hit with fire and hard knockdown. -11 on block.
Pyromancer to gain B1 followup 2+4 - a mid hit with fire. +2 on block.
Pyromancer to gain B1 followup 4 - an overhead kick with hard knockdown. -11 on block.

Pyromancer's all fireballs to gain a formidable blockstun effect.
Pyromancer's High Fireball an overhead after the down arc.
Pyromancer's Air Fireball an overhead.
Pyromancer's Shroud and Meter Burn Shroud to be Meter Burnable at all frames not just immediately.
Meter Burn Air Drill recovers faster and gains + frames on block the closer to the ground it hits the target.
Meter Burn Air Drop recovers faster and launches on hit. Severely negative on block.
Air Drill restands, recovers safely on a whiff but is severely negative on block.
Air Drop launches, severely negative on block and whiff.
Drill is invincible to projectiles, remains severely negative on block.
Axe Kick reach reduced to 50% but safe on whiff and starts up faster.
I like how you added a "Luxury" section as if the other buffs weren't insane.

Afk Skinny

3D Krusader
-Take out the meter usage for Block Breakers, and make it limited to 2 for the match while taking 1 stamina bar
-Take out the 1+2 interactable shortcut
-Fix the back forward inputs (there are times when I do I input Sai Toss with Mileena, and get a F1. And I walk slightly forward to do B2, but get backwards fade) I die a lot inside everytime this happens
-Damage nerf
-No chip on normals, unless activated by a power up special (Flame fist, Sharpen etc;), or decrease the amount of it.
-Longer stages
-More start up frames for OH into Low strings
-Get rid of the weird af blockstun
-Give more color options for characters

Character changes I'd like to see:
-Mileena: Better range on pokes, dont let her get hit out of her sky kick when 99% of her body is underground, faster fade. Either take out the gap in her F4 string or make it completely safe. Change her dash/run animation to a roll

-Kitana: More pole based moves in Mournful, green outfit alt.

-Tanya: Decrease the landing frames on her tport when she lands, faster B1 (Naginata), better pokes


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
I think Tanya would still be really good. She would still have access to one of the best normal and strings in the game with B+1, one of the best armor attacks with EX rekkas, one of the better grounded projectiles, some of the best pressure in the game, insanely easy hit confirms for good damage, and some of the best chip in the game.
Except all that is restricted by massive meter dependancy and she now goes from some of the best meter building to the worst. This is not the way to rebalance her, it's way too much


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
Yes on KLs stupid J2 attacks please

I'll add in for my char

Johnny Cage

-fixed last hit of 212 from whiffing on crouching chars sometimes

Stunt Double
-Increased start up(or improved hitbox) of MRS so it no longer whiffs after certain strings

-Mimics no longer disappear after Parrys

-Can now Ex fist pump which recoveres faster and last 3 seconds longer

-Can now cancel start up of Ex Fistpump with B2 (think cancelling mimic start up into MSK in Stunt double)

-Removed gap from 112 string

-Fixed Hitbox off Ex Blade toss so it doesn't whiff on smaller hurt boxes

-Fixed to where cmd grabs randomly whiffs and is over piortized by some normals

-Reduced dmg scaling of 32 ex 1+3 ( so it can atleast do 37%)

-increased knifes dmg by 2

-2 frames of block advantage has now being added to Ex knifes
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Bane/Black Manta/Captain Cold
- EX D,D+3+BLK no longer has a hit of armor but now has projectile immunity in place for the frames where it did have armor.
I am of course biased with regards to this, but is the invisibility parry really a strong enough tool to warrant it being removed?

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
yeah and removing cassies safe backflip would basically mean turning her into rush down ermac. nthx, she should at least have the one safe option, and honestly the result isnt that great for her on block anyways, sinceit puts her a good distance away and she already lost any advantage she had.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
yeah and removing cassies safe backflip would basically mean turning her into rush down ermac. nthx, she should at least have the one safe option, and honestly the result isnt that great for her on block anyways, sinceit puts her a good distance away and she already lost any advantage she had.
Dont downplay it. She'd be Ermac except with better meter building, way better pressure, higher damaging combos, the best advancing mid in the game & iAG compared to a character who lacks in space control, multiple plus strings, only unsafe on 1 option of the 50/50 which could still be made safe, and still much faster and harder to punish Armor than Ermac. She'd still be a top 5 character.
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I can't list every character as I don't play most of the cast enough to really say what they need on the next patch, but from the ones I've mastered, this are the ones that need changes:

Sub-Zero (General):

- Either B33-Iceball connects on the whole cast midscreen, or it doesn't, I don't care which option they pick, but a decission has to be made. You can't properly balance a character if you don't know if he's supposed to have a midscreen meterless 50/50 game or not. Take the decission, then see what he would need after it.

Sub-Zero (Cryomancer):

- Remove the second hit of Air Hammer and increase the damage of the first one and also the frame advantage.

The first hit is currently a restand (tested in the corner or against Sorcerer Quan Chi armoring in the air during the second hit) and I think this is what the moves needs to be useful, to stagger the opponent for a 50/50. Cryomancer has good combos but a very hard time trying to use them, the air hammer even if it was made safe is still one of his worse aerial options (it jumped from not useful and suicidal to just not useful when it was made safe) so its like it wasn't there.

- Make an EX version of Air Hammer, with armor and a bit faster that works like the current one (the restand hit and the splash mid hit) but the second hit launches for a combo.

This way at least the variation gets some aerial mojo and slightly more options to start a proper assault as he currently has very few ways and relies too much un punishing after good reads.

- Make F122 place the opponent a bit further, or either make B2 always launch forward. Currently the way F122 places the opponent, B2 will randonly launch the opponent the opposite way.

Sub-Zero (Unbreakable):

- The parry should have less recovery by default, still unsafe on miss, but not a suicide letter.

- While the aura is up, the parry should destroy the aura in exchange of being safe or absorbing 1 hit during the recovery frames (like crystaline tremor but only while using the parry).

Unbreakable needs a way to remove the aura before combos (the recent patch introduced a personality crisis where you can't use the aura defensively if you want good combos, but you're supposed to pick the variation to keep the aura on) and parry needs something to make it reliable (all other variations with parries add a huge lot more than unbreakable), this solves both.

Kenshi (General):

- Most of his strings need a revision as they're in a deplorable state right now.

- EX push should be safe across all variations.

Kenshi (Kenjutsu):

- Change the damage scaling of DB1 back to 0.8 (since the latest patch it has 2 damage scaling applications on a single hit and the damage is laughable, specially considering it's ultra hard to connect anything after it) and make it waaaaaay easier to combo after (enough frames to connect a 43, right now you can barely connect a D1 without risking a drop).

- Make B2 plus on block instead of suicidal. The move is uuuultra slow, not cancelable and not even the longest reach (F2 is OH, cancelable, faster and has better reach). If at least it were plus on block (which makes sense with how hard the animation hits) it wouldn't be 100% garbage designed to declare you're intentionally losing the game.

- The first hits of EX DF1 should restand the opponent or not count for gravity penalty so B32 and F32 can combo with it.


Blind justice....
I think @Pig Of The Hut and I know what we want.

But to be clear, I want some serious Kenjutsu changes.

-Kenshi (Kenjutsu)

EX df1 should relaunch airborne opponents.

db1 should have way less recovery on hit to make combing off it easier.

Armor back for Tele-toss

Less damage scaling on EX db1

Increased hitbox on b32

Faster startup on reflect and the ability to hold reflect.

B1 reduced to 10 frames and both hits are special cancelable.
This +

EX DF1 should be safe on block, something like -4 or -5

EX tele suspend should be -12 at block at worst, being -29 like now isn't even funny.


- All versions of Telekinetic Strike (D,B+4) are now -3 on block.
- All versions of Telekinetic Strike are now +10 on hit.
- All versions of EX D,B+4+BLK now have one hit of armor.
- EX Spirit Charge is now +7 on block.
- EX Tele Flurry is now -6 on block and has it's whiff recovery cut in half

TKS startup is now 14 frames (down from 24), people being able to run under it from full screen like its now - is the biggest BS ever
EX TF + all hits come out on block
EX RK is -7 at worst
b1 has like 10 frames less startup and is overhead, mid or double overhead non-cancelable or (Luxury) is cancelable
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