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Must See Money Match from WB (KT Smith vs Klassy Sasquach)

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
What the hell is that noise in the backround?! Sounds like a cricket jerking off! Maybe a rat chewing through the wall?


Filthy Casual
I turned off my xbox for this....now I'm to lazy to turn it back on, back to porn.

I think it should be required at tourneys everyone does a intro like first day of school shit.

Hi I'm beatdownmao and I love chocolate milk.

G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
Nice! I tried to find our match on stream afterward and its just like 10 second clips because we said fuck it and played when it was down lol
i'm so glad that match wasn't on stream. That was the worst match i've had a tournament yet lol. You kicked my ass and I honestly had no idea what to do. You coming to VSM tonight? Maybe we could get some matches in. I think i need it lol
but for real what are those weird sounds in the video at its beggining anda fter smoke got the first match so weird after that i just stopped watching