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Mileena / Lao Combo Compilation Guide


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator

1. 40% midscreen meterless
12-spin, dash, 4, dash, 12-roll- j22-air air, dash f4.

2. 43% corner meterless
12-spin, 4, 4, 12-roll, j22-airsai, f4

3. Random roll/AA roll/any string into roll when spin in not ready yet for the hitconfirm.
Roll, dash, 4-spin, j22-air sai, dash, f4
(31% from raw roll)

4. 39% corner meterless (when spin not ready yet for hit confirm)
12-roll, dash, 4, 21-spin, j22-air sai, f4

5. 50% 2 bar fatal blow midscreen combo
12-spin, dash, 4, dash, 21-ex sai, roll, j22-air sai, dash, fatal blow.

6. 48% 2 bar corner combo
12-spin, 4, 4-ex sai, dash, 4-roll, j22-air sai, f4.

7. 55% 2 bar fatal blow corner combo.
12-spin, 4, 4-ex sai, dash, 4-roll, j22-air sai, fatal blow.

Mileena and lao def my favourite kameo for her because of the cooldown of low hat ita great to have such a stromg zoning tool and the fun that can be had with held low hat great aswell.

With also jax,scorpion and goro mileena really has a great choice of kameos at the minute and sure people bee finding even more stuff


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator

Just started actually labbing Mileena today and came across this one time I hit 48% with low hat setup 12 ex df3 22 12roll j22air sai f4. anybody else come across this before?
Yea ive hsd that happen with baraka/cyrax combos at 1st i thought it was just cyrax being weird with the heli spin hits but i THINK of kameo and main char same frame the games scaling messes up