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Tech - Swarm Queen Late Tech Roll Application vs Dvorah


Joker here~
Hey guys, I don't make a lot of threads. But i've been working on an idea for a while, and after some discussion with @TheArrow, I decided to explore some of my anti D'vorah tech. This may be known already, but just so you guys can see actually what is going on.

First off this is not Dvorah tech, it is a universal concept which can be applied to anything. It however is really good against Dvorah due to the nature of her Oki game. The current situation from my understanding is, if you end with 212 in the corner, it lets you block armour while confirming delayed wake up or normal get up. In both cases, you get pressure as delayed wake up or blocking puddle forces a mix up situation. Short delayed wake up does have applications, but this tech roll idea will add another tool to help deal with Dvorah's corner OKI game.

Essentially, by late tech rolling you extend your invincibility frames, which helps to avoid the meaty puddle. Watch the video for full details. I didnt mention this in the video, but also because you tech roll, you're extending your invincibility frames AND extending your wake up window cos you wake up at any point in the tech roll. This will help to confirm meaty pressure, letting you decide whether or not to armour.

I also explored a bit on 212 hit heights, from what I found. Dvorah has to hit an optimal height to allow the puddle to catch the tech roll. Otherwise early tech rolls will still avoid the set up.

This is far from a free escape because D'vorah does have other options to beat it. But it will force her to think more on your wake up, or at least will force the use of a different ender.

Let me know what you guys think. If this is already known, my apologies.


Don't know the Dvorah mains sorry. Also don't know if this is front page worthy or not.



AUS FGC represent!
Hey guys, I don't make a lot of threads. But i've been working on an idea for a while, and after some discussion with @TheArrow, I decided to explore some of my anti D'vorah tech. This may be known already, but just so you guys can see actually what is going on.

First off this is not Dvorah tech, it is a universal concept which can be applied to anything. It however is really good against Dvorah due to the nature of her Oki game. The current situation from my understanding is, if you end with 212 in the corner, it lets you block armour while confirming delayed wake up or normal get up. In both cases, you get pressure as delayed wake up or blocking puddle forces a mix up situation. Short delayed wake up does have applications, but this tech roll idea will add another tool to help deal with Dvorah's corner OKI game.

Essentially, by late tech rolling you extend your invincibility frames, which helps to avoid the meaty puddle. Watch the video for full details. I didnt mention this in the video, but also because you tech roll, you're extending your invincibility frames AND extending your wake up window cos you wake up at any point in the tech roll. This will help to confirm meaty pressure, letting you decide whether or not to armour.

I also explored a bit on 212 hit heights, from what I found. Dvorah has to hit an optimal height to allow the puddle to catch the tech roll. Otherwise early tech rolls will still avoid the set up.

This is far from a free escape because D'vorah does have other options to beat it. But it will force her to think more on your wake up, or at least will force the use of a different ender.

Let me know what you guys think. If this is already known, my apologies.


Don't know the Dvorah mains sorry. Also don't know if this is front page worthy or not.

Yeah it's weird alright. Thanks for exploring this more in depth :)